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Everything posted by KnucklesDutchnUs

  1. We are happy to leave the dogs at home together during the day because they have each other. Knuckles was desperately lonely when we were at work, until with got Dutch. But it's VERY true what other people have said: They egg each other on! If Dutch is digging up the garden Knuckles pushes him out of the way and digs, because she's the boss and vice verso. Going out at night is fine because they have each other, but going away is not easy anymore. We have to have them boarded, which means no more cheap weekend breaks or take them with us. Also we needed (and are still getting) personal dog training to sort out any conflicts between the dogs and any jealously. I recommend this, don't just rely on advice from a website to get them settled into your house.
  2. I took Knuckles' collar off her last night and was busy with her, when heard the tinkle of her ID tag and I turned around to see Dutch stealthily tip toeing off it her collar in his mouth. Me: Dutch - Leave it. Dutch: *turns* O hai! *drops collar* Such a funny dog.
  3. same, one of my favourite sigs for sure ^_^
  4. I got recommended it a few years ago when we went to the Cook Islands as an emergency ointment for coral scrapes. The people who told me about it swear by it and use it for everything, and now I carry a little tube in every handbag. I got a horrible head cold 2 weeks before my wedding last year and every time I blew or wiped my nose I would apply the pawpaw ointment - no way was I having red cracked skin for my wedding Worked a dream.
  5. Caption: My Hair!! My bewtiful hair! Iz fallen off!
  6. Knuckles is a laydeeeeee! Unisex name! :D Coz SHE'S a knuckle-head!
  7. I want to see a photo of the owner to see if Bec's prettier than her too Don't need to see a photo to know that she is
  8. Knuckles has an American lookalike too! His name is Frankie, unfortunately I don't have any exact comparison shots like you Bec (BTW your dogs are WAY cuter!!) But every time I see Frankie, I think "My God that's a boy Knuckles..." Frankie Knuckles Frankie Knuckles Frankie - this is what I wake up to every morning (from Knuckles) Frankie Knuckles
  9. eewww there is a new dog to take the title of 'Mr Poo' from my old dog Thorn! He always loved a tasty barker-egg or two. Our week 5 is not as poopy: We spent this weekend down the south coast of NSW, it's a favourite location for the dogs (as well as us!) Lots of walks, runs of the beach, and general doggie fun. The weather was stormy and Knuckles still has a heap of sand on her face in the photo as we were coming back from the beach
  10. Anyone seen the movie "Blade Trinity" Two words VAMPIRE POMERANIAN !!! :D Cheers Bob
  11. you're annoyingly talented. I am quite jealous :D
  12. Absolutely beautiful photos - I love Ruth's photos because the personality of her subjects are captured to perfectly. I think this is one of her best shoots so far Pepe and Nossi are sssoooo beautiful. And it's really interesting to see Pepe because Staffy X Italian Greyhound is one of the crosses we were thinking Dutch might be. Although he'd probably be AmStaff X Italian Greyhound....
  13. erm, yeah we pretty much agreed with the reviews shame, there were some good bits that were outweighed by the crap bits. And I made a Pirate Birdie for my shoulder and everything! w00t! so chuffed, I think I'll still have to work up a full hat though
  14. Week 4 'Mutiny' Inspired by our outing to the Rogues Gallery (sea shanties and pirate songs performance) this week And look! She let me put something on her head!! Awesome.
  15. hehe I have a 27" one of these http://store.apple.com/au/browse/home/shop...mco=MTM3NDcyOTU And one of these at work http://store.apple.com/au/browse/home/shop...mco=MTM3NDc2NTk with a Apple LED Cinema 24" screen OH is thinking about getting MacBook too ^_^
  16. Hallelujah!! Perfectly colour calibrated, crisp monitors... I love my macs
  17. This is awful, Bob and I were both in shock when we heard, and I had a little cry. Even though we didn't know Rocco or Serena their love was so obvious in all Serena's photos. RIP Rocco. Much love and sympathy to Rocco's family, from me, Bob and our two pooches. - Astred
  18. :p yep they are denim overalls.....we live on a farm so i thought would be cute for some photo's :p that is the biggest size that website had in them just wanted to say your doggies are gorgeous Dang! I guess Knuckles just dodged a bullet ;) Thank you, they are gorgeous and rely on their looks to get them through life as two of the silliest dogs in Australia ;)
  19. tee hee hee, what a lovely garden fairy. Caption: Why for are you doing this mama? *pleading eyes*
  20. ahaha this is hilarious! Such a willing model too! My goal for the 52 weeks project is to have Knuckles feel comfortable enough to let me put something on her head (which she HATES and runs away from me when I try now) but I figure if once a week for the next year she's gonna have me do something with her, she'll get used to the idea of kinda dress ups ^_^
  21. Are they red overalls for dogs?!? Where can I get some in size Knuckles? :p
  22. Knuckles did that a few times a couple of weeks ago! The first time I had to crouch in the park, pulling the long grass tangled like a rope, hand over (plastic bag covered) hand, thinking it was a never ending. While she looked back at me miserably, I had to tell her it wasn't a barrel of monkeys for me either! But she kept eating the long grass and came in the house one afternoon to wipe her grass-dingles on the rug! Luckily she missed and got the floorboards, but it was back to pulling out poo-grass-rope. We got the picture though and trimmed the small island of remaining grass in the desert we call our backyard. I find most of the 'never though I would do this' thoughts are centered around the removal or cleaning up of doggie bodily waste. And this is from someone who refused to change her niece's nappies - Astred
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