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Everything posted by Sunnyflower

  1. As Jed told me. Go to the UK Cavalier Clubs website. It has more extensive research on it and even some Australian Cavaliers results listed.
  2. Ok... So we're an expert but not REALLY an expert!?! Sunny Flower, it is expected when you post information from "studies" that you post a link to the study or at least give a reference to where the information comes from. For example, you would say. A recent study at Cornell Uni (Link to study) shows that Caves have a different type of MVD, which has an earlier onset then the typical MVD found in other breeds. Then we can read the study and see what it has to say. That is all I am asking for. Otherwise you have no idea if the information is in fact from a study, or was quoted correctly or perhaps incorrectly or is just someone opinion or conclusion but not proven by research, and if it is someone's opinion then you need to know what their expertise is, are they a PHD who has studied the disease or perhaps a breeder that has spent 20 years breeding cavs and following the disease affected patterns in their litters?? My questions about the SYRINGOMYELIA is again looking for the study (about A to A decreases affected pups to 1 in 4) so I can look for complete information instead of only the partial information that was presented. For example I asked what is A, someone says the best score, well what exactly is the best score, free of all anatomical and clinical symptoms? Then what is B exactly? and so forth it it goes all the way down to D score. So if breeding A to A (what ever that is) is producing 1 in 4 affected, then how much better is that then breeding a B to an A or B to B or C to a B. You also really need to know the baseline % of affected pups in the general population of random litters before you know if you are making any headway in test litters. Do you see what I mean? Someone else said that the screening and breeding A litters was the way to find the genes. This is not really how the genes will be found. The first thing you need to determine in pattern of inheritance and that is exactly what the information above I was asking for would begin to show. If you breed 2 A together and get 1 in 4 affected and if you breed 2 D's together (are their Ds??) and you get 100% affected, then you are beginning to pull out some of the information that will help predict the pattern of inheritance. so you need to know what the level of affected pups in all breedings. With out this you are looking for a needle in a zillion straw haystack Why do I feel like I am being schooled??
  3. tlc I personally think your guys will be fine if you take them out right before you leave and obviously as soon as you get home! I am in this same dilemma for the next 14 days until Oscar's booster kicks in as the vet said he isn't allowed in the backyard after the parvo incident. 10 hours my boy is going to be stuck in there whilst I have to work. I have no option and no one to take him potty.
  4. You will find Bet Hargreaves on quite a few dog forums preaching the same thing day after day .... and usually constantly "breeder bashing" the UK Cavalier breeders. When the going gets tough she will retreat to a forum where those she criticizes have no right of reply as they are not allowed to join that forum. Often BH will misquote or take completely out of cpntext what people have said ... and rarely posts corrections. To my knowledge she has never breed Cavaliers and I believe she has not owned one for some time. Ok... So we're an expert but not REALLY an expert!?!
  5. UNfortunately the Type of MVD the Cavalier Breed suffers from , the Cavaliers have it at a much younger age than any other TOY Breed. Can you sight a study or information that shows what different type of MVD the caves have in contrast to what other breeders have? Bet you can tall us about yourself? Do you breed Cav's or have you ever bred Cavs or any other breed? Are you an expert on these problems in cavs or only making sure the word is spread in Australia? If you feel you know something about this information on health you are passing on, why did you not address the questions I asked at the begining of this thread? Here they are again Bet, for those who not up on it, What is "A" ? What is the precentage of dogs tested in the general population that are "A". Another words of 100 dogs tested, how many would be A's? So what they found was if you bred 2 'A' dogs together, that 1 out of 4 pups was affected? Do they (who is they?) believe that one in 4 is an improved rate on a previose rate? What was that rate? What is the current rate of affected dogs in litters that are from random parents (parents not tested and found to be 'A'), is it higher than one in four? Any further sugestions on reducing it down from 1 in 4 affected rate? It is always correct when sighting a study to add the link to the study so we can read it for ourselves. Ease up cowboy!! I haven't read all the post he has been posting but if my memory serves me correctly he is from the UK and if he does have anything to do with breeding Cavaliers from the knowledge I have been informed of from Jed and the Cavalier Club of NSW the UK is far more up to speed with this disease then any other Country and they have funds to help breeders MRI scan their dogs. Don't discount everything he is saying or have a verbal bash. My knowledge is very limited but when speaking to Janine from the Cavalier Club it was said the dogs are scored with letters. A obviously being the best and I assumed D being the worst. Clearly the best we can breed together are two A's and that would no guarantee a perfect litter without the potential of this disease but it reduces the risk to a point where you'd hope/think none of the pups can get it but anythings possible. This is why they are trying to MRI scan ALL registered breeders breeding stock so they can find out the DNA of where this is coming from so they can pinpoint the line and stop the breeding of it! Hence why the do cheap MRI days but unfortunately not many people are taking it up, only the people genuinely out there to improve the breed, not just to breed and show.
