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Everything posted by Kempe

  1. Am not a dog trainer but gee it's only 11 weeks old, give it time
  2. Is this the dog they threw out the car window for the sake of entertainment?. There was one episode devoted to them being out in the middle of nowhere like a South American jungle and the dog apparently jumped out the car window at speed, and by sheer coincidence they had the camera running in the car at the time to capture it, the whole show then went on about Alby's attempts to get to a vet to save it's life with him going on about how much he loved the dog etc. Afterwards the truth came out that the dog was thrown out the window but they didn't capture it properly on video so they did it a second time. edit: just read this online...Mangels emphatically rejects the claim, saying it was a piece of malice from someone who wasn't paid after he went bankrupt.
  3. As I've said on other threads I had a collie x that took epileptic fits from 2 years old till he was PTS at 14 due to a heart condition. We used to walk him every day, go to the beach etc but when the epilepsy struck it was difficult to take him anywhere as he took a fit, so after about 2 years of trying we consulted with the vet and decided to keep him within a familiar area ie house and back garden. So for 10 years of his life he never went out of those areas. Quality of life..... some may think he had none but he was able to fetch and retrieve a ball, frisbee etc, I built him jumps so we had a wee agility course in the garden and he had a great life, plenty of exercise and integration with the family. As long as he was kept in that environment his fits were decently controlled but we had to be careful of things like lawnmowers, electic drills or hammering as they seemed to bring it on, so we would bring him inside. When the wife did the vacuuming I would go outside with him and do agility. PTS was never an option and he wasn't groggy with the medication but going over the front door step seemed to be a trigger for him.
  4. I've been going to Chandlers Hill Vet Clinic, 190 Chandlers Hill Rd for years as it's right next to Aberfoyle Pk
  5. After my 14.5 year old Kelpie had to be PTS I knew I would get another dog but waited a few months as I just couldn't do it, eventually put my name down with the BC breeders that I was interested. Due to the waiting list I missed out on a few litters and had resigned myself to having to wait another few months for the right dog. Out of the blue one of the breeders emailed me that she had a 10 week old girl she thought was perfect for me, sweet natured and great personality. Stunned and surprised I phoned her and all I could say was "why"? Why do you have a 10 week old?? was she the runt of the litter??, there all gone at 8 weeks, why do you have a 10 week old ???? (I was embaressed saying it and embaressed writing it) lol There was a very logical reason and next day I left work early and grabbed the family and drove out there. When we got there (a bit early) the breeder had Tara in the house and had just finished bathing her, she walked out the door with Tara in her arms and she had this sideways look just staring at us, and to this day she still does it often and it reminds me of the first second I saw her. Tara is now 16 months and a beautiful dog....thanks Michelle This is Tara photographed in the back garden the next day
  6. Being dizzy, confused and walking like a drunk certainly sounds like some kind of fit. Medication can control it quite well. My dog had very few fits when sleeping they were mostly brought on by noise, thunder lightning and lawn mowers, that kind of thing. If you see him have one try to keep calm and do not restrain him and try and time how long the actual thrashing around lasts for, the vet will want to know this
  7. What do you mean by his behaviour makes you think he had a fit? I had a collie x for 14 years that took diagnosed epileptic fits for 12 of them and there seemed to be no after effects other than a bit of slabber round the mouth and a thirst. Sometimes we could pick up a change of behaviour before them like he would suddenly become sooky, but afterwards he was fine
  8. Went to the show today and it is a good day out, really enjoyed the flyball demo, highly recommend going.
  9. Thanks, I better get there early, have breakfast, see the BC's and stay for the day This is going to make the workweek go in soooo much quicker
  10. I never knew about this thanks for posting, I will be there with family and BC in tow, I take it there will be stalls and food served?
