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Everything posted by Sunnyflower

  1. How on earth can a vet seriously charge $30k for the dog to be ventiloated for a week? If it honestly costs that much then sure I'll eat my words but that just sounds like a vet taking advantage of distressed people.
  2. That makes complete sense Sarah. We did that with the horses, Always had them rugged to the hill at night but during the day only had the day rugs and winter rug and hood on. I leave Oscars coat on during the day if it is raining or really cold. He generally has it on at night too depending on how cold it is as he sleeps in the house.
  3. Kirst I like your two cents. What you are saying is EXACTLY what I am thinking. He wasn't able to go potty for over 24 hours and he had no blood prior to this. I do definitely feel as though I am being taken for a ride, there are no two ways about it. We still have 9 days left of the anti-biotics and his urine is already clear. I do feel him going on anti-biotics was essential. I will have him checked over again this Friday when I pick up his biscuits and depending on what she says I will get a second opinion. I know I'm not a vet but I certainly know my dog. My life seriously revolves around him . I'll get him checked over on Friday, which I know he will get a clean bill of health, we'll start him on this fang dango biscuit, finish his meds and then I think I'll monitor him from there. I am getting daily samples of his urine to see the change in colour, so I will continue to do that, if his urine gets anymore blood in it then I'll go to another vet. Oscar now currently eats Raw Kangaroo mince, veggies, chicken drumsticks and beef offcuts from the butcher and his dried biscuit. Sometimes when I can get chicken on special I will buy it and boil it for him and pull all the chicken away and give him that with veggies and a little bit of rice. I have just started to give him some Apple Cider Vinegar as well in his meals. My boy eats very well, so I will just slowly change his biscuit and cut down the amount he is eating. What you are saying and everyone has been saying makes completely sense so minimising the biscuit is what we'll do. very thankful for everyones help
  4. sorry TLC I just assumed he was an "older" boy.. He is still a spring chicken. Sorry Cooper.. The prescription biscuit they have put me on is $72 for 4.5kgs, definitely not something I realistic could afford if that's all he was allowed to eat. Definitely not something I could really budget for anyways but it would be easier to swollow if he was allowed his mince, veggies and bones.
  5. Thank you for that information. I just called the vet then to confirm if it is actually Struvite Crystals as I was starting to get really confused and second guess myself. She said that there is "traces" of Struvite and that they need to determine the underlying problem. She didn't like that I was questioning here and I told her that I want to do my own research so I understand it completely for myself and that I have spoken to people that understand or have experienced this particular issue and have offered help and advice. Her response "well you need to understand that these people aren't vets". I'm aware of that and I can appreciate that but it really doesn't hurt for us to do our research. Animalia - all of those symptoms that you have put down for Struvite Crystal Oscar didn't suffer from one of them. If she suggests surgery then I certainly will get a second opinion.
  6. Hmmm Never heard of Nutro Lamb, shall look into it. The vet is being so vague and quite hard to get info out of. I think I need to assert the situation.
  7. Take Two Thank you it worked that time. That definitely could be a better alternative. So for now I need to get all my questions answered. Do you mind poodlefan if I email you once I have found out all the details? You know lots about this stuff!
  8. I think this depends entirely on WHY the crystals are forming in his urine. You may need to talk to your vet about this. If they are not related to bladder infection then you need to know what aspect of his diet is causing it so you can avoid this. For some dogs and some forms of crystals its excessive protein that is the culprit but you need a clear understanding of the cause of the problem so that you can consider a solution. Most "sensitive" diets cater to dogs with common allergies. This is not the issue that Oscar faces. Some premium biscuits have high (and in some cases very high) levels of protein. What you need to know specifically from your vet is: 1. What is the cause of the crystals forming in Oscar's urine. "Diet" needs to be clarified into "what element of the diet". 2. What needs to be changed in the diet to prevent reoccurence. Don't be fobbed off with "feed brand x dog biscuits". You need more info than that. ETA: Just googled Hills C/D canine. This is what the food involves: So the vet has prescribed a diet with reduced levels of protein (ideally you should get a maximum percentage - the Hill C/D is 23%) and some minerals, low sodium and more antioxidents. This doesn't sound like a diet designed to increase thirst to me. It may be that a "senior" diet (traditionally lower in protein) might be suitable but you need to discuss this with your vet. Here is one that might be suitable. Thank you for the link poodlefan but it didn't work! ;) I will definitely ask the vet all these questions, thank you. I'm in the process of learning all this stuff, before this Mum looked after all vet stuff and I always tuned out in the hope they were ok! I will try and find the website I was on that said it increased thirst. I should have saved it. This is all very confusing. It's like everything is contradicting one another. However I will persist and I will get it right.