  6. Thanks Kiesha but I know they aren't in my home! I live on tiles and as he is an inside outside dog they are always vacuumed and mopped with bleach. I have had flea problems since I have lived here due to the sandy soil and know exactly how they work. The fleas haven't come up from the soil yet as it hasn't been warm enough and they aren't in my home, I've had a rescue dog that has come in that was riddled with them and he has got them off her. I had heard that there was something on the market and it can cause nausea for them and I wondered if it was this but wasn't sure. I will give it to him tonight and keep an eye on him! I haven't found a single flea treatment that I am happy with so this is wonderful news.
  7. Thanks.. I am a pro at Flea's as I have this problem every year as I live in sandy soil! Definitely no fleas in the rest of my home or his bedding completely restricted to just him! Hence why I am asking about Comfortis as it is fairly new and does the job fabulously before having an infestation. Definitely no tapeworm either, he is wormed every 2.5 months and we were only in the vets yesterday. Thanks anyways. :D So I have heard. I don't need to go over board on drugging him up when this simple pill can sort him out. I take it you've had wonderful results with it aussielover? Bub - This is exactly what I had read. Only stumbled across it the other day in the vets and have been reading great reviews. I need to get my grubby paws on it before the fleas think the rest of the house looks good.
  8. Try the capstar for immediate relief.... and get the comfortis on friday when the funds are available. This is an option but it is still $25 a pack here and it's only $60 for the 6 pack of Comfortis. My $180 unexpect vet bill today got me a good! I have seen this and will do it in future but unfortunately with my dog only allowed out of my house to go toileting due to a rescue bringing Parvo in my yard getting the Comfortis is urgent. Wonderful idea, I shall do that first thing. Another option would be buy the comfortis online..you can buy it far cheaper then from a vets.
  9. Try the capstar for immediate relief.... and get the comfortis on friday when the funds are available. This is an option but it is still $25 a pack here and it's only $60 for the 6 pack of Comfortis. My $180 unexpect vet bill today got me a good! Wonderful idea, I shall do that first thing.
  10. I'm curious to know if you can buy Comfortis in singles or 3 packs at least? Needing some ASAP as Oscar is riddled with fleas and don't have the funds for the 6 packs until Friday.
  11. I'd say do it. It's only $20 difference and like others said - They don't have to be in a kennel to contract it. There is still a risk with everything but it doesn't hurt reducing the chances.
  12. Great idea - maybe you could write and suggest it to them Wonderful idea.
  13. Being a Vizsla she is going to be highly intelligent, these dogs are on a different intelligence scale and if trained correctly which is gentle but firm training she will learn quickly! As already stated she is only a puppy and has a tiny bladder. The whimper could also be she has just been taken away from Mum and the litter mates. Give her a teddy that will become a security thing and a hot water botter wrapped in a blanket (so she doesn't get burnt) and this should also keep her a little calmer as it will feel like the warmth of her litter mates. As FHRP has said - PLEASE Don't bang on the door! Picture yourself locked in a cage in a room in a strange place having the door being banged, it would scary the hell out of you! We had a 16 monthh old Vizsla with us for the weekend that we intended on adopting that sadly didn't work out only 6 weeks ago, they are amazing dogs. We have our name on a waiting list from where the 16 month old came from and we'll be getting our one in September next year roughly.. So excited. Most of all enjoy the pup and remember she is only a baby. I look forward to seeing photos.. What is her name?
  14. I guess its luck that in August an MRI became available for use here at the University. Before that you would have to fly the dog to Brisbane to get scanned, so it has become cheaper but still over $1000-00. Unfortunately even if they thought my cav had SM we couldnt afford the MRI. Liath - I think when we decide to bring a pet into our home we need to be prepared to look after them to a certain cost, and I think being realistic $1000 is pretty fair in terms of vet costs! I completely agree it isn't cheap but if my partner and I couldn't save our money (which is exactly what we are having to do, go without until we have the money together) I think I would have to find it in our hearts to surrender him to the Cavalier Club who would be willing to put him through his tests and find him a new home to be fair to him. As Jed has said and all the research states, this is a very horrible and painful disease, to potentially know your dog is in pain is in my opinion a form of cruelty. We have a duty of care to these guys!
  15. I've only just learnt of this disease 2 days ago and already have my boy booked in for an MRI but he is showing a number of symptoms. From what I have read it sounds like your boy is fine but google Neurology for pets or something along those lines and it will pop up. I had a heap of Melbourne clinic's show up. :p
  16. spot on Jed ... of course we see the media sensationalism of dogs in pain... BUT ... as you say - there are many that have a syrinx that do become symptomatic. with regards to costs.... through the NSW CKCSC I think the cost is around $750, when I had one of my boys done a few years back it was $1000 and I also had to fly to Sydney. I just called the Cavalier Club this morning and booked my boy in for their next MRI day. It is $770+GST. I have a quote for $1500 plus a $181.50 specialist fee else where.
