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Everything posted by Sunnyflower

  1. Ok good to know.. This is the colour she is getting when she passes them! I'll just put it down to being a stinky butt! :rolleyes:
  2. These puppies are beautiful!! You get puppies cuddles all the time! I want puppy cuddles all the time..
  3. I am not by any means an expert on syringo, never having seen it, but I have seen videos, read forums, read vet notes, and spoken to vets. However, what you describe sounds to me like syringo. There is a scanner in Sydney which Cav breeders (and owners) can use, and it is cheaper than most vets to have done. First you need a vet who has some experience with SM to look at him. I have no idea who that may be. Most GP vets have little experience with it, and may misdiagnose it. And I can't give you a prognosis, but some dogs do well on minimal medication, some need no medication at all, and some are quite bad, and the outcomes are very sad. He doesn't sound too bad. There is a UK forum for owners of dogs with syringo - unfortunately, I lost my computer in the fire, and no longer have the address. Someone else may have it. Don't go there until you have a positive diagnosis. It's like reading medical symptoms on the web, you are sure you have them all!! Sunnyflower, maybe contact the Cavalier Club of NSW and ask them for the name of a vet who may be able to help. If you don't have any success, pm me and I will put you in touch with a NSW breeder with some knowledge of SM. Is the murmur Mitral Valve Disease? And if it is, have you spoken to the breeder? And what was the response? I would think a full refund of purchase price at least? If breeders aren't told, they think there is nothing wrong. Sounds as if he got the short stick though, poor little guy. Jed, thank you so so much for replying, I really appreciate your help. Oscar the poor thing cannot catch a break, we often tell him we love him but he was poorly built! It makes me nervous to get another Cav after him as to see my 2 year old dog almost having to be carried home from a walk around the block is heart breaking. And I wanted to do agility... Yeah right! I will get in touch with the Cavalier Club, thank you, I wouldn't have even thought of talking to them. Once I get all the information collected I think I will PM you Jed, it would be wonderful to talk to someone that understands this. I had NO idea about this disease and my partner keeps telling me he hates his ears because he is always scratching his neck :rolleyes: . The ears are cute and they stay! We don't have ear infections we have that checked regularly but to anyone else you'd think he was riddled with fleas. Yes it is MVD and his respiratory problem is becoming worse. He snores so loud he has to sleep in the loungeroom when my partner is home but he sleeps next to my bed when he is back at the mines and his breathing becomes so shallow sometimes I wake him up because I am scared he's going to stop breathing! I have tried emailing the breeder only a couple of weeks ago and the email address bounced, I do have her phone number so I will be in contacting her tonight. I am a bit of a chicken when it comes to refunds and I love my boy dearly and even if he is breaking down I feel I have got my monies worth out of him! He is my heart and soul and everything I hoped for minus the not so great health.
  4. This is quite possible as he has quite an empty tummy. He ate around 11am Saturday morning and when I tried to feed him on Sunday he wouldn't eat so he didn't eat again until Monday night. He is only 2 years old so I don't feel as though it would be prostate related but something definitely to keep in the back of the mind. :rolleyes:
  5. nice one girls!! Love it! We've had 2 mini poops and one of probably a fraction smaller then what he normal does, however he hasn't had much put in his tummy other then raw mince so I haven't been expecting bigger ones and he does quite small ones anyways.. Poor boy must be hungry. I'm pretty sure we are on track now considering his tummy would be fairly empty but I am still keeping a firm eye on him! He is his normal bubbly self but whenever he stops to lay down I freak out and go "Oscar" to see how fast he jumps up, still really fast but now I am just worrying myself silly. :rolleyes: Whilst we are on the topic of poo, what can you tell me about a whiteish creamy coloured poo? It's coming out somewhat solid but looking maybe a little clay kind of. I have a new rescue in the past 3 days and I have her on raw chicken mince, kibble and beef bones as she loves a good chew. Her but STINKS! It is a really revolting smell that seems to linger around her butt. I wormed her last night and she is off to the vets tomorrow for desexing. Unsure if she is pregnant or not.
  6. Thanks CW EW, the walk never fails him with the bowel movents so heres to hoping.
  7. I definitely don't want a blockage! I'll pick some stuff up on my way home from work, check the yard, hopefully he has had a bowel movement by then, if not I will take him for a nice long walk, if that fails we'll be off to the vets. My poor little man
  8. The more I read of the symptoms to more I realise my boy is ticking almost every single box. Now that I know he is ticking just about 100% of the symptoms boxes whats next? Off to the vet and what tests will they run? Is there a preventative measure in terms of prolonging or pain relief for when it gets to that stage?
  9. Ouch.. Lemon would burn! perse I have zero experience in performing such a thing so I wouldn't be willing to do this to my boy. I will buy a syringe today and see how we go! I knew drinking would definitely help but I wasn't sure how to get the monster to drink more. I guess a little forceful discomfort is better then tummy cramps and possible discomfort.
