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Everything posted by Sunnyflower

  1. We just wanted to thank everyone for your support and guidance. No one not even my fiancee or my vet could tell me to make the fateful decision but with the help of this thread it made me open my eyes. We have one more week with Oscar and next Saturday we will say our last good byes to my beautiful boy! We could be wrong but it seems as though the medication has actually sped up the disease. He cannot jump on the bed, lounge or in the car anymore, we have to lift him on/in. He is tripping up the front steps almost every time he goes up them now and he never walks up them he runs so he is smacking his little head. He was always the biggest pain to get to eat and now since being on meds there isn't enough food around, the only time he is happy is when he is getting food or searching (literally) the house for it, other than that he is a sad sack. Thank you again guys, If I hadn't of asked the question and got the help I would be telling myself he is ok when it's very apparent he isn't.
  2. So so sorry Noisymina. RIP beautiful girl. Big hugs to you guys!
  3. Sunnyflower I believe that a pup and a baby are not a problem, unless they arrive on the same day, :laugh: One time Missymoo had a litter and a new baby. :D :D :D :D Thank you for the positive support BB. They definitely wouldn't be arriving on the same day ! WOW - Go Missymoo.. Now that is a good effort. I am the controller of my home and how things operate and I am not saying it's going to be a walk in the park but if you want something badly enough you make it work. Thank you CL. I broke down in the shower earlier knowing tomorrow I have to call my vet to book in for the last kiss. I am struggling with this. I was actually surprised with the response I got when I showed my Fiancee Cockers. See what happens! Your girl sounds gorgeous and very sweet! I find lappies cute but I never personally have looked at them and thought I would like to own one, one day. Maybe I just need to learn a little more about them. They sound like little sweethearts! Thank you MTS. There is a lot of emphasis going on about the amount of shedding Goldens do. This really isn't an issue so me. Oscar is a Cavalier and despite being smaller then a Golden he does leave a lot of hair lying around! My brother also has a Golden and I have seen how much Jeda sheds, it is of no shock or surprise to me and not something I am stressing about. Hair shedding isn't or any concern. Thanks AL. I am sure in a lot of respects English Pointers are a lot quieter than Vizsla's but for personal preference and in terms of look/family if I was to get a Pointer I would rather get a Vizsla. I am aware all young dogs are bouncy and have more energy, I have had dogs all my life and my Mum & Pop used to breed and show dogs so I have had four legged crazies knocking me over from the day I was born. We don't want and overly demanding dog however we still want a dog that wants to be played with and walked/run. My hope was to find a dog with the same disposition as a Cavalier, it appears to be that the wires are getting crossed in terms of what we are hoping for. As already stated we won't be getting an older rescue dog we want a puppy. I used to foster/rescue and I lost my last one due to parvo and at the moment we want a puppy. Greyhounds are sweet dogs however not for us. Thank you Nevafollo - I do find the pointers to be beautiful dogs and I am sure Pointers and Vizsla's are vastly different dogs and the Vizsla's I have meet were beautiful easy to live with dogs however were more demanding than something of say a Golden or Cav. The best way to describe them was attention seekers . Hilarious to watch but they seriously demanded your focus at all times! I am not sure if pointers are the same but I am more drawn to the fluffies I must admit!
