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Everything posted by KnucklesDutchnUs

  1. I love my Nanna-craft too! Look at the crochet blanket I just finished - shot on our CANON! :p
  2. Knuckles was a very independent puppy as well, she LOVED our older dog Thorn and enjoyed cuddles for a bit then would decide she'd had enough and wander off. I was a bit upset by this when it was happening because Thorn loved cuddles and all the attention he could get. Now Knuckles is almost 2 ( where has the time gone?) and is now the BIGGEST snuggle bum in the world. We have a morning routine, when I get up she does too solely for a cuddle and then goes back to bed with OH and Dutch as I continue to get ready. She is also very talkative in the evenings, telling us that we're not paying enough attention to her My sister had the exact same thing happen with her bitch too. It's just a puppy faze I guess, you're not doing anything wrong I would just give her time and let her grown up and appreciate your love.
  3. I think we need more photos ;) , just to look at the 'mismarking' .. you know for research and stuff
  4. This is the most awesome smilie face ever!
  5. :D :( These are hilarious!! Ivan's caption: "i'm gonna kill you in your sleeps"
  6. You look gorgeous, like a 50's calendar girl, and I mean that as a compliment. Thank you! That's actually why the photographer asked to shoot me, because OH and I collect and wear 50s/60s clothes Love me some dress ups! - Astred
  7. Hrms, looks like a lazy way to fix something ;p You can do all that with a wacom and the clone tool now, I have to do it with book covers all the time. PS. topic should be photoshop CS5 - when I read it I thought "geez someone is still working in photoshop 5?"
  8. Great names! Gorgeous dogs May your new addition bring much love to your family!
  9. Okay so help me out here peeps. We're headed to the show on Monday 5 April and want to catch the AmStaff judging. Having never been to any kind of dog show before, I have no idea when things start and the 'schedule' has no timings on it at all. However the Easter Show website says: Purina Sydney Royal Dog Show Conformation 1 - 10 April 9.30 am - 5 pm And as AmStaffs are first on the list, I am guessing they'll be up at 9.30? I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I like times and structure and proper information Oh and things written out for me
  10. dare you to do Ivan :D You're mean!! Double dare you!!
  11. Geez that's good, do the legs screw in or are they welded?
  12. Dutch is a chewer too. He killed both his and Knuckles beds, so we finally gave in and got Snooza D1000's. However, these are inside beds only and they get watched when they're on them, so we can train Dutch it's not okay to chew them (it's working!) He tends to chew on things as he goes to sleep, poor little thing I think it's a sign of being taken from him mum too early. But he also chews because he can - which I guess is Asha's MO too :D Have you thought about trampoline beds for the dogs as outside beds? And have soft bedding inside when you're around. Trampoline beds aren't indestructible but they're not easy to chew - but easy to dig according to Knuckles, who has dug through 3 - who knows why! But that's what I would suggest, trampoline bed with no-chew sprayed on it. - Astred
  13. YAY! From Bob, Dutch, Knuckles and myself: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  14. We are going on Monday 5th April So excited. Looking at all the timetables now. AmStaffs being judged on Monday and all the Agility and Flyball displays AND the yard dog displays ... plus all the country women's association cake displays. I love a bit of granny craft! - Astred
  15. :D :D YAY Ruthless!! And a congratulations from the Smoochers:
  16. Just you watch Bec, I'll be in Melbourne at the end of April, so don't be surprised if your dogs go missing... and there's a thread like this shortly afterwards: "our amazing family of 4 gorgeous boofs!... the other day we just happen to acquire 2 new doggies, such luck!"
  17. You know, you can have a functional, easy on the eye site without being a designer or developer. My comments are on two things (like most people): 1) DESIGN So you're not a designer, nor can you afford one. So don't try to be one. Don't go overboard with default Windows curly fonts, animated gifs, sparkles or that funny image someone once sent you in an email. These things are unnecessary and really ugly. (as someone mentioned before, I have seen a lot of this predominately on US sites) Clear navigation with a simple, open design, calming colours and easy to read fonts is what you should aim for. OR - hire a web designer. For the amount of money you outlay, it will save you a lot of time and heartache to have a professional do it. And they can also set it up so you can update it yourself down the track. 2) INFORMATION I agree with most of the information points raised above. Plus photos, give me photos! Show photos, home photos, dogs from your litters in their new home photos. Just make sure it's up to date. A good way to combine keeping things up to date AND having a good design is to have a blog integrated into the website. It's super easy to do, and you can use templates. Look at Wordpress and Blogger to start with.
  18. Hardly! I bet most of yours were in focus. But I cropped this one a little to remove more of you, the sensitive artist
  19. Week 8! Getting there This week Knuckles and Dutch were models for Ruthless Leather. They got to wear pretty collars, eat BBQ chicken and hang out on the front lawn - what a hard life for looking so pretty. See the actual shots here: Ruthless Things Blog
  20. Gah! I've really fallen behind Week 6 We're focusing training the dogs to walk better on lead, so each dog gets a lesson on their own in our front yard. It's still 'home' to them but there are a lot of distractions to test them as well. Neither dog likes being away from the other, Knuckles pines at the door as she waits for Dutch's lesson to be over Week 7 Jowls
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