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Everything posted by Arlizng

  1. Thanks for your reply. It is the same kibble and puppy milk. I started barf when we ran out of the mince we used. I mix the barf with the kibble. Should i revert back to mince? The breeder stated that she left the kibble and milk down for them. Should i remove the bowl still?
  2. Hi everyone, My puppy has not been a big eater. She will sniff her food bowl and walk away. I'm currently feeding her a mix of blackhawk and barf (started barf today). If it is just blackhawk kibble and if we leave it there all day, she will walk in and out of pen taking eating one mouthful at a time. She does not seem to like puppy milk, nor her kibble soaked with some water so we give it without. Breakfast, she would happily eat raw chicken neck or one chicken wing in one seating. She will eat her treats when training too. Also, she had her second vaccination this week. Should i be concerned? She's been with us for a week, so maybe she is still adjusting? Thanks.
  3. I have not found a puppy to be ugly before. :) Yes! She does! or a part time wolf cub or wiley coyote or a red panda. :) Just lurking in this thread, and thought I would make it more confusing by suggesting you look at a raw diet I started feeding raw about 5/6 years ago and the difference in their poo was one of the first things I noticed (say this to a non-dog person and you sound like a right weirdo :laugh: ). Loving everyone's baby puppy pics, I will have to post some of ours when they arrive :D But talking about poop is so interesting! I'd love to see some baby Mal pics. I'm going to have to stalk the breeders litter thread! More baby Nova? Love baby Nova pics! Just lurking in this thread, and thought I would make it more confusing by suggesting you look at a raw diet I started feeding raw about 5/6 years ago and the difference in their poo was one of the first things I noticed (say this to a non-dog person and you sound like a right weirdo :laugh: ). Loving everyone's baby puppy pics, I will have to post some of ours when they arrive :D I was thinking the same. Willow has been in raw since I got her. And she's always had great skin, coat, ears, muscle tone. Never really went through uglies. And only had two baths since we got her. She just doesn't really get stinky. (Ok...her farts...that's another story. :laugh: ) I've actually begun feeding Pagan a raw diet…it's a struggle because she only takes little mouthfuls at a time and doesn't seem to like food much! Is there a thread on starting a puppy on raw anywhere? She is currently eating blackhawk puppy kibble, a bit of milk and we are going to try raw chicken wing for today's dinner.
  4. Hi everyone. Meet my new puppy Pagan. Pagan, meet Dol Community. Dol Community, meet Pagan. I'm still trying to work out how to resize photos, so any help means more puppy pictures. :laugh: Thats her "if butter won't melt" face.
  5. Thanks for that. Much appreciated. :) I'm on the Lappie NSW group on fb and i have recently attended a lappie picnic. Looking forward to more in the future! She would love puppy cuddles im sure. I am concerned about bad habits. Hopefully with the tentative planning i'm doing, she'll be one very laid back chilled happy puppy. Oh gosh Well definitely makes me want to point out to the OP to ask questions before enrolling her pup anywhere! Thanks. They are, aren't they? I'll post up pics when i get her. I know how Dolers love photos. Actually, Dog logic is the school i'm contacting and will now probably go that route. I love cafe bones! I won't be taking her there just yet, as there are quite a few dogs out and about. I will once, she has all her vacs. Thanks for the recommendation. Both are close to me, so i'll look into that if my previous choice does not work out. :thumbsup:
  6. Thanks, i'll put that question to the pre-school i'm enquiring with. :thumbsup: Eek, yes. i dont want her to develop any fears. All part and parcel of dog ownership, the worry isnt it. :) What breed is she? She is a finnish lapphund. Around the Inner west area. I've found one at the local vet and am in the midst of getting more information. They are accredited with CGC and im reading up on accreditation of dog trainers as we speak. :) Thanks for recommendation, it's abit of trek for me. But i won't rule it out just yet, the website information looks promising.
  7. Hi Dol community, I will be having a new fur kid in the upcoming weeks and i'm (and my partner) are very excited. The pup will be around 10 weeks old when she gets to us. So my questions are :- (1) Are there any recommendations for puppy pre-school based in Sydney? What did you like about them, etc? - I have looked contacted the puppy pre-school at the local vet clinic and looked into Leichartt dog training club as well. On Leichartt's dog training website, it seems like puppy pre- school will only commence in feb 2014. (2) Socialisation. - I understand that i will need to take my puppy to stations, cafes, markets, schools,etc. But i would like for her to socialized with other dogs and learn doggy manners. How do i do this? i'm apprehensive on taking her to dog parks until she gets older and has her full vaccinations. Any advice on approaching this issue? I would like to express my appreciation in advance for your replies. Thanks everyone! :D
  8. Replying without 'multiquote' because it keeps saying opening tags does not match. @zug Zug & @Diva Sorry about the confusion, that will teach me to scribe without paying close attention. I meant those are the breeds we could both agree on. @rust & biscuit Thanks. I have yet to meet a schipperke. @showdog I did recently go to Dogs NSW show. I only managed to speak to some samoyed breeders, i think the keeshond breeders were getting ready to show so i didn't want to intrude. I just checked dogs nsw website, there are a few dog events coming up but not a show per se. @minimax I think currently there is a higher possibility that i would be in an apartment for the next few years. I understand where you can coming from. @lonk Thanks for the suggestions. Pug owners are quite passionate about their breed (i have a friend who is that). It's not high on my list though. :) @yonjura Thanks. I will keep my opinions open. the mini schnauzer is not a breed i had considered.