  4. Missymoo - Thank you .. I do like the look of Brittany's, shall do my research though. Benshiva - Thank you . I do love Cockers and before my Pop started breeding and showing Cardigan Corgi's he had cockers but his last one got stolen and it was his favourite one and couldn't bear to have another! I'm not sure Cockers are for us though. DBT - Italian Spinone. Sounds like an interesting dog. Shall do some reading. SmoothieGirl - Thank you, it is a really horrible time but I to a degree have found a little peace in the decision which is why I am going to stop fighting it for him! He seems ok and better but he will only ever get worse so I don't want to prolong the inevitable when we he still has some pain. Regarding the clipping of the dog it's not something I would initially set out to do but if it came down too it or simply got too hot! I was told to never clip Oscar and their coat is very similar coat and Oscar wasn't handling the heat so I clipped him the last two summers and there was relief for him straight away and there was hardly any hair around the house. It does no harm and hasn't destroyed his coat! My brother & sis in law clip their Golden Jeda with no issues and has since she was young and she is now 8 and so does her parents with their golden. Dee Lee - We currently do live with the shedding so it will be nothing new! The broom rarely comes out except for when I know people are coming over! Hence why I got a non shedding cat.. Ahhh it's awesome! We want a familiar friendly dog and I do feel as though a Golden will be all that. Budgiew - This is the current discussion of me getting another Cav and we get the Vizsla later on as I want a Vizsla, I am the one that got him interested in the breed. Vizsla's are wonderful dogs but even the most beautifully trained Vizslas/dogs need a lot from their owners, they are quite demanding dogs. I like things in pairs for some reason I work well so one dog and one cat seems to work nicely for me so I want to get the right dog next that if it ends up as an only child we are happy with our choice. My fiancee had a Golden until he was 3 and as his Dad's a pilot they moved to the UK and he has only had cats since. He will give the training a good hard crack but I will always be the main carer of our animals, I've grown up with most animals and it's just my forte. Quickasyoucansay - Thank you I am hearing myself say it is the one of the kindest things we can do for our four legged friends but I don't know how much I believe it but I don't want him in pain and our intervention hasn't helped that to the level it should! Regarding timing - As stated we AREN'T rushing out to get a puppy tomorrow. I have a time frame I am happy for a new dog to come in before bub and if the right pup doesn't come up in that time frame then it waits till around Christmas. At this stage I am doing my research and wanting thoughts on breeds as I have grown up with a lot of breeds but aside from a Cavalier the others I have grown up with have varied from Maltese, Shih tzu - Kelpie - Boxer - Pitbull (Prior to BSL) an I'd love a boxer but that too comes under Vizsla and I don't want/can't have the other breeds. We will only bring a puppy in. I used to foster and volunteer in rescue so it's not something I haven't thought of but I want a puppy my fiancee wants a puppy so a puppy it is. I also want to choose the breeder as to where it comes from as it HAS to be the right breeder as I want to try and avoid the same avoidable health problems we are going through with Oscar. Showdog - I will look up the Welsh Springer. I do think I have looked at these before and liking them. Corvus - Kivi sounds like a very entertaining dog.. Marcus loves the look of Huskies and Lappies look similar so I shall show him! CK - I love Cockers but I don't think they are for us. I too love the description of Velcro dog which is what has drawn us to them. I had the pleasure of 'trialling' a 16 month old male Vizsla last year from a top breeder and despite it not working out with him and Oscar he was just divine! And the breeder was amazing too and could not have been a more honest advocate for the breed. Tom - I said the same but having to give my boy his wings weeks before his 3rd birthday has not only taught me a very hard and expensive lesson but I am a very sentimental person and as much as I want another Cav I don't know if I can just replace that closely. MRB - I like the sounds of the Welsh Springer.. I was only looking deeply into Oscar's eyes before and melted in his beautiful eyes. He probably thought I was a freak but he already knows that.. Cassie - LOVE LOVE LOVE the Bernese. My dream dog is a Greater Swiss and I have fallen for the Bernese. Marcus likes the Greater Swiss has he isn't a fan of the long hair but I think I could sway him... I have felt Jealous of you and your boy on a few occasions. Budgiew - If we are going to get a Pointer we may as well get a Vizsla. We haven't ruled out getting another Cav but would possibly like a bigger dog with similar disposition!! I agree. Sunnyflower if clipping out the dog every summer is the plan, I'd not go a GR or Flat Coat. Get a dog with shorter hair. Now, I know it's contentious, and its not something that I personally would do have done (yet), but I have met several goldies who are regularly clipped and it hasn't done them any harm. I have been envious when told the huge difference it has made to the hair around the house. I decided on a GR wholly for the temperament and if the shedding is a deciding factor then I don't have a problem with them being clipped.
