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Everything posted by KaffKaff

  1. i would also be interested as in March had the exact same experience!!!! and have made a complaint to Bayer and am yet to receive a response.
  2. Hey Fran congrats on your win and glad to see you enjoyed the show ring I had the exact same problem with Ruger when i first showed as had not intended on showing at first and of course the first thing she learnt was to sit and of course did this in the ring the first time but had great experience similar to yours so still had a great day. I have heard of lots of people not teaching their dogs to sit cuz they show them but i still think sit is a very important command. As with what others have said i practiced a couple of minutes each day with her and yes she was doing the same as Luuka but i would just put my hand under her belly and keep it from going down and she caught on real quick. Once i was happy with how she mastered stand i then moved on to having her stand and let me move her feet into the correct position. She can now be told to sit stand sit stand and will do these commands...just took a lot of patience and time and now in the ring she can stack herself about 80% of the time with me not even touching her. thought i would share this as i know you know of Ruger hehhe Good luck with the shows and keep practicing
  3. This made the news last night and said that the cairns purebred english stafford terrier was lucky to be alive etc etc (same as in the paper everything wrong) and they also interviewed Knoblock quickly and she said that the pup had not eaten for 2 days before she decided to take her to the vet :D As usual the news kept on saying purebred when in fact the poor dog was anything but. I can be sure that this pup if it is from Cairns would have come from one of the many backyarders we have here breeding staffys. Every week in the paper there can be 10 or so adds claiming purebred staffy pups yet none of them come with papers and only a couple of them are lucky to be vacc n wormed yet the price ranges from approx $300 to $800 depending on colour and most are available at 6 weeks however have seen ads before with 5 wks. The quick segment then went on about the greyhound and how loyal and loving they are (a lot of greyhounds are for giveaway here atm due to racing closing down) As usual alot of incorrect facts that the public will believe because they saw it on tv and it was on the news so must be correct then
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