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Everything posted by Sunnyflower

  1. Ahhh very interesting. His PH levels are off she said. Did the vet try and change her diet to a "special diet"?? Where can i get the cranberry tablets from?
  2. Hey Guys, Just thought I'd give a little update on the monster. We went to the vet last night and I took a urine sample with me. thankfully he goes potty when asked, he has crystals which is getting testing done on it today to determine what kind of crystals. She is thinking he needs to be on a special diet for the rest of his life. He is on anti-biotics for 14 days and may have a stone in his bladder which may require surgery. She wasn't sure if he had a full bowel or if it was a stone. I'm thinking he just hadn't gone potty all day as it was pouring all day yesterday and he wont leave his shed whilst it's raining cause he doesn't like to get his precious paws wet and he isn't having any trouble doing wee's. Either way he will get checked in 2 weeks, if the lumps still there we'll do an ultrasound to determine what exactly it is and go from there. If he does require surgery to remove it do you think it would be too much to have him desexed at the same time? I will ask the vet when we go back, but just hoping it's possible because I would much prefer him to not have to go through surgery again. Thank you for all your help guys, It was very much appreciated..
  3. It's pretty cool.. I got this photo a few years back. Amazing dog.
  4. Given his breed, I think you're making a very smart decision. .. I was told when I got him that cavies get stolen a lot for breeing purpose so now he will be useless to a BYB.
  5. So glad to read this desexing thread. Oscar is two in July and we are getting him desexed just after his birthday. I'm not really sure why I haven't had him desexed prior to this but being a Cav and being extremely easy to train/handle I have never had an issue with him at all. The only thing he does is hump his bed and that has slowed down since he has gotten a bit older! From 12 months to now I have seen a massive difference in his physical development so no regrets, my only motivation now to get him desexed is because if he ever got stolen like I thought he did on the weekend I would feel a lot better knowing he is desexed.
  6. Thank you Cordelia. That makes complete sense!! We'll trot off to the vets tomorrow and get my munchkin sorted.. So hard not to worry though..
  7. Thank you Dogmad I too hope it's nothing serious and easy to fix!
  8. Thank you guys. I don't feel as though it requires a rush to the emergency room as he has eaten all of his dinner and been playing with his toys.. He isn't out of character in anyway he is still Oscar. I've just given him some Apple Cider Vinegar in puppy milk which I just read can help it and also with the pain. He isn't showing any signs at all of pain. I will try and get a urine sample in the morning but I don't have a steril container Poodlefan could the kidney or Urinary tract have been damaged from having to hold for so long? Again thank you so much for your help everyone.. It's been a rough few days with my monster..
  9. Oscar went missing for just over 24 hours on the weekend and we found him under the house stuck with a big piece of mesh around his neck that we had to have cut off.. He hadn't been to the toilet the whole time and the first thing he did was a big wee.. I checked him over and he wasn't in any pain or discomfort just a little quiet which is to be expected.. He has come back into himsel and all crazy which is nice to see until someone just decided to go potty in the lounge room.. My fault I should have taken him but luckily I didn't cause there was blood and a couple of blood clots in his wee.. I will be taking him to the vet tomorrow but to put my mind at ease what could this be? This could be from before he went missing as I never get close enough to see what his pee is like..