  5. Thank you budgiew. We want something similar to a Cavalier so as PF said that rules out the majority of spaniels and definitely a beagle. Beagle is smaller then we are wanting and require a lot more time then a Cavalier/Golden. I've shown Marcus Clumber Spaniels not for any particular reason but neither of us like the look of these dogs. Personal preference, same applies to the setters really. Shedding of the golden is an issue as such as it's easy cleaning shedding and same texture coat of the Cavalier. I also personally clip in summer and could keep it short all year round with a warm house and rug. I think so far as PF and you suggested - The golden and Flat Coat Retriever.
  6. They ain't spaniels!! I don't think their temperament is much like a CKCS either ;) Actually I dont think any of the spaniels is much like a CKCS - most are very 'busy' dogs and grooming wise all are far more work than a Cavalier. Yes - We don't want a dog that is going to be over demanding or completely pushy. Agreed at times any dog is but I find Oscar doesn't mind what he is doing as long as he is with us he is happy. I don't want a busy dog as PF puts it.
  7. RV & MTD - I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the spaniels however Marcus not so much! However he is a cat man and only likes guy looking dogs. I keep telling him he's not getting one . He does like to research the breeds I like though so I might get him to do this. PF - You are definitely right and I won't be bringing anything in until after we have given Oscar his kisses. You are 100% right and I want to make the next couple of weeks the happiest weeks of his life. He maybe getting a little porky but I'm really not fussed! I will definitely have a look at the Flat Coat Retriever. We'll sit down and have a read tonight and see what Marcus thinks. Whippets are beautiful dogs and I reckon I could do with some whippet therapy, I can see what Marcus would say though. Our old neighbour had one called Zip and she was so cute and bloody fast!! Spotty - Thank you, he is laying next to me so at least for now he is happy, uncomfortable no doubt but he is with me. I was saying to Marcus that Dalmatians can be a lot of dog and maybe for now probably come under the category of the Vizsla. The one he says 3 times a week is a 12 year old so he doesn't get to really see when they are in their prime. However the fact they get on with cats is a big thumbs up as Cino is Marcus's pride and joy and Cino is going to be seriously lost without Osc as they do literally everything together. FFAK - Briard.. Never heard of them! I will do some reading. Are they as demanding as say a Vizsla? Bjelkier - All the ones I have met have been done but beautiful dogs and very pleasant to be around. Marcus's parents got one when he was born and they were best friends. They have photos of him sleeping in her basket with her. Becks - I have considered this and every other aspect of bringing a puppy in aside from having a baby and as said pending on the right dog is when it will come in. New pup either comes very soon or a couple of months after bub or around Christmas time. Sure babies are demanding and I am sure there are going to be times where the pup has to sit to the side for maybe that day or only for a few hours but I am not going to put a halt on everything in my life because of bub, I do deserve to have the happiness a dog brings in too. My fiancee's Mum went BACK to work 3 weeks after he was born and took her with him, if it's in your mind and heart then anything can be done! I firmly believe that.
  8. Thank you RF. Very sad but I am slowly coming to terms with the impending decision. A Golden does seem to tick a lot of the boxes.