  9. They are beautiful.. He is my first and he certainly wont be my last! Aside from the shedding which I must admit drives me crazy he is perfect. I'm allergic to most animals as well, I rode horses all my life and was severly allergic to them and the chaff so always had to have a nasel spray. Oscar often makes me sneeze but it's just the odd sneeze here and there, doesn't make my eyes swell, throat, ears, eyes or body itchy.. I think you can buy biscuits to help with malting but I don't think they really do a great deal.
  10. Poodlefan it's Sturvite/Struvite? Crystals. Thank you I will just do that. A quick google says that Struvite Crystals are generally linked to bladder infections and that eradicating the infection should fix the problem. Has the vet indicated that the issue is more than this? No she hasn't, she said that his problem has happened due to diet. He has been on his anti-biotics since Wednesday and he has come to a bouncy little jelly bean. I got pretty upset that I didn't even notice a change in him. It wasn't really major but the sparkle in his eye has come back. His urine is clearing up and I'm keeping a log of it because I think this vet thinks I'm a push over. Poodlefan do you feel I should put him on a sensitive biscuit or do you think any premium brand of biscuit will suffice?
  11. I have a Cavalier and he sheds constantly. I love in summer that i can clip him because I have no more tumble weeds rolling through my house. I read a lot into this as I read somewhere that Cav's only shed twice a year and Oscar sheds all year round. What I learnt with most long hair breeds that shed, inside dogs will constantly shed as they are usually in a pretty controlled climate where as outside dogs have the extremes of winters and summers. I got a special brush to try and remove his shedding hair but to be honest it hasn't done a great deal. I'm just constantly vacuuming..
  12. Poodlefan it's Sturvite/Struvite? Crystals. Thank you I will just do that. One of the other girls on here said her old boy used to have the same problem and he too is a fussy eat. He hadn't had them for a while and she put him on Eagle pack and he was loving it but the blood has come back again so I shall see what the outcome is for her. Is Eagle pack dry food?
  13. Oscar is predominately on a raw diet but he does need biscuits to supplement as he isn't a big eater. I do feel as though my dog needs a good dry biscuit anyways as it supplements the minerals that the meat and veggies can't offer him.
  14. Hey Guys, Some of you may have seen my post about my gremlin needing to go on a prescription diet due to an infection in his bladder. After getting lots of help on here and everyone telling me to keep researching I did just that. Oscar has been prescribed Hills Prescription C/D Diet which for 4.5kgs is $72, I've been told he needs to be on this for life. So after doing my research it turns out this biscuits hasn't been designed for long term use it is only meant to be used for weeks - months and if used for too long can actually be more bad then good. Turns out the biscuit is designed to make your dog more thirsty, therefore drink more water which dissolves the crystals in the bladder. Very smart technology. So with this learnt I am wondering what everyone is feeing their dogs in terms of dry food as it's the dry biscuit that can actually give your loved dog or cat Sturvite crystal in the first place for getting too much protein and feeding cheaper brands of biscuits. I will keep him on a premium brand of biscuit but wondering if anyone can recommend anything? I was thinking maybe a sensitive biscuit but not sure what brand would be best. Thank you in advanced. :p
  15. Kirst Goldens I definitely know what you are saying and thank you.. Oscar is on anti-biotics for 14 days and straight away I have seen a difference in the colour of his urine, so really pleased about that.. Thats why I wanted peoples opinions on here cause I feel as though a raw diet is better then these biscuits.. We'll do the 14 days of meds and see how we go from there as I'm already seeing a change. I know she is on a money grab because she wanted me to bring him back in today to check his bladder when he hadn't even had two full tablets.. What I might do is pick the biscuits up and take him back when he's finished his meds.. I know she's not going to want that but why check something to determine if surgery is needed when the original course of action isn't finished!! Thats logical right?? My partners Mum rang earlier to see how he is bless her and they have 3 beautiful cats and turns out their ragdoll AJ suffers from the same thing and has since he was 3 and he's now 10 and she has been feeding the cats Science Diet that whole time and since changing him to it, he hasn't suffered since.. So I might just stick to this biscuit from now on and just supplement with what he gets now being mince and veggies.. I'm learning thats for sure hahaha
  16. I got Oscar clipped twice over summer. Last year he was still a pup so didn't need it done but this summer he just got way too hot. He loved having his little coat off. I keep his ears fluffy but get the underside clipped and I keep his tail fluffy. I wont get him clipped again until november as he needs his coat in winter because when I'm not home he is outside, but they do look gorgeous with a clipped coat. I think Charlie looks gorgeous with his coat clipped..
