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Posts posted by shepherdpower

  1. My vet. always checks my dogs' teeth, ears, heart, lungs, claws - a full body check. Also asks if I have any concerns about anything at all. So, he is very thorough, and prepared to take the time to ensure that my dogs are in good health. I also take a urine sample from the dogs for analysis as part of the wellness check.

    So, if your vet isn't doing more than just giving the vaccination, it's not good enough. I think I would be having a chat with him/her, or looking for another vet.

  2. Hi Guys

    What do you think is the best dog shampoo, preferably organic, that doesn't dry out the skin/coat. I have a long-haired boy (see photo on left), and a medium-haired female. I do use a conditioner as well.

    I've tried a few different ones over the years, but haven't really found one that I want to keep using, so any recommendations would be helpful.

  3. At one time I had a lovely Rottie/Labrador rescue boy, and he developed degenerative arthritis of the spine, with nerve damage. He got to the stage also where he also lost bowel control inside the house, without being aware of it. There was nothing I could do about it - his stools were also very normal, it's just that he had no idea that he was doing it. I just had to be very mindful that it could happen, and be ready to clean up. I did try those 'doggy panties' that you can buy, but because he was such a big boy, they didn't really work out that well. I always had a doggy door, so that he could go in or outside when he wanted, but because he couldn't feel what was happening, he did have some accidents inside.

    I did find that acupuncture was of some help to him, and could also help your boy.

    Just also a comment on the Previcox - my beautiful GS female was prescribed it for her arthritis when she was 14, and it resulted in her having seizures, which after much research, I read was one of the side-effects often associated with it. Not trying to frighten you, but just wanted to make you aware that it can happen with some dogs.

  4. Yesterday I gave my dogs their regular Revolution treatment - have been using it for several years. As soon as I put it on Elke, she flinched, then got really panicky and tried to roll it off. It must have really burned her skin.

    I immediately washed the area, and then held a packet of frozen vegetables on the area for a while (all I had on hand!), which seemed to help her and she eventually settled down.

    I'm certainly not going to use Revolution on Elke again, and probably not on Kaiser either - he has been a bit quiet today as well.

    Has anyone else had problems with Revolution?

  5. Colloidal Silver - natural anti- fungal, virus, bacteria antibiotic drops. Use straight as a ear drops, eye cleanse for conjunctivitis in dogs.

    - Dilute Colloidal Silver and use as a skin rinse to rid fungal infection on animals who have smelly itchy coats (usually brought on by using chemical antibiotics that destroy the good gut flora).

  6. Hi GoldD. I, too, suggest that you don't give a puppy extra glucosamine - it's not necessary at that age.

    I have had great success feeding flaxseed oil. It is very high in Omega fatty acids, is excellent for their skin and coat, and is also good for digestion etc. You can buy it at Health Food Stores and some chemists. The liquid form is the best way to feed it rather than the capsule form, and should be stored in the refrigerator. Start off feeding a teaspoon a day.

    I wouldn't shampoo your pup, as that will dry the coat out even more.

    Best of luck.

  7. So sorry to hear about your dog, Dansdogs.

    Often homeopathic treatments can help substantially in severe diseases. I would suggest that you contact Diana Hayes at Holistic Animal Medicines, and she can advise you on exactly the right treatments to use. The link to her site is :


    I have had great success using her remedies on my dogs. Also the homeopathic treatments will not cause any side-effects.

  8. Does anybody out there know if there is a vet. in SA who is prepared to arrange for Antibody Titre Testing please. My German Shepherd had a very, very bad reaction to his last booster in October, which has now led to immune system problems.

    I am searching everywhere for a vet. who will do this in SA, as the ones I have approached just say that they don't do it.

    Thanks everyone.

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