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Everything posted by Sunnyflower

  1. I'm so sorry to hear this CM. I only just saw this thread! I have tears for you and Texas. I used to have a boy just like him we found as a stray we lost. Sweet dreams gorgeous boy! He is pain free and waiting for you. xxx
  2. ESCS - Sorry, I didn't realise you were using it in conjunction with anything else! I cannot definitely see what crisovar and wuffles mean when using it as a quick treatment in conjunction with your monthly flea control. I too did hear that Comfortis can upset the dogs tummies and I also was a little hesitant but we had a really bad flea problem and nothing was working so it was worth the shot and he had no reactions at all! I do need to give my boy credit than I do because after he was desexed he walked out of the vets like nothing had ever happened and we only got him done in Jan over the age of 2. Good luck.
  3. Yes it is essentially! It's just a different brand. Capstar (either brand) only works for a 24 hour period though and all the fleas come back so almost a bit of a waste of money. Spend the money on Comfortis as it last longer than a month and if you buy it offline it's $60 for 6 month supply.
  4. Great to hear it worked so well Rysup and your Amstaff has got relief. Oscar was exactly the same, spot ons, regular washing, bombing, vacuuming and spraying the yard was doing nothing! And treating more than one dog wouldn't be cheap but I honestly don't believe I will have to give Oscar another tablet until next flea season. It's such a new product they are really only learning themselves the extend it can go, but every other flea treatment is monthly so I guess to be safe they say use it monthly. I will give Osc another tablet when I see fleas on him but nothing yet and we are heading into our 7th week. Definitely worth every penny because I too was sick of being bitten.
  5. Definitely worth the buying FlyingFurball. I was thinking it wasn't going to work because I expected an instant fix because of all the hype with this stuff but give it a few days to really kick in and you'll notice it! I know it's roughly $85 at the vets and if for some reason I couldn't get it off the web I would be more than happy to spend the $85 at the vets. Honestly, you won't be disappointed. Poor little baby! Cannot imagine seeing the little guy in such a state! So glad to hear your parents dog has had such a massive turn around with this product. I can only imagine there are so many other people who have had the same fantastic results. I'm so happy this product is finally on the market, it really is a wonder tablet! Heres to hoping the little suckers don't become immune to this one.
  6. Hey Guys, I know it has been ages since I started this thread but thought I would pop in and give my FULL recommendations to anyone thinking about buying Comfortis that already hasn't. This stuff is AMAZING! It may not be said to kill the entire life cycle but Oscar has not had a single flea within 24 hours of giving him the tablet which was 6 weeks ago. It says it is only meant to last a month but 6 - 7 weeks later still no fleas on Oscar. I could not be happier about it! I bought it of VetnPet Direct for $60. I also put our little Devon kitty on Revolution and these two combined we haven't had a single flea since mid Jan. I have had serious flea problem every warm season since living in this house due to sandy soil! The first summer I have had relief since living here..
  7. I was actually wanting the same help for my little Cavalier. Oscar got desexed back on the 4th of Jan (He's 2.5 years) and prior to being desexed eating for him was like me trying to scrub his mouth out with soap! He wasn't interested really in food so always looked good as he only ate enough to get by. I've noticed over the last two week we are a fatty! He has lost all definition and looks a little keggy. Probably not as bad as some but I don't like fat dogs. He is fed half a handful of Nutro Kibble and about 150 - 200grams of raw chicken mince. That's it! I have reduced the mince down even more so but he is hunting the house high and low for food. He was eating the kittens food and we only caught on a few days after so his bowls are up high and out of Oscar's way! I think I will go chop up some carrots when I get home.
  8. BEAUTIFUL!! I have always wanted one of these guys... One day!
  9. He has always had a shedding problem, but the Summer months he is worse. I was denial about the asthma and sons allergies being related, but both flared up during our first Summer with him and then went away during the cooler months and returned again. Now it's returned with a vengeance and Ollies shedding seems worse too. I can't clip him as he has a double thick short coat. His shedding isn't the usual pug shedding, he has an actual "problem". I just can't imagine ever saying goodbye to him you know? He's got such a wonderful personality and awesome smile. he grabs my wrists for a pat and follows me around everywhere. He checks the mail with me and follows me to the bins outside. He never runs off.. he never bites, rarely barks... He's the perfect dog :D :p Are you 100% sure? honestly it sounds to me like normal pug shedding (pug shedding is hard to get ya head around until you actually live thru it with pug hair on EVERYTHING) and with it being end of winter start of summer its time for their coat drop. I would suggest you get him diagnoised by a vet if you havent already. Really if you are going to rehome him and he is sick or does have a prolem the new owers need to be full aware of what they are dealing with, I would hate for Ollie to be rehomed then rehomed again and again if he really does have a bad shedding issue. Completely agree! Before I got Oscar and I did my 360 before coming back to the Cavalier I read everywhere that Pugs are HUGE shedders which I was completely shocked about as I never would have picked it. As Sammy said though, if you are actually going to rehome him I think you need to find out what the real problem is. I am surprised your Cavalier isn't affecting you either! Oscar seriously sheds like a mofo and unless he is clipped I have tumble weeds going through my house 5 minutes after and he still leaves hair lying around when he's clipped.
  10. :D Sorry to hear this puggerup. Has he always had a shedding problem and how come it's only affecting you guys now? To my understanding pugs are big shedders and that's one of the reasons that turned me away from them. I know how much hair can affect people. I get hayfever a bit and it drives me nuts so I clip Oscar but my bestfriend is highly allergic to dogs and her face and throat swell. I know it's time for her to leave when I see her dragging her fingers across her throat.