  9. /quote] You're right about Labs. So I was intrigued that the American Kennel Club listings for the most popular dogs in New York City, now have Labs at the top. Most people live in apartments or attached dwellings in that City. I expected the list would be full of 'smallies'. But I should've guessed. I once got a book out of the local library by one of the top US dog trainers. Called 'Metrodog:Essential Guide to Raising Your Dog in the City'. His clients and their context was New York City. It was a great read, with lots of tips & pics. And he was pretty open about breed & how they could be catered for. But that's part of the New York City culture to have dogs of all shapes & sizes in dense housing. And they have all sorts of services to support it. As well as more social acceptance. We're well away from having a culture (or even climate!) & environment like that, in Australian cities. I notice the book is available from Amazon. But I borrowed a copy from a library: http://www.amazon.com/Metrodog-Essential-Guide-Raising-Your/dp/0446679186 Especially read the Customers' Reviews of the book underneath. I will see if my library/book depository has it. :) Looks like a great read. I can't wait. So the other half has vetoed:- -Keeshond -Tibetan Terrier -Finnish Lapphund -West Highland Terrier. 3 out of 4 are smallish. So we are getting there. I read up abit on the Tibetan terrier and it says you need to be an alpha pack leader with them. How is that different to any other breed i wonder. I have had (at my parents overseas) a jack russell terrier (too independent for my liking, she is very much alpha of the dog trio); goldie and smooth mini dacchy. Temperament wise it would be ideal to be similar to a goldie. Ugh, has anyone else agonised over this? First world problems i know. Thanks for your patience and i enjoy going through your comments.
  10. Thanks for the reminder. I had checked and dogs are allowed on common property. I have only seen a few maltese looking mixes...and my neighbour is one of them. I wouldnt even know they have a dog until i bumped into them walking their dog. :) Also, i have attached this link for anyone who hasn't had a look yet...hoping it'll lead to a more dog-friendly sydney. :) http://news.domain.com.au/domain/real-estate-news/apartments-go-to-the-dogs-20130619-2ojec.html You made me curious. I googled the American Kennel Club's listings of the most popular breeds in their major cities. Here's the listings for New York City for 2011 & 2012. Very intriguing, they say the Labrador Retriever has taken top spot in NYC, from Yorkies who've dominated in recent years. http://www.akc.org/reg/topdogsbycity.cfm?page=1#NewYorkCity Have a look at Newark above NYC for a mention of Havanese. Correct me if i'm wrong but labs are a working sporting breed and they are doing fine in a NYC apartment? :) That is encouraging i suppose. Certainly clicker training is something i am looking forward to sharing with my dog. I have not yet tried this technique but have listened to dog training podcasts about it...yes..i'm a geek. :) Oh dear, if i were to be a good fit for dachshund, that is what i would pick. I could attempt to make them vet-friendly since i have one down the street from me. You would want to keep those fingers. Thanks. Non-shedding coats are certainly a plus if your warerobe had a lot of black in it.
  11. I wonder what are the top apartment breeds in New York and Japan? When i visited NY, it was dogs everywhere! Which i loved. Good luck on your move. I think an older dog might be ideal in my situation, so i will consider that once i've decided which breed may be good. Pity, because puppy stages are the best. I just youtubed shiba inu scream on youtube..A shiba was being given a bath and was screaming bloody murder. They are veryy vocal! Here's the link for whoever is interested. I had golden retrievers at my family home where i spent many an hour happily grooming them. :) Haha, i think frenchies are adorable but not at the top of my list. Thanks for the suggestion. I met two whippets today! They had the most expressive eyes and silken coats. However, the owner mentioned that one of the two doest like learning tricks...is this a breed trait or down to temperament, i wonder. When Kivi starts it can sometimes be hard to get him to stop if it's frustration barking. Somewhere along the line he learnt to bark joyously and persistently when we come home. It takes him a minute or so to calm down again. Sometimes if we stuff a sock or toy in his mouth he's happy and starts doing his walk in circles with ears pinned back routine instead. On the plus side, we often get roo-roos, which are considerably cuter and less irritating than barking. Only his special favourites get roo-roos. People love it. He stays indoors when we are not around as he was noisy by himself in the yard. But he's quiet and content inside, and he can comfortably hold it a full day. It would be my preference to let him spend more time outside because he likes it. Kivi still tries to dig sleeping holes in our floor and we have pulled all the carpet up. He is known to dig holes in the yard and sit in them and bark until someone comes to look at it. He also one time dug a hole at the dog park and quite deliberately pushed Erik into it and then sat on him. Kivi is a dork. Kivi is the cutest and such a darling. Thanks for sharing. I blame the spitz threads for winning everyone over the finnish lapphunds. :) not sure where you are (sorry on mobile so no locations) but if your in Sydney or central coast way always happy for you to come meet some lowchen friends first hand to get a feel as Darkrai said we're always happy for our pups to go to apartment homes providing they're adequately cared for. Thanks. I will consider the lowchen. I live in Sydney. Are there any meet or breeders that dont mind inquisitive people asking lots of questions? I dont mind excercising/training/grooming my dog. Granted, i know goldens' arent as fluffy as the spitz breeds. I would love teaching my dog tricks, so preferably a breed that enjoys performing tricks too. Across my apartment is an offleash park, down the street there is a vet and around the corner there is a fenced dog park. So there are a few opprtunities for excercise and socializing and hopefully dog meets. Did someone mention that dachshunds aren't dog friendly and i should take that into consideration at the dog park? So last i checked the breed tally is :- - Finnish lapphund - Keeshond - West Highland terrier - Low chen Thank you to Everyone who replied although i did not respond to each one. Hopefully 'we' can lock down to one/two breeds.
