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Posts posted by Mojopoodle

  1. Hi Kirislin

    I just love all the poodle colours, but the red poodles are stunning when young.

    I hope to own & show a Silver one day!

    My favourite colour poodle.

    I've only bred 2 litters but with my 2nd one, Penny started leaving the puppies after about the 3rd night to sleep with me. I had a heated whelping box so I let her choose what she wanted to do. She'd go back in often to feed them but didn't want to stay with them. I figured she'd know what was right for them better than I do so I let her do as she pleased. The pups were all fat and well fed.

  2. Hi LizT

    As requested, Photo taken yesterday and she looks so relaxed. :angel: The pups are 2 males, of course, as I was hoping for a girl! Mum & pups have been to the vet for a check up today and they are all very healthy and her incision is healing beautifully.

    Hope the photo appears!

    That's good to hear Mojopoodle...now all that's left is for you to post some pictures of the little family! :D



  3. Thanks everyone for suggestions, will look into DAP today and buy some rescue remedy to have on hand for any future problems.

    2 good sleeps for new mum & me, last night was even better so it appears the crisis is over LOL

    Hmmm I was going to suggest the DAP diffuser as well - it has been a great help to me. Can you order on line and get it delivered? Lavender ALWAYS helps me sleep so that might work well.... fingers crossed for you to get a good nights sleep..... :crossfingers:

  4. Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

    Her operation was late on Monday night and she is on a heat pad 24/7 with the pups, we live in a cold mountain climate so heating for new puppies is neccessary eg I am just lighting the fire for tonight! I also have a 2nd bed in with her so she can move off if she gets too hot. She appears no different in curling up day or night and her wound does not seem sore when she is out having a trot around through the day, she is quite playful. Yes she is on a good calcium supplement given every night with her dinner.

    Tonight I will put a puppy pen beside my bed with the puppy bed & the extra bed + her food & water and I will be able reach down and settle her (hopefully) if she gets distressed, I will also have a night light on for her. Hope we have a better night. :thumbsup:

    Today I have had her out more through the day as well, hopefully she will feel a bit better tonight with having had more time with me today.

    If anyone has other suggestions I am happy to hear them, I really don't understand why she is behaving this way, but like us they are all different. It is so upsetting for her to be so distressed at night.

  5. Hi Pav Lova, I have been breeding for several years and have never experienced a doggy mum like this one. I am well accustomed to being sleep deprived with new litters, but nothing like this. The mum is just beside herself at night, absolutely and totally frantic, yet is perfectly happy & calm all through the day.

    In my experience this is far from a normal post-whelping behaviour. If it was I would have given up years ago. :rofl:

    I am just very confused by her behaviour and am hoping for a solution that makes her more settled as well as for me to get some sleep at night.

    Be prepared to be sleep deprived and spend the time with her, it's part of breeding I'm afraid.

  6. Hello All

    I am really struggling with this first time mum & her litter of 2, they were born last Monday night by Caesar. They are all well, mum (Toy Poodle) is on Clavulax & Calcium Supplement and is eating puppy food + wing tips + some lambs fry every other morning, drinking & toileting normally through the day, pups are gaining weight beautfully and are very quiet. However once I go to bed she wakes every hour and wants attention (loudly so impossible to ignore) she does not always want a toilet when she wakes up, just a walk around & cuddle, I have tried the toilet, no attention and straight back to bed thing but it has made no difference (she was crate trained prior to whelping). She has never been allowed to sleep in my bed so it can't be that is what she is missing. As you can imagine I have not had a decent sleep since Sunday last week, I have had her in my bedroom in a whelping trolley, fine through the day, hysterical at night. Yesterday I moved her to the bedroom next to mine thinking she might be more settled without hearing me turn over, breathe etc, she was good as gold all day, as soon as I went to bed, hyserical mum again every hour. I don't like to crate (lock in) a mum & pups as I am sure mum likes to be able to move away for a bit of peace, but will try a large crate next to my bed tonight. At around 2 this morning she & I were both so distressed that I brought her back in next to my bed but she still woke up every hour.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? As I said I will try the crate tonight, but don't know what to do next if that fails.

  7. Christina, as a breeder & exhibitor of Toy Poodles I totally agree, I have been asked so often why I cut off my show dogs coat once they achieve Aust Champion status, and it is purely for the happiness of the dog. They are so much happier in pet trim and I think they look so much better that way. I think mine would all pass the 'lap dog' test :thumbsup: I doubt I will ever exhibit to Grand or Supreme, even if the dog has the required quality as I think the long coat & show trims are just far too uncomfortable for the dog.

    So what shape person should sit on the chair to test lapdogs :laugh:

    Does this chihuahua, toy poodle or pomeranian look comfortable on this lap :)

    It wouldn't work for some breeds.

    I do see your point that as long as dogs fit the breed standard & behave at the shows function & certainly health in the lines have no place but it's difficult to find another way to judge that would suit all.

    Was only saying to someone yesterday when they were doing my young boy in show clip that I wished poodles could be shown in a pet clip. I hate the show style & its not great for the dog either.

  8. Hi Everyone

    I’m new to the world of DOL and recently got my dream puppy, a Dalmatian. She is 10 weeks old and obviously due to her vaccinations I can’t take her out properly yet so was looking for some suggestions for some puppy schools in the Gold Coast area. I am already doing basic training with her at home but just want to start getting her out and about.