  10. LOVE GSD'S thank you for your suggestions in saving an older shepherd, I am very aware of the dogs that are needing help as I have foster before and helped a number of rescue groups out. I have put this to Marcus but as this will be his first dog really apart from when he was little he wants to get a pup. This is his choice and I wouldn't push him into getting a rescue as I got my pup. Also as shepherds can have hip and elbow problems we'd rather pay more from a breeder with the comfort of knowing the pups history. Percyk so sorry to hear about your little guy getting attacked. That would be absolutely heart breaking!!! As we all know Cav's wouldn't hurt a fly (although Oscar loves a good fly hunt :D ) and yes him being so mellow is a worry that is why I came here to get some advice. I'm not saying that I am a fantastic person at training dogs but I can train dogs and am very intune with the surroundings. I rode and competed horses all my life and educated all of them myself and both my Mum and Pop bred and showed dogs so feel as though I have a fairly good idea; I wouldn't say great as I still always have a lot to learn but regardless of the breed the pup we choose to get he will be learning from the day he comes home, going to puppy preschool and doing obedience. And as Marcus and I have spoken about if we were to ever see some behaviour problems in the dog we'd get a professional out to help, we aren't afraid to invest the time or the money into the dog. A German Shepherd is on the top of his want list and he has also taken a liking to Ridgebacks so we will continue our research into both breeds but a Shepherd is what he really wants. Absolutely beautiful Showdog... Thank you! I have put everything ugly to my partner to see if he would be turned off and he hasn't been. I am fully aware of what we are in for, I am not kidding myself as I said to him it will be a lot of hard work and he is happy to do that. He wants a mate of his own. I have Oscar and he wants his own. I could be wrong, but arent working lines bred for protection work? If so I would be a bit concerned about that if you are novice GSD owners. Personally, I wouldnt get a working line dog of any breed unless I was going to "work" it, but thats just me. Most fit dogs could cope with that kind of workout, my GR would cope if we built up to it (she has regularly done about 24kms a week). Also, remember that as a large breed your GSD pup wouldnt be able to run like that for some time. Especially as you are concerned for your cav, I'd be picking more on the basis of temperament. deelee I don't know much about German Shepherds and am reading up as much as I can before we get the monster. I thought because Marcus runs massive amounts of Km's a week a working line would be more suited to this but a very lovely lady emailed me and said that I wouldn't need a working line as he will constantly be on the go and have no real down time. So thankfully I got that cause we could have ended up with a complete hypo one, which could have been scary. :D
  11. Thank you BB, That has given me a lot more confidence. We'll just make sure to keep a good eye on them when we get the little munchkin and when things get too much seperate them and keep them seperate when not home. Glad I came on here to get some help otherwise I would have just said no way. Now to find the right breeder. (I'd still really like another cav like I was planning )
  12. Thank you Chewbacca. I think we'll keep talking about the shepherd as I got the dog I always wanted it's only fair he gets the same. Definitely be booked into puppy preschool and obedience which I'm sure will be a lovely day out for us all anyways. If you are able to recommend any good breeders this would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Awww. Kivi has more than once turned up in the house with a slug in his coat. I do not know what he does to get them in there, but they are REALLY hard to get back out again! We joke that he invites them. Bet he has the house mouse living in his coat as well. I think maybe the bigger concern than size differences is how your Cav would cope with another dog? If you say he hangs back when there are other dogs around, maybe you would have to be really careful to get a super laid back second dog for his sake? that is gorgeous! Aren't they entertaining. He loves playing with other dogs when we go for walks and when we've had other dogs over but yes this is why I am concerned as I know how highly strung German Shepherds can be and Oscar is the total opposite. Thankfully Marcus understands that if it's going to have a negative impact on Oscar we wont be getting a second dog. He was there first and I don't want him to change. I agree with Poodlefan totally. Never mind about these soft placid GSD's you hear about..........they are not good examples of the breed and lack the traits of a true GSD. If you purchase a GSD bred to type, they are high in prey drive, they chase, bite as puppies and play hard and a little dog unable to cope with the GSD physical size can cop a hiding, not from aggression, but just pure rough play. The more the little dog runs away generally in fear of the GSD's size, the harder the GSD will chase and capture. It is managable and is not impossible to create harmony, but hard work with constant supervision of their interactions. I have the opposite at present with high drive 3 year old GSD and a 12 week old GSD puppy and the 3 year old is a trained dog, but you have to watch them with such a massive size difference as the small dog/puppy can be easily hurt or frightened Well this is it, Oscar certainly isn't going to be getting any bigger and with a bouncy little pup around I don't want him to get knocked over and scared cause he does exactly that, run away. He and a little foster pup I had not long ago got along like a house on fire so I know it's possible but it wasn't a working breed. Our next desired breed was the Ridgy. I understand as a puppy we'll have a bouncy little monster around but do you feel as an adult it will be as highly strung as a shepherd?
