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Everything posted by angelsophie

  1. I did a similar post when I was starting out and everyone recomended OKS ones. I have mine now and love it. I also have a toy breed and martin will make them to your specs. I had extra bars (smaller gaps) and ones that wouldnt rub silver oh his white coat. Money very well spent
  2. all we need is deb to get a new baby min pin and kristy to get a toy and we can flood the baby class
  3. I am going at 6. If its not till 630 I will stretch toby anyway he'll be a loon from being rested although with the new baby he might just collapse with exhaustion!
  4. not sure guys I might head there about 6 and see Ash - cant wait to be in a baby line up with Jazz and Cuteso! How much fun is that gonna be! cya there
  5. Maybe I'll leave a litle trail to the car ......... at least ya know where to find him. although with the new baby hanging off tobes coat maybe I shall rethink it. She has fire in her belly she just told toby off because he had the hide to take back one of his many things she has stolen poor sparky would be quickly told too!
  6. yeah agreed much better with pics LOL were all glued to our seats ;) oooohhhhhh hurry up I need to cook dinner but cant stop watching this LOL
  7. yay not a p breed :D but it wasnt the Hav LOL Congrats to all the winners ;) Pug hopefully or any breed starting with P just to annoy you ETA oops showdog cleared it up, Congrats to the crestie...
  8. .......what day is it.................... lol ash we are doing the hills shows too toby misses you lot so will take him to training if youre not there I will have one unhappy Hav. so cuteso kiterbum peach and chase better be there. going to do groceries today so will pick up sparky a treat
  9. ohhh page 2! If we keep slipping I will be forced to bore you all with baby puppy pics!! so newcastle newbs who is training tomorrow night? And we are sorting out entries for the dynamic duo LOL whos doing what when? Bec
  10. man I hate waiting....bring on the Hav results Next year we're entering...even if we go nowhere at least I will know the results as they happen LOL By the way....LOVE that the results are posted here...awesome job guys
  11. well its about time LOTG - where are you hiding all the vic newbies?? Maybe we have it all wrong maybe you need to get to training and recruit the newbies to DOL saw the pics of lola in the other thread her coat is looking great! Bec
  12. yeah ash she matches my black and white shitzu LOL
  13. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...p;#entry4448331 welcome home jazz
  14. I'm just jealous of them - especially friday nights and windy and wet show days
  15. oooh she is pretty her mumma is such a beautifully natured girl I could have cuddled her all day at shows Hopefully she got vivi's sweet nature I hope this thread continues with little ava pics as she grows ;) Deb you must be thrilled she obviously has found a great home to have landed in, I know how much you wanted and loved this litter
  16. hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm choccie milk sounds nice right now LOL DEB I have a gorgeous head shot of chester he is purdy!! was dying to put it up in here but will email it to you! LOL
  17. HA! your mum will let me cuddle him and whisper in his ear!! Well DAH...you better be, other wise a firm smack to the side of the head will be coming your way thank you very much! Stroud YES for you! LOL didnt happen to get pug results did you whinger? No touching the clouseau this weekend seeings you are sooo mean at the puglets!!! P.s. where was my invite? you horrible horrible people!!!
  18. I am quite sure youre right. what were there 30 trolleys and about as many chis to each trolley!.................and the noise!
  19. Not sure yet for stroud?? But I did go to erskine park today for the first time - THANKYOU Deb for very kindly picking me up this morning. I had a great time playing with min pins and havs at the min pin specialties and 4P's. You daughter was a dream today like always when tobes is better we will have to head down so I can show there too My only complaint 48 pugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aye carumba! I'd like to say I wont complain about the 30 we usually get but thats not gonna happen Am now broke thanks to shopping LOL
  20. but does it work?? the stuff on the right that is how bizzare!
  21. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh HOW AWESOME!!!! well done and yep LOVE to see piccies ;)
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