  12. Like i said, i'm not taking this decision lightly. With the hour exercise, i can do more but that would be a realistic estimate during weekdays. Weekends, im happy to spend thing hanging out with my dog going for obedience classes,etc. So the general census seems to be :- (1) very laid back dog (yay for laid back lappies, or is Kivi the only laid back lappie?) (2) an adult dog (could a samoyed/keeshond/lappie/ dachshund still suit here?) (3) a westie/ shiba inu / lowchen Thanks for the feedback on whippets. Like i said, i have not had any experience with the breed and it was helpful to know that they are acrobats. :laugh: Please keep referring breeds that you think are suitable as there may be some that i have been remised in looking into. Once again, thank you everyone for being so helpful and honest.
  13. @ westiemum I would consider a westie. Thanks for the reminder. @persephone I would be more than happy to take my dog to obedience class (beyond puppy school?). I have never tried dog sports, but it does look like fun. I live on a 3rd floor. I would have to take my dog outside or use a portable loo.
  14. Thanks for your replies. As much as i would delight in the sammie's happy voice, i get that my neighbours may not feel the same. @ snowdog I would be able to walk my dog an hour a day, so i dont think a border collie and i would be a good match. I know it sounds generic, but i would love for my dog to enjoy spending time hanging out with me. I enjoy teaching my previous dogs tricks. @Trisven13 and @dotdashdot I have nothing against the breeds you suggested but they aren't at the top of my list. The whippet seems a little fragile in my limited experience of the breed. @KJJ Unfortunately, i work full time. Gotta bring home the bacon! What might be large rug like dog breed do you have in mind? Anything smaller than a great dane? :)
  15. Hi Everyone, :) I've been debating over some breeds for a long time and i hope you can offer me your feedback. I am enamoured with these breeds : - Samoyed - Finnish Lapphund - Keeshond - Miniature Long Dachshund What are your thoughts of any of these breeds living in an apartment. I don't mind the grooming, but i want my dog to be happy and comfortable living in a small space. And...Go! p.s- Thanks in advance for your feedback as I am not taking this decision lightly.
  16. Hi There, Is anyone going to be attending the the Dogs On Show at Erskine Park on 15th June?
  17. Thanks for posting. That was very lovely. *grabs tissue* :D
  18. Hi Everyone, If you are procastinating like i am right now, check this out : http://www.timflach.com I've always been tempted to buy his photography books. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your day!
  19. I was there myself a couple of years back. i teared up just reading your post. it's a really hard choice. So
  20. Well....it's really my sister's dog who rules the roost back home..So i hope you guys dont mind. Generally, when im back for a visit, my sister's miniature daschund would have slumber parties with me. She usually prefers sleeping near my ankles against my legs under the doona (sometimes resting her head on my ankle ), then i would be like...trying my darnest not to move the entire night, so her highness could have an uninterrupted sleep. In the mornings, she would generally wake up, head to the loo for a quick wee and jump back into bed with you to sleep the day away. If you try to wake her up by lifting up the doona and thus, allowing light to flood it...she would shoot u stinky looks and then turn her bum towards your face and gradually scoot up so her bum is right next to your face.....either she really likes her butt scratched..so she's sending me a msg. http://flickr.com/gp/39692124@N02/c2H2j6
  21. Thanks for sharing dog geek! Is there only a singular post about her dog? FYI, it IS hilarious. Great find.
  22. Oh im so sorry everyone. In my haste to post this, i did not see there was already a prior post featuring this by FrancQ. So sorry! How do i remove it?
  23. Could there not be a better combination? One of my fav bands known for their quirkiness, but the dogs agilities steals the show! Hope it brings a smile to your face as it did mine, everyone.
  24. Talkative dogs are the best. LMBC, Film it and post it ! :D
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