  9. Some of you may have seen my recent thread regarding my Cavalier who has SM and despite treatment it hasn't been successful so it's looking like we are going to have to put my boy to rest within the next couple/few weeks. We've increased one of his medication and it has helped a little but there is still signs of pain so I've decided I am not going to fight it as it's only for me not for him. With this in mind a lovely DOLer has recommended bringing another one in to help heal the pain and hopefully before Oscar departs. The reality is I have always had a dog and I won't last long before the desire/need to get another, my life feels empty without dogs in it. We've had our name on a waiting list for a Vizsla for nearly 12 months but at this stage we haven't been given confirmation of a mating anyways and we feel this will likely be too much dog for the moment. My fiancee doesn't want a little dog again, he wants a medium - large dog and I too would be happy with this however I want the happy, cuddly and infectious personality a Cavalier has but in a bigger body. I want a dog that is going to want to be apart of the family because unfortunately they have no option but to be. Oscar sleeps inside and is inside when we are home otherwise set up outside. We aren't planning on rushing out tomorrow to get another dog but I would at least like to know where we are headed for the near future - future. My Fiancee wanted me to jump on here and for the more knowledgeable people to help us out. So far we have come up with is - Golden Retriever - My brother & Sis In Law has one and so does her parents. Beautiful dogs. Dalmatian - Family friend has one and can't speak highly enough of them - I am not so sure. Then there is always my trusty Cavalier. I love Cavs but I have to at least consider my fiancees feelings if nothing else.
  10. I agree with megan's thoughts. Oscar can hold on but is usually doing a little dance by the time I get home or once the excitement of me being home has worn off I tell him to go potty. Do you have a back covered verandah or anything you can put his kennel under? I've moved Oscar's up on the front covered Verandah and he is very happy in there.
  11. Thank you Corvus. Hearing positive thoughts like this makes me feel stronger and know that I am doing the right thing by him. Thank you B xx Thank you KHM. The help and support that has been offered here is more than I could have hoped for. It really does suck Tom but as you say it is the kindest thing. Seems so strange to me but it is completely right.. Thank you. Thank you Shelby, it really does make me feel like I am not a bad owner when I am being told I am in fact a caring owner. I love him so much and will miss him more than words can ever describe. I am sorry you had to part with your girl, I am sure she is by your side in spirit every day. My vet returned my call late this afternoon and he agreed that the kindest thing to do by Oscar would be to put him at rest and out of pain. First he wants to up the dose of his quarterzone tablets to 4 a day and see what happens there. If that doesn't help or he is still experiencing any pain then we will give him his wings! We have two weeks worth of this medication left but doubling it is a weeks worth so if it isn't helping within the week I guess in a week or two we will say goodbye to this very special boy. So close to his 3rd Birthday too.
  12. Thank you guys. The support means the world! Still waiting on the vet to call me back. No doubt they are very busy after a few days off last week.
  13. So sorry to hear this K9 Angel.. Rip in peace beautiful Jay Jay
  14. Thank you pipsmum. I hope one day you get to experience the love from a Cav, they are gentle little souls. I love my little guy very much and I am trying to tell myself that by loving him is not always keeping him by my side. Thank you Inevitablue. So sorry to hear you had to part with your boy. I does sound like for your boy you did the right thing. No doubt still a very hard decision. Big Hugs to you PS. RIP to your beautiful old girl! It sounds like you had a wonderful morning with her. I do believe in fate PS and I am very grateful to have ever had this little man in my life than to have never had him at all. I just wish I could keep him forever. Danielle I am so sorry to hear about your beautiful Abbi. I am pleased to hear that she is still with you though and that your decision was held out only for her to have a good turn. Oscar's couple of good days late last week have now turned back to my withdrawn concerned looking boy. He wet himself and his bed yesterday whilst we were out and then he wet himself another two more times whilst in the lounge room. My heart was completely shattered last night because I could see the clear distress in his eyes. He appeared to be confused! He couldn't understand why he was wetting himself and almost looked like he thought he was going to get into trouble. I knew straight away what I need to do and it was just confirmed more this morning when he was having a couple of episodes and the panting was extremely heavy and he looked sad. I tried getting him to play and he just glared at me. He grabbed his toy and shook it a couple of times after 5 minutes of coxing and then dropped it and walked away. It was only to please me! The cat was jumping on him to play like he always has and it was just setting of his scratching episodes and he was getting annoyed with him. Now my tears have gone from sadness of not having him with me to sadness of seeing him in pain and discomfort. I am waiting for my vet to return my call and I know it's my decision but I need to hear it from him that this IS the right thing to do.