  17. I don't doubt that the prescription diet is fantastic and will do a good job, but I asked her if I could feed him just a raw diet to reduce costs. I live on my own so to have a dog only allowed to eat purely these biscuits at $72 a pop is going to make life extremely difficult. I am about to start studying as well and the text books for this is $500. I want an alternative because I know there is better out there.. I don't really care if one would like to class me as an "average" dog owner but I never feed oscar canned food he gets fed raw mince, veggies mixed in, bones - chicken/beef off cuts, maybe a few too many carob drops and a dry biscuit that has a high fat content in it because he isn't much of an eater and he is a fussy eater. He is near enough on a raw diet now. As a dog owner I have a right to dispute what I feel my vet is prescribing to me, I know my dog better than anyone. Granted on a medical grade I don't but there are people in here that have the same health issues with their dogs and they are finding that by giving them a cranberry vitamin it has stopped the cause. I'm not saying this is guaranteed to work for Oscar, but I have just as much of a chance of it working at $15 a bottle for 60 tablets then at $72 for a 4.5kg bag of food that I have been told that is ALL he is allowed to eat. I am willing to try this food and am picking it up next Friday when he goes in for his check up but I will also be trying the cranberry vitamins and a complete raw diet like others have recommended. Just because she is a vet doesn't mean she is right. We all have much to learn.
  18. WOW... It surprising how common it is that vets are wrong. The sad part is we do find that we trust them yet really they can't be trusted! Yes I will keep asking her everything that I can and I have noticed a changed in the colour of his urine already and I firmly believe that the "lump" she was feeling around his bladder was a full bowel and she even said that herself.. When you are sticking your fingers from his tummy up to his spin naturally you are going to yelp but it was a yelp of "ouch there is something painful in there" it was more a "You're pushing and poking too hard".. If she recommends surgery I will definitely get a second opinion because I don't believe he needs this. He is weeing no more or less and having no troubles doing it. His body is still very regulated and the bowel is moving fine, he is still eating his food and wanting more and he is still playing. If he was struggling to do wee's or showed signs of pain then I'd be a little more on her side but he is showing no signs at all of stones. This vet surgery is highly regarded in the area, I have used them in the past and I know of a well known rescue group that use them as well. I will keep doing my research but it is always good to come on here and find out other peoples experiences with vets. Just wondering what is so special about this diet? Had a look at the ingredients and they don't look all that special .. Seems VERY expensive for chicken by-products, pork fat and wheat/corn I've never used this brand of food before, I know my parntners mother feeds her cats Science Diet and at $56 for 3.5kg I chocked when I saw her feeding it. It apparently has properties/ingredients in it that helps break down and dissolve crystals in the bladder. If he is prone to them and it's going to be an on going problem I'm happy to feed it to him but she is telling me that I can't supplement his food with a raw diet as well. She said it can only be purely this..
