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Everything posted by BaileyWei

  1. No she loves the actual car ride, she stretches out and goes straight to sleep. Sometimes she wont get out of the car at the end of the journey :rolleyes:
  2. She wears a collar all the time (with her id tags etc) the harness is mainly for car travel (to the vet, puppy school etc).
  3. Bailey my 15 week old Weimaraner HATES having her harness put on and I need some help to get her used to it or make it less of a big deal. She has never had a bad experience when it is being put on or whilst wearing it so I dont know why she is so scared. As soon as she sees her harness she runs to her kennel and lays down or runs down to the back of the yard. The harness only has 2 clips so it doesnt take long to put on, my latest trick is to give her a Peanut Butter Kong but she still squirms and tries to run away. Any advice? Here is a pic of her in her harness, she was only 9 weeks in the pic
  4. Strange vet you have, as he/she is contradicting themselves. Why would you risk it? I dont risk it as I dont feed my puppy leftovers of any kind. What he actually said was "dont feed her a plate full of onion but if you have left overs that contain a small amount of onion that is ok to feed".
  5. My vet said not to give onions but if we had some leftovers with onion in it that was fine
  6. I just looked and yellow is only $61.00 http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/home.php?cat=253 Click on the yellow box or the size selection underneath the information blurb and you will see that it's the Brown box 0-4kg that costs $61. The yellow costs $71.40 as I previously posted. The postage cost is $4.95. Oops, your right - sorry
  7. I just looked and yellow is only $61.00 http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/home.php?cat=253
  8. I have found: www.vetnpetdirect.com.au To be the cheapest for Sentinel, not sure about the brabds you are looking at.
  9. On the advice of my breeder I am only doing C3 but no certain brand.
  10. I am happy to report that for the last two days & night my puppy has not done a wee on the concrete at the back door . I cleaned with vinegar & hot water every morning if there was wee there and I sprinkled some treats on the concrete so she knew it was a feeding area not a toilet. I also moved her food & water bowl down the stairs onto the pavers about 1m from the grass. Fingers crossed it keeps working
  11. Also I forgot to say, the concrete area where she wees is right next to her food & water bowls. One would think she would not want to toilet near them! I also notice she has a big drink then moves a step or two and does a wee so maybe i should move her bowls to near the grass so she is near grass after a big drink or feed. What do you think?
  12. I am having the same problem shazza. Bailey will wee & poo on the lawn when we are outside with her but if we are not there she wees at the back door (concrete) and poo's on the grass 1/2 the time and the pavers 1/2 the time! She is only 11 weeks so we are just cleaning up (vinegar, hot water etc), taking her to the grass and praising her when she gets it right. At the breeders there was a big concrete area where they all did their wees & poos which is why I think she does it.
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