  10. My boy was 2 in July and I will saddly raise my hand in the air and say that his breeder has done no benefit to the breed and my poor boy is a very poorly built Cav. He has a heart murmur already and a respiratory problem. I am wondering if he has this! I have just read the sypmtoms and Oscar is ALWAYS scratching around his neck and shoulder area but he has no fleas, when I walk him he does this funny little dance because he HAS to scratch around his shoulders, I always thought it was because of the harness and over the past 12 months I have noticed if he gets picked up he yelps. There is no damage or pain to that area if you feel it he just yelps for what we thought was no apparent reason despite the vet feeling him over. Do you think he could possibly have this disease?
  11. Gorgeous photo's and such a pretty flower.
  12. Oh really!?! I might be being a little precious but I don't know that I'd really want to be putting dishwashing liquid in his backside! Is that actually safe? This sounds like a good idea, I was smelling a lot of gas this morning probably thanks to the vegetable oil and when I went outside there was 3 fresh poo's but I have a little foster girl that arrived yesterday and I'm not sure if they are hers. Two were a very light colour which I've never seen Oscar have and the other was his usual colour so I assumed that was his. I have seperated them so I will be able to determine if he has passed it yet when I get home, but I will pick up some electrolyes on my way home, always something good to have on hand anyways. Thank you ;)
  13. Thank you chuckie. I hadn't even thought of that an he is very loyal in presenting me with that every time without fail. I'll take him for a walk in the morning. :D
  14. Thank you Sandra. I popped some vegetable oil in his dinner so hopefully that helps otherwise I'll run him up to the vets. He gets walked regularly and we run around the backyard a lot. He has a respiratory problem and heart murmur so we don't like pushing him anymore then he pushes himself.
  15. Hey Guys, My boy is constipated and I am wondering if anyone can offer me some help in home remedies. He is perfectly fine and still himself but he is trying to do poo's and you can see the struggle, he thinks he passes when he hasn't and starts scratching the ground. He did have a little bit of wind just before whilst trying but that was it. His diet hasn't changed at all for the past 4 months. Is there anything I can offer him to help him have a bowel movement or does it require a trip to the vets?
  16. a couple of reasons really, to slow them down from grabbing the lure at the end, cause if they got a hold of it they'd tear it apart, even with a muzzle some manage to grab it, the other reason is they're pretty excited and sometimes they bite, either people or other dogs. Not all whippets do it, but their blood is up and so just in case we have the muzzles on. Most of them forget they're wearing them when they chase. Evolving, I've never met a Lappie in person. Thank you Kirislin.. It all makes sense.
  17. I only just saw this thread... It is wonderful the little man is on his way to recovery! Mine and Oscar's thoughts and prayers are with him..
  18. Beautiful photos. I have to ask though, this may be a silly question - but why do Whippets have to wear the metal muzzles?
  19. Yes! of course! However, she has to be rejected as a pet therapy dog, customs dog and police dog before we would get her. Or if she has a health issue such as hip or elbow problems we could get her back (i've heard this is reasonably common). They require prefect hip and elows xrays for the dog to even be accepted into training. I am loving all the puppy photos!!! That's wonderful Aussielover... I really hope it works out for her being a worker but if not at least she has a wonderful home to go back too.
  20. All the puppies are so cute! I have all Oscar's progress photo's on another computer so can't play. Aussielover I am curious - If your little girl doesn't work out with her desired future, will you keep her as your own dog?
  21. Simple answer. RESCUE!! I had a gorgeous little Shih Tzu x Maltese with me last year and the rescue groups are always riddle with the little fluffy puppies. Advertise to her that she can get the dog that she desires that for $400 the dog comes with ALL vet work done and she has lifetime support from the rescue group. MUCH better than the $800 pup Bill Smith is going to be selling in the local paper that doesn't care about the pups or how it's life unfolds.
  22. !!! Oscar is a pain in the butt and sometimes stands at the back of the yard on his cement path and stares at me.. I call him with a cute voice... No response.. I get down low and hold my arms out and give a - "Come on monster, you know you want a cuddle"... Still staring.. "FINE STUFF YA THEN".. Inside and shut the door . I love my boy but I'm not his slave so I'll leave him for 10 minutes and come back to a goof balls nose on the door.
  23. Wizzle - Maybe you could donate these things to a local rescue! Rescue is always in need of these kinds of things.
  24. $3.75 Isn't too bad JulesP.. Completely off topic but I am not a massive meat eater, never have been really unless it is chicken. I've just started buying the soy vego sausages and they are REALLY good. I lack iron in a big way but don't enjoy eating a steak or a lot of meat so these things are perfect.
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