  17. Jed - Thank you for that link, funnily enough that is the one I saw last night which is what made it all hit home. I wrote down his symptoms today. - Scratching - Bunny hopping (on lead and just around the home) - Yelping - Paw licking - Fly chasing (real ones and imaginary ones) - Walks with a bend in his back end - Rubs his face all the time on the rug I could have just a little weirdo for a dog but after seeing footage of other Cavs with the disease I don't want to kid myself. I need to have him checked out to diagnose him as a weirdo or something else.
  18. I'd say leather too! It does get cold but warms up rather quickly. If it is cold you can always lay a blanket down before sitting/laying! Much better then vacuuming, sticking taping and washing for hours for it to still only have hair in it!
  19. Not your fault at all. It was her responsibility to register ALL pups from the litter. The fact that he is not registered says a lot about her ethics though. Papers may seem unimportant to a pet owner, but it is still the responsibility of the breeder to register the pup. Thank you Jed, your help is definitely helping me deal with this in a reasonable fashion. I was quite the upset mess last night at the prospect but now I know it's down to business. I am thankful for this thread otherwise we would be completely unaware. You are right about the breeder though, it is her responsibility to register her pups! The silence and no reply from her yells a thousand words though..
  20. Good luck, let us know how your little man goes. Thank you Miss B, I'll be sure to keep you guys updated. I had to drop the rescue girl I've got off to the vets today and asked their thoughts and opinions. They said they actually have a Cav they have been treating for quite some time that has SM and many other diseases and he was displaying the exact same symptoms. I had to keep it short to get to work but I will be speaking with the vet directly who 12 months ago finished her neurological studies. They said they want to bring him in and do xrays and if they still feel it's that they will give me a referal to a neuro specialist in Sydney. I will ensure to send her copies of everything to her! She is failing to reply to my emails now that I asked where she got the dogs from. I want to inform the kennel she got her dogs from that she is breeding because clearly unlike stated and price paid he's not registered! My own fault, I should have got the papers but I felt it was of no importance and it still isn't of importance but I would like to inform whoever she got her 'Australian Champions' from that she is breeding them for a buck!
  21. My boy had similar symptoms. He would frequently cry as he scratched at his head and neck (he didn't have fleas). He would shy away if you went to pat him on the head, and yelp when you picked him up. Took him to the specialist for an MRI scan, he doesn't have syringomyelia but he does have Caudal Occipital Malformation Syndrome. He is on daily corticosteroids, and will probably remain on the medication for life. Thank you for that information Miss B. There is something definitely wrong with my boy and after the help from Jed I spoke to our vet and they agreed with what Jed said and I also watched videos and Oscar displays the exact same symptoms. Someone has said that maybe all he needs to see is a chiro, I will bring this up with the vet we go to see that has extensive knowledge of this disease but I honestly don't believe that is what it is. Oscar displays 5 - 6 symptoms (need to count) and has for some time, I just had no idea. Thankfully my family are going to help me with his vet costs.
  22. You've gotta love a good brown gift! I am pleased to announce that Oscar has delivered the goods!! We're back on track (literally) and he gobbled all his dinner up he was that hungry.. Thank you for all the advice guys! Ella (Rescue girl) must have been surviving on bones. Her poopies are now half and half which is good.
  23. Jed - I've spoken to the breeder and she said that his Dad only recently passed away at 12 years old simply from old age and that his Mum is still healthy at 7 years old and she has never had any health issues and has never heard from other puppies owners she has sold to. She said the parents and grand parents are Australian Champions and they have no history of any of these diseases he has. She has never heard of this disease. No offer of support just basically wiping her name off the responsibility map. I don't feel as though she will be rushing out to test the rest of her breeding stock or dogs either. I think you were right about how you felt she would be despite being extremely polite and politically correct. More than anything I am so thankful this thread has been posted and I have become aware of this disease that Oscar is showing signs of, at least this way we can now go get him checked out and have it dismissed or confirmed and get him onto treatment to keep his quality of life the best we can. I'm going to call the Cavalier Club when I get a chance and I shall PM you now Jed in regards to your friend who knows a lot of the disease. My partners friend has a friend that owns a vet in Bondi and Newtown so he is going to contact him for help in pointing us in the right direction. We'll get Oscar down to Sydney for the scan over the next month when I am taking time off work.
  24. Ok good to know.. This is the colour she is getting when she passes them! I'll just put it down to being a stinky butt! :rolleyes: When my boy was on a soley raw diet his poop was white and didn't smell.... My mum just emailed me to say my 'grandma' girl (14yo), Tash is all constipated.. I've passed on some of the comments from here.. Hopefully she'll be back to normal by the time I go to visit her on Saturday. Have suggested a trip to the vets if she's not better tomorrow. I'm not sure what the rescue girl was eating prior to coming in. Being in the pound then someone elses, what her diet is anyones guess. Oh, I hope your girl gets better. It's not good for any dog to be constipated but definitely not for an old girl. Fingers crossed she improves.
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