  14. Ok sounds like I am in the same position as you were prior to getting your girl! Wow you really have fallen in love with them though. I love knowing these dogs are highly intelligent and easy to train, for me that is a major tick and as this is really the first dog my partner will have owned I have said for him to definitely go to puppy preschool so he can learn the ropes with the pup. He is really excited, me being the concerned partner is putting a downer on it and I really don't want to do that cause I can see how much he wants this breed and he is only looking at others to please me. His parents are also trying to convince us that it's a bad idea and we are going to have a horrible time with it so really they need to butt out. Gily, can you suggest any good breeders? I have been emailing two breeders but one is for a working line as Marcus runs 40km's at least a week I thought maybe the working line would be better for this. Could I be wrong? I just want to know that if we get the pup we are doing our best to ensure our little monster we already have isn't going to be thrown out too much.
  15. I have cavs and a white shepherd. All get on fine. Your boy does sound precious bless his little cotton socks. :p EF Typos. Fantastic to hear that your guys all get along well. You don't find your shepherds as pups to be too much for the Cavs? haha He is just a little bit precious! I thought his not wanting to get his little fluffy feet wet was a crack up, but when the slug took up residence in his bowl I couldn't believe how much of a girl her was. haha Poodlefan when picking our pup naturally all are going to be pups and bouncy but apart from seperating them what other thing can we do to teach the pup to be gentle with Oscar? I have already said to the partner that at dinner time they will be seperated but hadn't considered keeping them seperate whilst out, we'll definitely divide the yard. I can see how it would be easier to add a smaller dog into a house hold with a mature larger dog but unfortunately that's not how it has worked out. :D
  16. My partner and I are looking into getting a German Shepherd pup within the next 6 - 8 months. German Shepherds have always been a breed he has wanted to own and loves everything about them. German shepherds have never been on my list of dogs to own so naturally trying to pull him in other directions. he is a cat person and when he was little had a Golden Retriever. My only concern is we currently have an almost 2 year old Cavalier male who like all Cavs are just sweethearts. I have fostered dogs in the past and I noticed whenever another dog was with us he would fall back and would really be left out if we didn't make a point of giving him attention. To put it into perspective, there was a slug in his food bowl the other week and he wouldn't eat until I moved the slug . Bless his little fluffly legs. Do you think a German Shepherd would be too much for a Cav or do you think they could after the adjustment period live in harmony?
  17. No.. Almost like saying a Vizla is a Wei. They look extremely similar just different colours.
  18. That explains a lot for me.. Oscar sheds constantly all year round.. I just love the black tumble weeds that roll thru my house every day..
  19. I am so so sorry hun.. I couldn't even begin to imagin what you were and are feeling right now.. So sudden.. Big hugs xx
  20. Stay strong... She is 15 years old she is strong also so be a strong pair together..
  21. I use conditioner only because I have a Cav and he gets dreads otherwise I get the groomer out usually but inbetween washes I do it myself..
  22. Benson is already blind in one eye and partly blind in the other, has been for years but his eye looks bad and sore poor darling. He isnt crying just sleeping and miserable and he stopped eating yesterday and isnt wagging his tail. My husband is in denial and said I wasnt to get him put down in case he gets better, he isnt getting better. This morning my husband looked at him and said I think you should call the vet today and he kissed him goodbye. That's made my eyes well up, that's the hardests kind of things with any situation, you can see whats going on but the people that usually don't and when they finally do that's when it hits home. you had 12 beautiful years with this little guy and you'll have him as your constant guardian angel.. Hugs xoxox
  23. I am so very sorry to hear this.. run free Rex & Sammy, your bond was stronger than probably known. Big hugs and thoughts for you Rexiam x x
  24. If you check the Eagle Pack web site it will give a list of stockists and you can check for one close to you. My stockist doesn't keep it on the shelf, but orders it in for me when I give him a call. Fantastic.. Thank-you rijbiz..
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