  19. Lovely, thank you cavNrott.. I just got the call from the vet and yep his diet has to be changed. Hills diet prescrition C/D - 4.5kg for $72.. OUCH... She is saying he is going to have to be on this for the rest of his life and being not quite 2 yet I probably would be able to buy a car by the end of it .. I laugh now but I'll cry later.. Surely there has to be a better alternative out there then just feeding him this. We will do it because we have to but I for some reason get the feeling this vet is overreacting a little and just interested in my money.. You too don't have any more of these issues with your dogs? I don't entirly trust a vet that says an animal has to be on a special diet for the rest of its life especially when it comes at a heft cost and they are selling it. Perhaps I'm just a cynic, but years ago I was told my Papillon would have to be on medication for the rest of his life or he would be dead within a year. Well after a couple of months I took him of medication because he was becoming afraid of me(hated being given medication) and I decided that quality of life was more important than quantity. During this time I also changed my dogs diets to RMB feeding, well that was almost 6 years ago and he couldn't be better, he's 14 next month. For a little dog with a hole in his heart and a heart thats beats overtime to compensate he is full of life, and runs around with the big dogs at DOL meets as if he was half his age and never tires of chasing a ball. Perhaps, I was just lucky or perhaps the new diet helps, either way I'm not saying don't believe the vet just saying don't be made to feel that this is the only way your dog will lead a normal life, it may or may not be. Ozjen, very glad to hear your little dude has done so well despite the heart problem going against him. This is why I am a little questioning of what she is prescribing. The anti-biotics I have no worries with, with only having 1.5 tablets I am already seeing his urine becoming more clear. This may have happened without the anti-biotics but at least they will help with the infection. Not that I am a vet but I do feel that she should see how the 14 day course of the meds go before prescribing me stupidly expensive biscuits. I will buy these biscuits next week and go in and have in checked over whilst there but if he must stay on them then I will be getting them from the states because they are only $30US over there and thats for 10kg bag. That's how much we get ripped off in this country for premium pet foods.
  20. cavsRcute this is exactly what someone said intially and when I went in there I said this to her but she wasn't interested in what I had to say and completely ignored the fact that he had been unable to go potty and said flat out that, that wouldn't cause it... It almost feels like she is ignoring logic because she doesn't like others telling her possible causes.. All I know is prior to his major failed attempt to escape he had not blood in his wee as we walk most mornings and he's constantly cocking his little leg, so not that I am a specialist but it definitely has to be related to that and not as serious as it's being made out to be... It's terrible that I am second guessing the vet.. I'll definitely go grab the cranberry tablets tomorrow.
  21. I find the protein side of it all pretty confusing too as the vet said the same thing about not giving too much protein.. The really confusing part is the biscuits he's on now are 22% protein and the Hills one is 29%.. haha talk about confusing..
  22. tlc Oscar is exactly the same, an extremely fussy eater so the same as you it's horrible to think you find something they enjoy and then they have to be changed. She didn't do an ultra sound on him but felt around, she tested the urine sample I took in and gave me anti-biotics according to what she felt it was and she sent it off to the lab today to do further test and it confirmed what she thought. We are going back in a week to pick up the biscuits and she will check him over again and if she feels anything in his bladder we will do an ultra sound, take a urine sample directly from his bladder, do more tests and look into doing surgery.. I honestly believe the lump she felt last night was a full bowel as I know him very well and know with it near flooding yesterday he wouldn't have gone potty so I'll be sure to make him go before we go to the vets next week. Turkey trip thank you for putting all that food info up. I asked the vet last night if he goes on this specific diet can I still give him bones or raw meat and she said no he can only eat the dry or wet food of the Hills Prescription.. This is why I wanted to ask because it didn't sound right.. I've used this vet surgery before but this is the first time I've seen this lady and it really does feel like she is surgery happy and trying to get my money.. He has no issues weeing or pooing, he's eating all his dinner and wanting more, still playing and being my crazy boy.. I feel wrong to think badly of her but like your vet tlc if there is no obviously behaviour changes she shouldn't be so quick to suggest surgery.. Hmmmm I hope Cooper gets better soon..
  23. Yes he has crystals, the vet has explained this to me. I was only just on the phone to her but from what I have read this is rather common UTI that he has. I am happy to feed my dog this and would never dispute if this is the only thing that can help him. But with the way the world is and the large amounts of information that there is out there, surely there has to be alternatives. If there isn't thats fine he'll eat it for the rest of his days but it doesn't hurt to do your research. he has been on the exact same diet since I took him off puppy food at 9 months so the reason I am doing my ground work is because logically this should have happened straight away.. ;)
  24. Lovely, thank you cavNrott.. I just got the call from the vet and yep his diet has to be changed. Hills diet prescrition C/D - 4.5kg for $72.. OUCH... She is saying he is going to have to be on this for the rest of his life and being not quite 2 yet I probably would be able to buy a car by the end of it ;) .. I laugh now but I'll cry later.. Surely there has to be a better alternative out there then just feeding him this. We will do it because we have to but I for some reason get the feeling this vet is overreacting a little and just interested in my money.. You too don't have any more of these issues with your dogs?
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