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Bouledogue Français

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Everything posted by Bouledogue Français

  1. Yes I realized that when I posted and couldn't be bothered going back to fix it I have used Dr Inglis when a bitch of mine looked like she was about to abort a litter, I was referred on to him by Bob Cavey, he used their fancy fangdangled ultrasound machine, he also got to the bottom of things when one of my pet owners adult dog was very sick and 2 other vets didn't know what was wrong at the time, he thought it was one of 2 things and felt the only way we could tell was to open her up, and it did indeed end up being one of the 2 things he thought, she had metastesizing mucinous adenocarcinoma. He was just wonderful with my friend, very kind and caring. After we lost her he even emailed my friend with the full results and some comforting words, not many vets do that these days
  2. Nothing to add other than If you choose not to use your regular vet, I can recommend Dr Simon Hurn from All Animal Eye Services in Mt Waverley All Animal Eye Services
  3. Previcox is one of the newer drugs, also with less side effects. And as far as I can remember it works out cheaper than the others. Used it on one of my Bullmastiffs with great results.
  4. Another one for Wyndham Vet Clinic on Market Road, if I am not in the mood to travel to my vet in Rowville. For all general stuff I see Ross, he is great.
  5. What dog? Oh yeah there is a dog in the photo, missed that
  6. So this is Barkly, not bad for a Fluffie Love this one Luke, what a great photo.
  7. Gosh Marnie really is very pretty, there is something about her. Lovely photos.
  8. She is just beautiful :rolleyes: I love the first photo.
  9. The Frenchies eat it, even a fussy eater. I feed the Holistic Chicken mainly, however I have tried in the past the Natural formula and the Holistic Anchovy, Sardine & Salmon and they ate that as well.
  10. I can't believe anyone would suggest such a thing. Show dogs or pet. This is not a DIY situation, they need to go and have them removed at the vets.
  11. IMO if you are going to soak the kibble ( dry food ) do not use boiling water and soak it an hour before the pup is to be fed, do not leave it sitting out over night.
  12. How is your dog stealing your neighbours dog bones? Do you let your dog roam, or do you not have a fenced yard? How do you know they are chicken wings? If you know they are chicken wings then you must be able to tell if they are cooked or raw, or have you just seen your dog eating them, if that is the case why would you let your dog eat something that you have not given it?
  13. I found them the first time in the inside garden section, but if you can't find them, don't forget to ask, I asked the second time and my local bunnings rung around a couple of close stores to see if they had any and they held them for me, they were also happy to tell me if they had ordered any more and when the next lot would be in
  14. I also use Interceptor, and yes it has changed to Interceptor Spectrum and covers all worming. However, I have had 2 different vets tell me that I should add a seperate allwormer tablet 1 - 2 times a year that is different to what is in the Interceptor Spectrum. They say using the same worming treatment all the time can become less effective. Not sure how much truth there is to what they say.
  15. I have found Petstock to be the cheapest for the Joint Guard, although it is not cheap, I found it better than the Sasha's Blend, but again, each dog is different. I heard acupuncture can help so anything is worth a try.
  16. I have found Joint Guard to help, keeping the dogs weight down, Fish Oil caps ( omega 3 ) can help as an anti-inflammatory, monthly Cartrophen injections ( depending on the dog, and you will need periodic bloodwork done ) also Previcox tablets. There is also the J/D prescription food.
  17. When I was last at my Local Mega Pet Warehouse I asked about their meat, they told me it contained preservatives, they did say you can order their meat without it, but you have to give them so many days notice. It is very hard to find places where they do not pump their meat full of preservatives.
  18. Lucas Papaw Ointment is great stuff, good for dogs noses as well, better than Vaseline.
  19. Some may also find this Site useful. This may have been posted before.
  20. I changed my lot over to Orijen from EP Holistic. The results? Nothing outstanding other than sloppy poos! So I am going back to EP Holistic. They did really well on that, I don't know why I changed in the first place . Having said that I am tempted to look at the Artemis, but still not to sure on the whole high protein debate.
  21. What a beautiful tribute to Jenna, I am so sorry for your loss MSJ.
  22. Cleo and Goldielover, This is just a special that we sometimes get, an extra 3kg for the same price as a 15 kg bag. Normally get the 15kg bags for $76. I get mine from a distributor around the Sunshine area, lovely lady.
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