  15. Thank you Kirty, it is a very personal decision and in a little way I feel rushed but in another way I don't! If I honestly step back and take my emotion out and if it was say a friends dog - I would think it is best to have them put to rest. The dog has a disease that is/will only get worse, there is no cure, no surgery nothing that can prevent the onset the only thing they can offer is pain relief and it's expensive and it isn't working 100% I would say some days it works 60 - 70% other days it works 30%. The owner has to decide at some point anyways as to when the dog is put to sleep as the pain relief will only work for so long if it all and the disease will only get worse. So sorry to hear you had to put your young Dane to rest. What a horrible time and so much going against her not just her hips. I hope if we go ahead that I can find peace in the decision.
  16. Thank you Pers, your words have been perfect. It's exactly why I came on here because you guys could in a sense help me know if my mind is walking the right path. In no way shape or form do I want him to go and I do believe he has at times when it's been bad he has given me the look to say he doesn't want to do it anymore but then he has a couple of good days and it feels like that overrides it all. That's where I am getting confused! When it's bad, it's bad. After he has had his really bad episodes he lays flat on his side panting with a sad look in his eyes but then he has little episodes that don't appear to be that bad but it still represents pain. Is some pain ok or one shouldn't ever allow any pain at all? The tablets are working a bit but I don't feel enough. OS I don't know if I'll ever know I've done the right thing, I think I am a little selfish in that way but I will know he is out of suffering and that is important. Thank you Megan. I really am the controller of this and I find that hard. The thing with this disease is he is going downhill fast cause he has a severe case but he could still carry on for another couple of years but it will get worse and the pain will get worse & worse. Thank you CD. I do need to keep his dignity in tacked. That's why this place is a wonderful place. I have been doing this KOE breaking them up in his dinner but one of them is a capsule and Oscar is a pest and spits them out, he isn't silly. So I find myself poking it down there anyways. He has been really good as I give him a tiny treat after each one and he knows whats going on now. Totally agree with this. I have had to put down 7 dogs and 2 cats over the years and my criteria with younger ones is if there is no hope of a normal life then it is time to let them go. With the oldies I usually get to point with illnesses were I decide that the next thing to go wrong with them will be the last, and stick to that decision. Making the decision is by far the worst part of the whole process. We keep our dogs alive for us, not them. In nature they would already have passed away but with veterinary medicine we keep them going because it makes us feel better. Once the dog is no longer gaining any benefit from being here, it is time to let them go. Once they are gone, it is sad because we miss them but we also have happy memories we wouldn't have had if they hadn't been a part of our lives. Having made the final tough decision to aid them on their way, leaves a feeling of relief and knowing you have done the right thing for them. Gosh dancinbcs I am so sorry you've had to make this decision so many times. In a way it would be a relief because I hate seeing him when he is trying to scratch the pain away and I can only imagine he is in pain whilst he isn't scratching but when he scratches it means it's bad. I can't keep saying "Oh hunny, try and ignore it and give him a cuddle". I've heard myself saying that too many times! Sorry you had to put your Lexie to rest Rysup, your poor girl. To think she got breast cancer!
  17. That's a gorgeous memory of Mitchell Pers. I will get the opportunity to chat with my vet on Monday and I think we will go from there. I will have to think of something calm and happy. I think you will be/are right Pers. It is the planning and apprehension that is killing me. I just did it then - Smiling with the thought of doing something lovely and memorable to enjoy and then I clamp up and the smile turns into a frown. It's really not something I can do on my own, It's really something I need someone to hold my hand with. It makes me very anxious thinking about it and my head tells me "No, you can't do that". OSS - that is such a good way of putting things. Thank you. Good thoughts and strength to everyone having to make these hard decisions. It is a wonderful way to put it. I will never accept what I have to do but I can hopefully come to terms with it. Hopefully!
