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Everything posted by Sunnyflower

  1. THanks sunny! What sort of dog do you have atm? Sorry Spotty, a little delayed on the good ol' reply. I currently have a Cavlier! We have fostered in the past and am taking it back up again. (picking the pup up on Friday) So he is used to having dogs around him. My concern isn't Oscar. My partner doesn't like the spots.. I LOVE THE SPOTS!
  2. I'd say they didn't wash out the shampoo properly. I've never heard of a dog getting dandruff from stress and the Nutro has loads of oils in it so I can't imagine it drying out the skin.
  3. I'm so terribly sorry to hear of your lose Cas.. My eyes are welling up for you. RIP Jake...
  4. I found that too with the rescue pups I used to have. They know better then us when they are sore and when they aren't. I've got a rescue pup coming home with me tonight that is getting desexed today, I've sectioned off a little of my yard so she has her own area to get better and can't run around too much until she gets better and gets to know Oscar.
  5. The advice I was given was 12 months after the puppies third vaccine give them their booster THEN every 3 years after do the titre testing.
  6. I voted no only for the pure fact Oscar only had 2! However the 2nd vac he got was a specific one that meant he didn't need a third and it was roughly $20 more. If it was just the normal vaccine then he would have definitely had a third.
  7. I remember Oscar having the trouble with the uti and crystals, you might remember I had similar trouble with my boy Cooper. So it's great to hear the positive stories about this food. I'll look forward to changing them to something made in Oz for sure! Yes I do remember you were having similar problems with Cooper. How is he now? I feed Oscar the Chicken and Oatmeal as it is for sensitive tummies and being rice based I felt it wouldn't upset that area for him. Also I have been giving him 5000mgs of Cranberry powder everyday like some of the DOL guys told me to do and all this combined Oscar is such a healthy happy boy! I recommend popping Coop onto the Cranberry if you already haven't.. It took about 6 weeks to clear up completely but he is perfectly fine now. Couldn't be happier Haven't had any trouble for a long while now, since he has been on the EP, so touch wood it will stay that way once we swap to Nutro. I give them a try of the samples last night and i have honestly never seen them eat dry food with such gusto Fantastic he hasn't had an issues for a while. ;) I guess they are telling you they love it. Petbarn has $9 off their 3kg bags at the moment so maybe worth grabbing a little bag to see if Cooper has any trouble.
  8. ellz, just wanted to ask your reasoning as to why you don't use heart worm meds? Is that just the tablets or you don't medicate this at all? The only reason I ask is because I was told by a Cavalier breeder who had been breeding for over 30 years and she had mountains of research to support the damage vaccinations and heartworming can do to dogs. I'll just stick with the heartworming side of things but she heartwormed as puppies and never again purely for the fact that it is actually more dangerous for a dog to have it all year round then never at all! She said if you are going to do heartworming ONLY do it whilst the mozzies are out as they are the things that generally infects the dogs. She hasn't heartwormed for 30 odd years and never had a dog come down with heartworm. I have read all the articles she has and tend to lean towards what she believes. So much research to support this and the vaccination causes. I only heartworm during the summer months, but how risky it is very much depends on WHERE you live and the prevalance of heartworm in those places. If you live in an area where it is common, I would find it pretty irresponsible not to heartworm medicate at all. The CURE for heartworm is not exactly nice. Vaccinations are really a different issue. This is when I only heartworm my boy too! I personally don't like the idea of the heartworm injection and only want him to have it when required. I do live right by a lake so need to be very mindful of that which I am but I rarely see mosquitos which is lovely.
  9. Thank you! The breeder I chatted with when I first got Oscar said exactly what your thoughts are about it too.
  10. I remember Oscar having the trouble with the uti and crystals, you might remember I had similar trouble with my boy Cooper. So it's great to hear the positive stories about this food. I'll look forward to changing them to something made in Oz for sure! Yes I do remember you were having similar problems with Cooper. How is he now? I feed Oscar the Chicken and Oatmeal as it is for sensitive tummies and being rice based I felt it wouldn't upset that area for him. Also I have been giving him 5000mgs of Cranberry powder everyday like some of the DOL guys told me to do and all this combined Oscar is such a healthy happy boy! I recommend popping Coop onto the Cranberry if you already haven't.. It took about 6 weeks to clear up completely but he is perfectly fine now. Couldn't be happier ;)
  11. ellz, just wanted to ask your reasoning as to why you don't use heart worm meds? Is that just the tablets or you don't medicate this at all? The only reason I ask is because I was told by a Cavalier breeder who had been breeding for over 30 years and she had mountains of research to support the damage vaccinations and heartworming can do to dogs. I'll just stick with the heartworming side of things but she heartwormed as puppies and never again purely for the fact that it is actually more dangerous for a dog to have it all year round then never at all! She said if you are going to do heartworming ONLY do it whilst the mozzies are out as they are the things that generally infects the dogs. She hasn't heartwormed for 30 odd years and never had a dog come down with heartworm. I have read all the articles she has and tend to lean towards what she believes. So much research to support this and the vaccination causes.