  11. I'd say Paw Paw Cream too! I often put that on Oscar's paw when he has licked it too much to sooth it. Seems to work a treat.
  12. This is how Oscar gets his ear infections from baths. He now goes to the groomers when he needs a good head/ear scrub.
  13. Oscar too gets ear infections - He has one at the moment and is having Surolan put in his ear twice daily. I have researched and putting a TSP of Apple Cider Vinegar in their dinner can help with keeping it at bay. Go to the health food shop though and get the real stuff, not the super market stuff. That stuff is magic for a lot of things.
  14. Glen20.. That stuff is my bestfriend. I spray it into the couch, the rug, curtains. Anything fabric. If you have a rug buy the foam cleaners and do it regularly. Burn scented candles and try and open the house up when you can. Clean their bedding regularly.
  15. I've got a boy now and I used to have a girl but I really don't care what sex I have! We are getting a Vizsla next year and I was saying I want a girl but to be honest I don't really care. I think I am starting to lean towards the boys more though. They're not hormonal
  16. Because she doesn't show her dogs. She's really lovely, very knowledgeable about the breed and dogs in general, imported one of her stud dogs to diversify the gene pool she was using....he is Benson's dad.....but her agenda isn't that of the show world. However, a bitch from one of the early litters she bred took out RBCC at the age of 10 in last Saturdays Aussie speciality champ show, and that is no mean feat for any breeder. So although she doesn't show, her dogs are definitely not unrepresented in the ring, and many of them do brilliantly and have multiple titles in other arenas such as agility, obedience and herding. I personally don't think it matters if a breeder shows or not and I think it's the shallow minded that feel only someone who shows is a good breeder. If your breeder breeds because she has a passion for the breed and she is improving and contributing to the quality of Aussie sheps in Australia then in my opinion that is worth more credit then someone that just shows their dogs and breeds with anything without much thought. Your breeder to me sounds like a wonderful breeder.
  17. I didn't know what questions to ask back in 2008 and as a result I have a boy who is carrying a few health issues and quite possibly one very serious one that requires and MRI to confirm. However now I know exactly what I am wanting / looking for and when I found this perfect breeder I still wasn't entirely sure but when she answered every question that needed answering without being asked because she purely and simply loved and breathed these dogs that was it for me! She got into the breed knowing full well she needed to invest time and money into the breed for better health and breed improvements and the results she has got is a complete testament to her hard work. We are waiting as long as it takes to get a puppy from them and really hoping it's this time next year but if it's 2 years away that's fine because this breeder is perfect.
  18. Maybe. My boy is an only child and whenever I am home he has the run of inside or outside but when it rains or storms I always look us both inside! He isn't stressed if we are home it's only when he is on his own!
  19. I didn't think my boy was scared of storms until he went missing for 24 hours. Managed to somehow get out in a crack about 15cm wide and get the steal mesh that was attached the the brick stuck around his neck, broke it off the brick and get stuck under the house! I still wasn't convinced it was because of the storm until my neighbours told me he moved the BBQ,plank of timber, steal mesh and 5m shade cloth from under the house to get under there to hide! Now we know he is terrified of them we will just have to try and rush home to get him in, leave him inside if they are forecasting storms and we know we aren't going to be home or get the neighbours to put him inside.
  20. Thank you Bub, that is EXACTLY what I want to hear!! I will definitely order it offline tonight and hopefully get it by Monday. The reviews I have read are really good.
  21. Hi Bub, I can only buy them in a 6 pack and online they are $55 and at the vets they are $85 so I am going to have to wait till tomorrow until I can afford it an order it online! They said they don't sell them individually anymore because they don't have the information in the box for every tablet! I understand that but they could photocopy it for me my bank account would greatly appreciate it!
  22. Look my posts X2 were both directed to the OP. Both times I was asking for the study links or more information about the study so that I know what they are talking about. I still have not recieved any links to the study stating that 1 affected out of 4 pups on A to A breedings was an improvment over what?, nor on the study that shows that cavs have a different type of MVD than other breeds. I can not become educated with just bits of selected information, I would like to read the studies. I was not schooling anyone, just trying to explain why I was asking for it. So you do not need to read or respond to my requests for the links to the studies, and you certainly do not need to read the studies if a link is ever posted if you do not care to read them. I will not post directed at you again. That's fine. I don't have any direct links but it is pretty simple to go on google and google these things. It's the exact same way anyone is going to pull links up for. Best website like already stated is the UK Cavalier Club website. Just google that and it will give you the link. OR YouTube Syringomyelia and it brings up videos of vets talking about it.
  23. Thanks. As already stated my house get vacuumed daily and mopped regularly. As much as twice this week, once last night and will be again and again seen I had a dog come in from Parvo. My yard gets treated regularly as recent as a week ago and my dog got flea rinsed and clipped on the weekend. Plus my house was bombed. My house is fine. Thanks, got that all sorted, now just trying to sort the dog! Got it sorted anyways.
  24. tlc - The vet said I can let him into our backyard 14 days as of yesterday. So Tuesday Fortnight. Until his booster vaccine has taken full affect. I've been given Trigene so I am going to spray the yard either tonight or on the weekend. If he hasn't shown signs of Pavo by this time next week I think it's safe to say by that weekend he should be ok to go into the yard.
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