  18. And it makes complete sense. Honestly - if I run by this, the time is now. When the time comes, I hope I'll have the strength and opportunity to give Stevie a BBQ chicken including bones and seasoning, and a packet of mint slices, then let her go after she's enjoyed them, than keep her going until she doesn't want food any more. Of course it won't be easy, it is very very sad, but it sounds like you already do know what is needed, to do the right thing by your little mate. If you have any doubts, maybe call Georgina and discuss your questions/concerns about the remaining medication options? She's very easy to talk to, and honest, and helpful, and will know more about the condition than your vet. ETA big hugs, it's a hard decision indeed Katdog Oscar would LOVE a bbq chicken and some mint slices! He seriously thought he was going to get some of my easter egg last night the crazy monkey. Regarding speaking with Georgina everything my vet does is at the guidance of Georgina. I contacted Sash 2 months ago in the hope to get in touch with Georgina and she emailed me extensive information and explained what I can do with him. She requested that my vet called her and they have been liasing the whole way through this. She is the one who prescribed the medications and the amounts and also the next possible course of treatment but they've never really had any results from that. Georgina advised my vets that if what they have him on now doesn't work than I need to consider putting him to rest. My vets are just the middle people relaying Georgina's work! However they are still vets and they aren't silly and they have both seen first hand the extent of Oscar's disease. The evening we went in to kick off the medication the entire time he was scratching, panting heavily and was completely unaware of what was going on around him. Now that I am choosing to open my eyes and the strength from everyone here I realise the kindest thing I can do for him is lay him to rest. I just hope his little spirit comes back to me one day. Sorry to hear about your little one you lost BC. Thank you for your kind words. xx
  19. Oh hon, you didn't make me cry. I'm just getting soppier as I get older. I've always been a sook when it comes to my dogs and I can cry at the drop of a hat thinking about them. We had a bad time losing two of them last year, one of the pups in my avatar, Drifter and Phoenix our old Mallie girl which was only 7 months ago. It hurts, it really does but please know that if/when you have to make the decision for Oscar, it will be one of the greatest gifts you can give him because it will show just how much you love him by ending his suffering. Trust in yourself that you are doing it for him and remember that he has been blessed to have your love, even if only for a short while. Wish I could give both of you a hug Thank you. They are really kind beautiful words! RIP & So sorry to hear about Drifter & Phoenix . OS I truly feel I know what I need to do, I just need to get my head around that I am doing a kind thing for him not a horrible thing. Who am I kidding, no dog enjoys having their humans fingers stuck down their throat 9 times a day!! This medication is masking a lot of the symptoms but the pain is still there. He was really good last night and had a few moments this morning but was a lot more up beat than what we have seen in months but he still has this disease and there is still pain. Is time of the essence? I don't know, I guess it is because everyday he is in pain. Is it a constant pain? I don't know, before the medication it was constant symptoms and he his episodes we getting REALLY bad. Is there any point spending $200 a month on Medication that doesn't work even 50% probably not. So this logic I can understand and if it was anyone elses dog I could probably say the logical thing, I just don't know how to detach myself even a little bit to make the kind decision. However as said - I do feel as though I know what I need to do . Yes, this is what I was trying to say, it's how I feel about these sad times. And it makes complete sense. Honestly - if I run by this, the time is now. sandgrubber - It's wonderful that you and your family had this arrangement however no one in my family would do that for the pure fact of how attached Oscar and I are to each. I have seeked refuge in animals my entire life but no more than I have with Oscar. If we use the term heartdog, that is him for me! He really is my special little mate and my world will be a very different one without him. I need to be there with him! I don't know how I am going to do it but I have no option, I owe that to him. If/When it happens as lovely as it would be to have it done at home I don't think my vet offers that service and I would only have my/Oscar's vet do it. They have been wonderful to me through the process of this and did extensive research and went out of their way to get in touch with Georgina Child after I had sent her an email asking for help. Oscar is their first patient to ever have this disease and I don't think I could rest easy knowing he was put to sleep in our home. Kinder sure but it would hurt me too much knowing. Thankfully our vet clinic is only a one room clinic and extremely small so very rarely is there any other animals or drama.
