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  1. That depends on the cause of the itchies, some itchies can be soothed by luke warm water. I was told by my derm to never ever use cold water - makes the skin contract which makes them itch more... Ok so have you tried this?
  2. Mason, I agree with the Aloveen, yes this can happen but winterpaws wont know until she tries it ...process of elimination! What works for one.... wont neccessarily work for another. Aslo a rinse off in cold water after the bath will also help sooth the ithces.
  3. Hi Wnterpaws, I would recomend to firstly shave back any area that is infected as this will help for it breath....and not spread! If you can get him hydrobathed in a flea n tick wash and also with the pyohex in the hydrobath as well as concentrating on shampooing the areas with pyohex and leave on as long as posable. You must try to scrap of as much of the scale as you can as this is where the bacteria breeds! Second bath to sooth in EPO vetinary grade Isle of dogs or alloveen or even together. DRY the infected areas OFF. Your Brown listeren mouth wash applyed on these areas after every wash will also help improve it. as it is for bacterial problems and is great for hot spots! You need to do this every week! Also the canlandula Tea sounsd like a good idea as tea has antibiotic properties in them. It is really a routine and a process of alimination to find what is going to help your dog the most. And from what i have come across he will most certainly suffer from this from time to time...you just need to be on top of it before it becomes a mager problem. Look at his diet also!
  4. Hi Julie, You will have some that disagree on the clipping of certain breeds. At the end of the day it is your choice! If it makes the dog more confortable and is only a pet, it certainly makes grooming easier on your self. ...then you are doing the right thing! But it is essential to find a grooming salon that you are happy with. And like wise with a moblie Salon also .....When you call a mobile ask for some references to get some feed back. Cheers
  5. Hi Donna, Just a question regarding showing. Do you know if anyone has any footage, video,s on showing a Saint Bernard. As I would be very interested to brush up on our showing skills and it would be a great help to be able to see one in gait, and correct postion on the stack a 360 degree veiw of the dog on the stack. We dont have that many Saints to study in the ring in North QLD and as we know all breeds are very differnt, as you can only learn so much. Photo,s only help to a certain degree! Any information would be greatly appreciated. Mechelle
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