  12. I started feeding Nutro probably 3 months ago because my sis-in-law and brother put their Golden Retriever onto it and were over the moon with the results they saw with Jeda. I asked probably 4 - 5 months ago about biscuits as my boy was getting UTI's and Crystals due to too much protein and I remember reading Hesapandabear had been feeding her show Shelties this for many years! That pretty much locked it in for me so I went and grabbed some and I couldn't be happier. I have feed Purina and Science Diet prior to this and the results for my boy weren't that great. Oscar thrives off Nutro and he has NEVER liked biscuits before, he ate them because they were mixed in with his mince and he would spit half of them out. With the Nutro he eats it out of his bowl on his own. Massive thumbs up for Nutro in my opinion and would recommend it to anyone.
  13. Nekhbet, do you not think nine years old is a little old for a first litter? Especially considering the expected life span for a Rottie is roughly 10 years.. The dog is an old grandma! Poor girl.
  14. I've been following this thread Spotty and am SO pleased you have the gorgeous munchkin!!! I want a dalmation .. I want EVERYTHING.. haha.. Will have to narrow it down because I have looked literally into everything. Have fun and enjoy. I really hope you keep him.
  15. Yes I've heard a lot about this over the past week! Apparently it increases our chances of having a heart attack / stroke by 90%. Positive they are taking it off the shelves.
  16. So sorry you had to let your little princess go. She is pain free now and enjoying doggy heaven.
  17. We are getting another dog and despite our best efforts to find the perfect 'rescue' dog, we found one and they backed out, then we found the perfect one via a rescue group in NSW and the person I was dealing with was completely slack in responding despite my best efforts so we gave up, I have been asked by a great breeder to go down tomorrow to check out a 20 month old dog and they have seemed to fall off the face of the earth so we have decided it's clearly too hard to get an older dog so are going to spoil ourselves with a Wei puppy. I have just sent out my email to a fantastic breeder and anxiously waiting. However Oscar turned 2 in July and I am definitely glad I waited till he was two (Cavalier) I too wrote on here when he was roughly 9 months wanting another dog and you get your thumbs up and thumbs down but if you wait a little while longer you will be 100% sure you want another dog and it wont be such an impulse thing because Poppy is growing out of her puppy stage. And believe me at 9 months even being a little breed she is going to change SO much before your eyes. I was told by a good breeder that Cavalier fully mature in terms of body and coat between 2 - 3 years of age and they were right. Do what is right for you though but when the next pup is 9 months old you are only going to want another puppy.
  18. I shall read up on the ingredients list. he is thoroughly enjoying them and from my perspective I am so happy to see my little guy actually enjoying his food, not eating because he has to. I am thinking you guys were right and it was tummy bug, he seems to be fine now but it does re-occur so might just keep an eye on him for a little while.
  19. I can support this! Oscar was 2 in July and only when I changed his dry food to Nutro which was 2 months ago has he actually started eating dry biscuits on their own. As a puppy he was the cutest squishy faced thing I'd ever seen but the most annoying one I'd ever dealt with He wouldn't touch his food and after advice (from DOLers) to leave it on the ground at morning and night for only 10 minutes at a time and eventually he will eat, after 3 days he finally ate. However Oscar was about 7 months old and I tried many foods without success. Good luck. Just enjoy your puppy for now and feed him what he knows and worry about food changes once everything is familiar and he is completely comfortable with you guys and his surroundings.
  20. I've had the same results Rysup but the bile has made me wonder if it's the biscuits or something else. He has in the last 3 months had a couple of UTI's and been on anti-biotics so he might still be getting a little thrown around by that. we will stick with it for a little while longer and see how he goes. Pending on how he continues, if all goes well I might see if he likes the Lamb & Rice next time.
  21. Glad to hear others feed Nutro happily.. I don't feed just Nutro he gets steak mince mixed in with it. He loves these biscuits and has pretty much turned his nose up to everything else so hoping it is just a tummy bug. I only fed him the Nutro biscuits last night and will do the same for the next few days to establish if it was just a tummy bug. I did notice him being quite odd the night before so maybe he was just a bit odd. Hesapandabear - You are one of the main reasons why I actually jumped onto Nutro. You were telling me about it when I was trying to establish what to change him to a few months ago and then my sister-in-law told me she had put her Golden onto it with fantastic results so I raced back to my thread just to make sure it was the same that you were feeding and then went out to get it. I'm assuming the only difference between the chicken and rice and lamb and rice is flavour?
  22. I thought about that and it is quite possible. I will take him off the biscuits for a couple of days and see how he goes. I have noticed him have a couple of chucks here and there since he's been on it but I didn't think too much of it because I thought he was just having a chuck but it clicked this morning when it happened so I googled it and it seems other people had the same symptoms and once taken off it stopped. I thought I would see if any DOLer's had the same thing.
  23. I've had Oscar on Nutro Chicken and Oatmeal for roughly 2 months and he looks stunning! I have noticed fantastic results in the way his coat is looking, the weight he has gained and the smaller the stools have become. However the downfall is he has taken to eating lots of grass and throwing up bile with bits of the biscuit in them. His chucks are coming up unexpected and there are no holding them they just come out bless him. I am going to have to change his biscuits which is a bugger because he is quite the fussy eater and it is the only biscuit he has eaten happily ever. Does anyone else feed or has fed this and has this problem? Would love to hear reports. Thanks. (My brother and Sister in law feed this to their Golden Retriever and Jeda is doing wonderfully on it)
  24. What would make someone just do a random attack like that!! There has to be some underlying reason for this to happen. Most definitely doesn't make it right.. Poor baby.
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