  20. Thank you everyone. I truly appreciate everyones words!! I drove the whole way from work balling my eyes out and had a good chat with my fiancee. He wants me to be ready but firmly believes and follows everyone heres words but knows how attached I am to Osc and that I have spoken of the reality of this but never accepted it. I came home to Oscar. He had a few episodes and was panting heavily for a little bit but at least tonight he was playful Osc! These good days everyone speaks of Oscar hasn't really had one like this since probably Feb. He wasn't too crash hot this morning but almost seemed like he knew what the talk was of today. I need to remember that this one good day doesn't justify the next 8 - 10 weeks of pain! I have a terrible habit of that because in no way am I ready to say good bye. Thank you guys. I needed to know that my thinking wasn't horrible and if this all really doesn't work I shouldn't push on with something that clearly isn't working and he is only going to get worse and at what point do we give him his wings.
  21. Wadz I am so so sorry to hear this!!! Your poor poor boy. What a horrible way to go down hill so fast and so suddenly! You made the right decision and as much as I would never want Oscar to suffer like that it would almost make it easier to see it's the kindest thing to do then to have to weigh it up. You must miss your boy so much, 10 years with him only for you to have to give him his wings.. Big BIG hugs to you.. You are right - I am only treating him to keep him alive for me. I am telling myself it's for him too but I often forget he is a dog not a human. Thanks Sunnyflower. Its still pretty fresh, but it all comes down to the quality of life. I'm just thankful I got to say goodbye to him. At least you know you've done everything you can for him when the time comes to say goodbye. My heart goes out to you and your boy. Its one of the hardest choices to make. We've tried and at least we can say we've tried. I just really feel with the amount of medication he is on and so frequent there should be nothing... Because anything means there is still pain!! Sorry Bullylova. Even 5 years on it's clear it still breaks you to bits. Thank you dogfan. x Very hard decline for you stans mum. I cannot imagine watching Oscar or any dog go through all of that.. HUGE HUGS to you PS for Saturday. xxx I'm finding this hard to come to terms with. Thank you Pers... I really need to accept this and work with it not against it!
  22. Pretty sure we are all guilty of that This might sound really weird, but my dogs have given me a look when it was time. It's unmistakable and kind of says, "I've had enough". God, I'm bawling now...........just know that you're not alone O.K. I'm sorry for making you cry idigadog. It's always so nice to offer help, thoughts and strength for others by always pulls up your own horrible memories and feelings! I honestly feel like I have been given that look from him but I often think I am crazy for thinking that's what he is say!?! Thank you - It means the world to me to know I have everyone here and I am not on my own. Oh my goodness SF - how sad. Yes, it will be a difficult conversation for all of you, especially in those circumstance. My lovely vet was in tears when he couldn't save my previoius BC Fergus when at 6 he died of an accidental poisoning. The next time he saw me in the waiting room he gave me a big hug, and it was tears all round. Love my vet. Just one more thing for you to consider - when I lost a beautiful BC fairly suddnely (from hemolytic anemia), I found it really helpful that I'd already decided that I was going to have him cremated. (I did that for my old Jess, and for Fergus too.) It's worth having though ahead of time what you want to do - one less hard decision to have to make on the spot. Can I say Oscar is lucky to have such lovely caring and thoughtful humans, just as you are lucky to have had him in your lives. You will have lovely memories to treasure. You sound like you have a very lovely vet. Whether I am to cremate him or bury him is something I do need to consider and I will give this some serious thought. Either way I would like to bury him but I do think I would have to cremate him because I don't think I could bear to know he was busy in full in the garden. Thank you Tassie, I hope he knows whatever happens I am only doing it because I truly do love him. Thank you Oakway. I need to remember these words! Oh Cockerlover I am so sorry you are going through this too. I hope your girl isn't in too much pain or discomfort! He will forever be in my heart but I want him forever at my feet! I really need to accept the reality. I need to think like this and realise that Oscar won't get better and I knew that before hand but the vet made it very clear that the medication was purely only something that would mask the pain if it worked - it did nothing more. There would still be a progression of the disease and for Oscar to have been showing signs from before 18 months he has a bad case. That's a very hard decision Kirislin and I understand you questioning yourself. I'm sorry for making you cry BCpuppy and thank you! Definitely thankful to have all the Dolers. I was blurry about the topic and felt cruel even thinking about it, it has created some clarity for me. I will still discuss this with my vet but he is only going to get worse not get better and unless a tragedy happens I will have to give him his wings anyway. Thank you jakeyjangels. I have been giving Osc lots of cuddles. KOE...... THANK YOU!!! He is snuggled up next to me and I wish he could stay there for keeps..