  11. Sunday mornings 8:30am open and utility 9:30am Novice 9:45am Puppies, beginners, Grades 1&2 10:30am Grades 3,4, and 4a Wednesday nights 7:30pm Puppies, beginners, Grades 1&2 open 7:45 pm Grades 3,4,4a and novice Monday nights 6:15pm Agility 7:00pm Puppy agility 7:30 utility Joining fee $15:00 Annual membership fees Single $20:00 Family $25:00 Pensioner/single $13:00 Pensioner/family $15:00 Junior/student $15:00 Class fees per lesson $1:00
  12. Dont think Noarlunga have a website, they train Sunday morning, Wed night, and Monday night for agility, puppy agility and utility They only train for 30 mins but having the small classes it's really all you need as there is no standing about waiting.
  13. Hi Ravyk, I live in the same area as you, there are 2 clubs close by. Noarlunga has small classes, I went for a look last Wednesday night and they let me in their group for a trial, the class had 4 dogs and it was like private tuition. Southern districts is also close by but they have bigger classes about 20 usually. Pm me if you like for further info
  14. Tazmadman: I support your right to reply and defend your club, but don't understand why you have joined to defend a club that hasn't been named? How do you know it's your club? I can only assume Miss Squish attends your club and you have put 2 and 2 together, rather weak assumption to so viciously attack someone, especially to talk of legal action and statutory declarations. But lets move on, has the club President done an impartial, thorough and fair investigation because you state that you "Will be speaking to the class to get statutory declarations signed" indicating the club hasn't. If the club hasn't conducted a thorough and fair investigation at this stage how can you say "nothing happened" and call the OP a liar? Were you there at the time the alleged incident didn't happen?? You also state "the instructor concerned" as no one has been mentioned publically where are you getting this from?? Be best all round for the club President to quietly do an impartial, thorough and fair investigation as I think the attitude being displayed will further alienate members due to the unprofessionalism, if/when they find out the club allegedly involved. As already mentioned the 2 new posters on this thread have done much more to tarnish unsaid club than anything else!!
  15. Couldn't make it, the rearranged time just didn't fit in, there's always next month tho'
  16. In the end, she got the plumber to put a hot/cold water tap on the outside of her house (outside the laundry in her case), and attached a short length of hose with a trigger shower head. It's fabulous b/c you get clean water all the time. She just ties the dogs to the house or the table outside, wets them down, shampoos them up, then rinses off. Great idea... I'm going to get a plumber out for a quote I'm getting too old to continue lifting my BC in and out of the bath
  17. I'm hoping to make my first meet, is this a secure/fenced area? I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and so is Tara
  18. I crate trained my BC since she was 8 weeks old, now she is 10 months and still sleeps in her crate in the games room, I dont think she would have it any other way, she loves her crate.
  19. I'm thinking of making some of these for my BC can I ask where you got the cups the bar sits on. The rest of the stuff I assume a plumbers hardware store would have
  20. I used to wonder about this too whether to stop using a crate once they were toilet trained but my BC loves her crate and she is now 6 months. When you tell her "crate" she runs in and wont lie down till you close the door then immediately flops and is so relaxed, which also answered the next question I had whether to lock the door or not as she got older, so she told me...crate/lock the door/goodnight
  21. She flopped 8 times in about 75 metres, but am stating to think it's tiredness to as it's at night, am gonna walk her in the morning see how it goes I'll ask again. How far/long are you walking her. Is it just to the Reserve? Yeah just walk her on a leash to the reserve which is about 100m away from home, once there it's play time and she can do what she likes, sniffing and being a dog etc but there is a lot of traffic to get that 100m and I like her to walk without pulling etc which she is good at.
  22. She flopped 8 times in about 75 metres, but am stating to think it's tiredness to as it's at night, am gonna walk her in the morning see how it goes
  23. I don't expect much on a walk at that age, am certainly not over disciplining. I have a reserve just down the road and as there are cars about to get there I like her to heel and not pull, which she can do, once she's there it's play time. I'll start taking her earlier in the morning and see how she goes
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