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Best/ Worst Dog Treats And Chews
grabonsam replied to JenniCB's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
You could try making your own bikkies from Dr Harry's recipe. You can then make them whatever size you like. Mine love em. Great for fresh breath too. Lots of carrot, parsley, bit of natural bran, wholemeal flower and little bit of light mozzarella for flavour. Recipe readily available on line. Just google Dr Harry's dog biscuits.A little bit of extra cooking time makes them nice and hard so they last a bit longer. -
Great to see Cooper looking so happy. Must be a big relief for you too.
Please consider making a report to the vet board. It sounds to similar to our situation not to be the same specialist. It didn't help for us, he was found not to have done anything wrong. However, I know he lied in his response to the board - you get to see a summary of the reply. If enough people submit complaints one day the board will take notice. As bad as it is for you both tonight he will get better..
I know EXACTLY what you're going through. When I called the specialist for help I was told by staff the surgeon was not available, "we're are a surgical centre you should see your local vet". I did. Then the emergency vet at Essendon. Both places were shocked at what had been done to my boy. I left several phone messages for the surgeon, he didn't respond for 3 days until after my referring vet had called him and blasted him! (My local vet no longer refers to this pig.) He requested that we return for him to have a look. He kept us waiting for half an hour despite him having made the appointment time! His first comment when he finally cAME OUT TO SEE US WAS i DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE CARRYING ON ABOUT "THE DOG'S NOT DEAD"!!!!! I asked for reimbursement of vet and medication costs (didn't mention the lost wages for a week staying home with him) and was told it was not his fault and that I shouldn't have gone anywhere without his authority - despite being advised by his staff. He called me a liar and told me his staff would never make such a recommendation. Your boy WILL recover I'm sure. But he is going to have a tough time. The skin on my boy just kept going black and shedding, that's why I thought he'd loose his jewels! The severe pain was under control within about a week of tramadol and valium, but pain did linger for a while. The skin on his scrotum took close to a year to really look normal. My heart truly goes out to you and your boy. It's so awful to feel so helpless when you can see how distressed they are.
Yes, he's a beautiful, gentle boy and the universe has dealt him some tough blows! Mongrels who bought him as a puppy had him debarked! I adopted him 7 years ago. He's only 4 weeks post cancer surgery, the tumor margins were clear, so I can only hope that there is no recurrence. He's recovering well, still very tight and sore, but a tough little soldier - well big soldier actually, he's a big, old style border collie. I'm sure your boy will get better, he's having a rotten time too! All the best.
Emergency vet at Essendon gave my boy Tramadol injection, followed with tablets for about a week for severe clipper rash on his scrotum. Also gave him antibiotics, valium and a topical local anesthic /cortisone cream. Poor boy was in agony! Never seen him so distressed.Thought at 1 point that he might have to be castrated just to add insult to injury!. It took him a very long time to recover. Once he was no longer in severe pain (several days), I used bepanthan - the one that looks creamy not the oily one that looks like ointment, there are 2 varieties of bepanthan. It definately helped him, He'd been clipped for TPLO which he didn't need as arthroscopy showed no injury to the ligament. Went through it all for nothing.So called 'specialist' claimed it was my boys 'sensitive skin' and nothing to do with the job done on him. However, he has been clipped since for other things with not even a little pimple! Most recently was very large area for removal of large soft tissue sarcoma which has basically been removal of muscle and skin from outside almost entire thigh, and large rotation flap to repair the defect. Different specialist to before.. Huge area clipped including groin, abdo, inner and outer thigh - again, not even a mild rash. I see others here have had bad experience with prep for major surgery, would be interesting to know if was the same surgeon/specialist - perhaps he has become a little complacent now he has a big reputation! I wouldn't allow him to give a vaccination after our experience!!!! Hope all goes well for your boy. Just get him some strong pain relief.
Beaufort House Adelong NSW This beautiful old building has 4 motel rooms attached where dogs are allowed to stay inside. There is a small park across the road and plenty of grassy areas to for a walk. Adelong is about a 15 minute drive off the Hume and is a lovely, quiet alternative as a stoppover on the way to Sydney. Cynthia is a very friendly hostess and makes the best coffee outside Melbourne. www.beauforthouse.com.au
Beaufort House Adelong NSW This beautiful old building has 4 motel rooms attached where dogs are allowed to stay inside. There is a small park across the road and plenty of grassy areas to for a walk. Adelong is about a 15 minute drive off the Hume and is a lovely, quiet alternative as a stoppover on the way to Sydney. Cynthia is a very friendly hostess and makes the best coffee outside Melbourne. www.beauforthouse.com.au
I need to travel from Melbourne to Sydney in August. For comfort reasons (for 1 border collie) I need to break up the trip. Does anyone know of a motel or B&B about half way between the 2 cities? I'm only interested in truly dog friendly places, not places that consider a fenced yard and kennel to be friendly! I'll be travelling with 2 borders who are very well mannered and used to sleeping inside.
Bowen Therapist - Melbourne
grabonsam replied to SparkyTansy's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
There's a woman in Cranbourne who has a great reputation with dogs and has been treating them for many years I think she comes to the pet store in Newport once a month as well. One of my friends thinks she's fabulous. There's another in Sydenham who treats dogs - not sure how much experience. I can hunt down names and numbers if you want. -
Does anybody know how much TNS testing costs if one parent is a carrier?
Hormone Implant In Lieu Of Neutering
grabonsam replied to FranVT's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
One of my mates got the implant for her boy to prevent puppies until she was sure about breeding. The vet told her it would prevent him from making puppies for 12 months. Unfortunately it failed the first time the girl came in to season. He is now the proud father of seven!!! -
My 26kg, 6 yr old boy has used it. 50mg 2-3 times a day for a week. No adverse side effects, just a bit drowsy for a few hours, and it provided great pain relief for him. I was very impressed at how well it worked for him.