    Hello your puppy is lovely! I know the person who runs the puppy school at the Green Cross Clinic at Oxenford, she is very sensible with dogs and is a great trainer!

  9. Talking to a breeder friend today from NSW - doing everything so right and I have so much respect for her - not been breeding and showing all that long but doing a wonderful job. Well one of her girls had an accidental mating and looks like she is in pup - this will make 3 litters 1n 18 months - she is quite worried about it - had the same thing happen to me once some time ago but wrote to the Qld CCC and they did register my litter with a warning letter. These things do seem to happen even to the best of us but do you think its worth her approaching the NSW CCC (Dogs NSW) are they like Qld and allow you one mistake? Anyone able to offer any advice.

    I know a NSW breeder who had a similar thing happen maybe 2 years ago and received a small fine and was allowed to put the litter on Limited Reg only.

  10. More advice needed please, my 6 day old puppy has not urinated after or before the last 2 feeds, I had her to the vet yesterday and he did not think she was dehydrated and was happy with her progress. She is being fed Divetelac mix strength B 3 mls every 2 hours. Urinating has been easy until now. Also, she has been defecating by herself and stools were a bit runny but this last time they were more solid. Her bottom is very red looking and I bought her baby zinc cream and have been putting that on her genital area.

    How can I get her to urinate again, or what could have gone wrong?

  11. What sort of bottle are you using. I have fed 90 gm pug pups with a premmie bottle and teat. i didn't believe they would feed from it but they did.

    I am using a Pet Nurser bottle. She drank easily from it through the night but the good news is that she now weighs 105 grams! I ended up removing the mother as she grabbed the puppy again, I suspect puppy has a sore neck now but is drinking although not really sucking, & being tubed and is sleeping quietly, thank goodness.

  12. That's good news about the weight gain! Is she feeding from a bottle, or are you still having to tube feed?

    I tried the bottle for around 6 feeds and the puppy would not suck and fought so hard against it I gave in and started tubing again. Now I am seeing some weight gain so I might stay with tubing for a bit longer. Puppy will swallow but hated the bottle.

  13. Hi Christina

    I have moved her and the puppy into a portable crate and have them sitting next to me now (on the dining table next to the computer), she has not tried to move the puppy again, I think she wanted to be out of the bedroom and near me. She seems perfectly happy now. I can put the crate next to me in bed tonight as well. She loves the puppy and cleans her & worries when I take her out to feed so I don't think she wanted rid of her. Good news pup has gained a few grams today!

  14. Thanks Christina

    I will stop stressing over the weight gain, it may just start to happen.

    Now I have another problem with the mum, she keeps picking the puppy up and making it scream, I am so scared she is going to hurt it. I want her to keep mothering it but not like this.

    Any sugggestions anyone?

  15. Hi Hannah

    Thank you for your reply, my puppy has not suckled from birth but is not losing weight since her initial loss post birth. I wish she would gain some weight though. I have decided to do the plasma by injection if she starts to lose weight or look weak at all. I don't want to cause such a tiny thing, only 95 grams, any unnecessary stress at this stage.


  16. Information needed please.

    I have a newborn Toy Poodle (24 hours old) who is not sucking & mum has no milk. The puppy was born by emergency caesarean yesterday. Puppy was very lethargic & floppy following birth. I tube fed the puppy with Impact Colostrum for 12 hours and she is now being fed Divetelac 2 hourly. The puppy is much stronger now, she seems like a normal puppy, squeaking etc when handled.

    Should I consider a Plasma injection? I have just discussed with my vets and 2 vets have different opinions, one says would be worthwhile, the other says leave the puppy and don't stress her further.

    I would really like to hear any other breeders experiences with this treatment, have any of you managed a situation like this?

    Thank you in advance...

  17. The vet was not aware of poodles having a greater chance of a reaction, but Bayer acknowledged that Poodles are more likely to react when I contacted them. It is just not common knowledge, even with the vendors selling the product.

    Hope your girl is feeling much better today.

    Firefly - about 8 days ago. Both my girls have been on it for 5-6 years without any adverse reaction. Did the vet suggest that similar responses have occurred as with your poodles?
  18. I know this will sound unsual, but when did you apply Advantix? I had 3 poodles suffer different reactions when I used Advantix on them, one ended up in Vet Hospital because he acted as if he had a Paralysis Tick, the other shook and shivered in the corner even after washing her 6 or 7 times and another just had a mild irritation on the back of her neck when touched. Good luck with her.

    I rang my normal vet this afternoon. He suspects an inflamed disc or a tick. Even though she's had Advantix he has asked me to search for a tick (my other dog has just recovered from a tick). Tried a number of things he suggested but can't find anything at the moment. The inclination towards a tick is because she hasn't barked.....and I can't get her to (but then neither is her sister....maybe too hot)

    She has taken a little water. Have been through her with a fine tooth comb for a tick - nothing yet. Got her lead out, she chirped up a bit with that, but still didn't bark (which she normally does). Walked her around, no loss of movement in the rear. Movement looks fine.

    Thinking with the disc is because she would normally jump into my car - but didn't this morning. When my OH picked her up she squealed. Normally she runs and jumps into his lap when he gets home. Sat at his feet and waited for me to lift her.

    I'm starting think something with her neck. She normally sleeps with her head on her feet, today she hasn't. She has dozed off with her head resting on my leg. Gums look OK ie similar to her sister.

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