  23. Wadz I am so so sorry to hear this!!! Your poor poor boy. What a horrible way to go down hill so fast and so suddenly! You made the right decision and as much as I would never want Oscar to suffer like that it would almost make it easier to see it's the kindest thing to do then to have to weigh it up. You must miss your boy so much, 10 years with him only for you to have to give him his wings.. Big BIG hugs to you.. You are right - I am only treating him to keep him alive for me. I am telling myself it's for him too but I often forget he is a dog not a human.
  24. Thank you Tassie. They are very good words from that vet - Keeping him here is for my own selfish reason but also because I hate the thought of cutting his life short and just maybe he wasn't really in pain. I don't want to and won't base my decision on Oscar's fate on the birth of our first child. I appreciate life is going to be changed forever when bub arrives but my acknowledgement and love for him will never change. Life will certainly get busy and until we find our routine I will likely be tired but I am very aware of Oscar's situation and I need him just as much as he needs me. Oh shite, tearing up here too. All I can say is do it before those glimpses of the dog he used to be fade to nothing. You owe it to both of you to have some last happy moments to hold on to before that final goodbye. Talk to your vet. Ask about prognosis. Your last hope for improvement hasnt' yet faded but if it does.. you'll know its time. Sorry PF. This is what I need to remember. I want to remember my little man for who he was not what has become of him. I just tried calling my vet and they are a husband and wife team - they aren't in until Monday as his Dad has just passed away and they are on their way to his funeral . Gosh, it's going to be a difficult conversation for us all on Monday I think. Sorry to hear the CW EW. How do you find Charlie is the majority of the time? He has good days and he has bad days. He really doesn't function well in winter. He is less active, more sooky and not as happy. Once in a while, he will have his energy burst and moves around the house fine (for him) but then it will take him a few days to recover from that adventure. But he still moves around (even if it's very slowly) and we still go for our stroll, and he enjoys that. But I do make him walk about 10m (for exercise) before I will pick him up and carry him home or put him in the stroller so we can go around the block. He enjoys that.. he sits in there watching with his goofy grin of his. I'm not at the stage you are at where I have to think about it now, but that "decision" I have to make is always lingering in the back of my mind. That really does sound horrible. I honestly don't know how you do it! I feel the same. Unfortunately, I have had to make the decision three times now. The first time my husband was O/S and I had to go through it by myself. It was the hardest thing I have ever done and 7 years later, it still rips at my heart. Quality of life is a major factor for me. I never want for any of my dogs to lose their dignity. Pain meds etc can only do so much and trust me, you will know when it's the right time Sorry to hear you had to do that on your own idigadog. That would have been terribly hard! I think I am starting to think it's the right time hence why I've asked this question. We have one other hope of medication and we'll hopefully try that but if that doesn't work I guess I have to make the hard decision.
  25. Sorry to hear the CW EW. How do you find Charlie is the majority of the time?
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