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Everything posted by casper1

  1. I'm new to the forums, and thought i'd post an issue with my dog and see if anyone else has come accross it or knows much about it. I have a 6.5 yr old Golden Labrador, who 6mths ago collapsed from a Ideopathic Pericardial Effusion (fluid in sac around heart). Up until he collapsed he was a very healthy, outgoing dog. When he collapsed we rushed him straight to the vet, who under ultrasound drained roughly 300ml of fluid from the sac surrounding his heart. He came out of it ok the next day, but then was returned back to the vet 3 days later, and they had to drain another 150ml of fluid. He has had all the blood tests, xrays, ultrasounds, EKG tests, and O2 tests with none of the tests showing any signs of cancer. Allthough the xrays show an increased heart size, but they don't know if it was always that big. Over the past 6 mths he has made a decent recovery, almost back to around 75% health i'd say. But, last week he collapsed again 5mins into a walk and was rushed to the vet. This time no fluid was present, but he has very laboured breathing/erratic panting, and seems to have relatively poor circulation. He's content at home resting, but its sad to see such a regularly outgoing labrador just sleeping most of the day. Anyone come across anything like this or know someone who has? I've now tried a Natural Vet who has perscribed some herbal remedies for blood/circulation, but not sure if its working.... Just though i'd throw it out there. Thanks.
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