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Everything posted by KnucklesDutchnUs

  1. I have moo cards, I've ordered moo cards for clients, my mum has moo cards for her photography and my sister has moo cards for her jewellery and trust me - I'm a very picky art director - they have all been of a high quality. Print and colour reproduction is very good for a gang printer. - Astred
  2. erm, no: it's an awesome thing! pfft you photographers are so precious: Oh nose! Don't crop my delicate images!! (says the designer )
  3. Oh! I completely forgot Moo! High quality neat little photo cards with your details on the back, you just upload your photo(s) to their site and use their template. Plus you can have more than one image in your batch. So, for example, instead of having 100 cards with your birdie image, you can have 40 cards with the birdie, 40 cards with a dog and 20 of a flower! Moo Cards They are specifically targeted at photographers and they link with your flickr account. Check out the Moo Group on Flickr Samples from the Flickr group
  4. I would print double sided and not have the text interfering with your image at all. I think that currently the typography is not sympathetic to your photo and clashes, which brings down the quality of your shot. Whirlwind print do cheap, good quality short runs of business cards. I would suggest, full colour image one side, and 1 colour (black) with all your text and info on the otherside.
  5. That's so awesome!! I loved the story and I would be so proud to have such a clever dog, if Raaf was mine (as I am sure you are! )
  6. Week 2! This week was about having Knuckles pose with one of my fabulously hideous 1950s dog handbags (I collect 50s and 60s homewares and fashion) and to enhance the vintage theme, I used my Diana F+ lomo (film) camera. However, lomo's are never perfect and you never know what you're going to get, especially since the view finder doesn't align with the lens! But I love the outcome anyway.
  7. Go to your local police station and make a formal complaint about being attacked with a weapon. If she came at you a second time, it was no longer 'self-defense' and you were in serious danger. Stress that YOU were in psychical danger as well as your dog. Then call the council ranger and tell them there were two dogs off lead. I wouldn't have thought you needed an address - I mean people are mugged and they don't have residential addresses for their assailants - but going to the station to file a report will do more than calling (or so I have found).
  8. Yippee! First picture up! We were playing with the hose! (trying to water the decimated grass actually, but it turned into playtime)
  9. hehe we took a bazillion shots of knuckles when she was a pup and when dutch joined us, but got lazy and stopped ... hopefully this will give me the kick I need to keep going! My link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/squishycherry/
  10. We've joined the DOL flickr group - although I'm a long time paying member of flickr and several pools, I am testing my patience to take a photo of Knuckles every week with DOL (possibly a more accepting environment, no?) - Astred
  11. haha that's the best name, I hope you constructed model towns, while you had him, just to take photos of him 'destroying the city' It's a pity he had to leave the island, but hooray for the people looking after him now. Great story
  12. Look at that face!! She's in heaven, that's so awesome
  13. kissy-smoochy face!! I hope you're having a good evening with the new family member!
  14. KC can be caused by viral infections such as canine distemper, canine adenovirus, canine parainfluenza virus, or canine respiratory coronavirus, or bacterial infections such as Bordetella bronchiseptica. source The vaccination only works against the bacterial infection, as virus's cannot be treated with anti-biotics. Both our dogs have had their vaccinations and both have had the viral version of KC.
  15. Dutch got KC 2 weeks ago and our vet said the incubation period is 3-5 days, which was about right as we had taken the dogs to our local dog park 4 days before the symptoms appeared.
  16. What a gorgeous girl! And such a perfect lap-dog
  17. :D Gold. Dutch is a bandit for watching you in the bathroom. he will come and sit right next to you. One of these days he is going to get too close and I'm going to pee on his nose. ( Note : this is Bob writing, it would have to be a much more calculated approach for Astred to wee on him ) Knuckles on the other hand will watch from outside the door because she hates going in the shower when we wash her. Yes Ruth sometimes we wash our dogs we will have to schedule our next shoot for the 30 seconds they remain clean after a wash. Great photo cheers Bob
  18. **WANT!!** Puppy Bullies smell the best ^_^
  19. OMG They are adorable!! I want a Mud Monster!! Such gorgeous dogs, I love that they get even cuter with mud. Great photos More please!
  20. awww naughty poop head. Knuckles and Dutch do exactly the same thing with their beds, that they love and sook about if they don't have, they sit and chew and rip them to pieces. I am sure Trixie didn't do it as a direct thumb to you. Don't hate her
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