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Red Fox

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Everything posted by Red Fox

  1. Thanks guys Kei is on it twice a day for 4 days. But the diarreah has completely stopped (actually he hasn't pooped since yesterday morning ;) ) so I'm wondering whether I'll need it for that amount of time Will have to speak to the vet about it tomorrow I think....
  2. Kei was prescribed Scourban by the vet yesterday for a tummy upset and while the vet did give me a brief rundown on what the product does I'm not sure I took it all in at the time Tried Google but not much came up... Can anyone shed a bit of light please
  3. It's not this is it? Yesterday Today Tomorrow plant: http://www.burkesbackyard.com.au/factsheet...ay-Tomorrow/915 I think it's sometimes called morning aftrernoon and night too. If so it can be pretty dangerous for dogs. From the link: "The brown berries have been known to poison dogs. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, muscle tremors, staggering and seizures. If you have a dog, remove the berries every year." Good luck with your gardening It's something that I am terrible at!
  4. What a funny thing to do! I think I'd love to own a stafford just for the entertainment factor I met one at the vets today who was so excited that he was making these weird almost strangled grunts at everyone that walked in and another a few weeks ago that made sounds like a kookaburra
  5. Thanks everyone for your answers. I doubt I would have had him done today anyway considering the circumstances, just wanted to make sure I wasn't over-reacting Apparantly I wasn't. We still went to the vet today but for a proper check-up instead. Poor Kei had to have bloods taken, a finger up his bum, an Noroclav injection and will spend the next 5 days on antibiotics and Scourban He also gets a few days on chicken and rice (which I think he will be secretly quite pleased about). ...Oh, and he is back to harassing the cat as well so I think he is feeling relatively okay ;)
  6. Will do. Sweet potato mash and boiled chicken with a dollop of natural yogurt normally works wonders for him at times like this
  7. Okay, thanks for that SBT123 I will be resceduling the appointment for another week or so. I think I had already made that decision but wanted to be sure that I wasn't over-reacting (wouldn't be the first time ). eta: wondering if I should keep the appointment and take him down for a check-up anyway? Or just keep an eye on him and let him rest quietly at home??
  8. To be honest I think you will find that talking to members of a group like this may be like talking to a brick wall... You could try writing a letter to someone higher up in the church community explaining your concerns and questioning their ethics. After all, isn't the church supposed to care about ALL of Gods creatures??
  9. Yes, I'm not keen on vaccinating him unless he is 100% either. Actually I'm not too keen on vaccinating him at all and have put a great deal of thought into whether to give the booster this year or whether to titer test (but that's another story). Though based on the fact that he seems fine otherwise I'm not sure that it's a 'bug' - more of a brief upset that should pass fairly quickly if that makes sense. I was going to give it a few more hours before calling the vet to cancel 'just in case'. As if he gets any worse I'll want to take him in for a check-up anyway. But I'm just wondering what to do if come 3pm he is absolutely fine again...
  10. Kei is booked into the vet this-afternoon for his 16 month booster vacc and annual check-up. However this morning he has woken up with an upset tummy Nothing major - he is off his food a bit (but still begging for MY breakfast), has been eating grass and is making some rather impressive gurggling noises from his tummy I just went outside to find that he has also had the runs (only once). No vomitting, tummy doesn't seem tight or tender when I had a bit of a feel and he is still bright eyed and running around as per usual. Should I cancel the vaccination Yes, I know I could ring the vet and ask them this but I have a feeling they will just say to bring him in anyway....
  11. I've read that Livamol can help with their coats Otherwise start with adding some extra Omega oils and fats - Omega 3 blend oil, flaxseed oil, oily fish (sardines/mackeral/tuna) and eggs.
  12. ok, well, if we're gonna get to nitty gritty, I just had a disagreement with OH as to whether this could/would actually happen. He said there's no way but I figured if he really kept going, it's more than likely he'd ejaculate. Am I right ? Eeeeeewwwwwwwww. Ummmm, YES! And no, it doesn't take very long either, they are like teenage boys :D
  13. Thanks BD It looks very similar to the Petbuckle when on. Where did you get yours from? I have only seen them on O/S sites... Just a question though - How do you get it on when there are no clips I can't get my head around that
  14. Because it FEELS GOOOOOOD! that's why Kei had a favourite green dragon toy that he used to hump every night after tea. At 4 months old it was pretty funny - he would hump it then all of a sudden stop, look between his legs and start chasing his 'bits' By 5 months old he was *cough cough* finishing the job ...often over my carpet So the green dragon went on a long holiday which he is still on a year later I wanna see a video
  15. Hmm good point. I haven't seen the Roadies here in Australia - they are the ones that are all one piece right? I'm not too keen on the design though... The Petbuckle can be purchased with a proper attachment kit that looks to be quite strong/safe which is why I am leaning towards it. I just haven't heard anything good about it yet though I like the seatbelt idea but not sure if it will be practical on long trips (3+ hours) where my dog wants to lie down and move around.
  16. Thanks for the suggestions Paulp. What do you use to attach the dog from the bolt to it's harness? I have thought about getting a short leash and doing it that way but it would be good to have something adjustable... kind of like the seatbelt attachments but without the buckle?? PP: The Ezydog harness has now been sold. I think it was just not a good fit for Kei's deep chest
  17. Hmm, and personally I would steer clear of the 'breeders' who advertise undesexed I think it depends on the circumstances and to how old the dog is..... a female who is 2 from a breeder who pumps pups well i think its a good guess why she is needing a home! Poor things But say a pup at 12months from a good breeder un de-sexed i cant see the problem there if they are co owned or something, they might have good reason to be finding a home, just not enough room, the breeder may have wanted to see how the dog matured or wants to keep it close. You really cant tell what a dog will be at 8weeks of age.... I myself have a male pup who is older who isnt de-sexed that i purposely hung onto. There are possibly some there to steer away from... I don't know any of the Amstaff breeders so won't comment on that at all - But there is a lovely looking young boy on the DOL pages who is looking for a new home -and is from one of the breeders that the OP originally asked about *sp
  18. N@dog, Have a look here if you haven't already http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/mature...ire-terrier.asp
  19. Star pickets and chicken wire?? Wont look too nice but would be cheap and easy... Otherwise puppy pens that have the pegs to push them into the ground. More expensive but you could use them later on too. A pen with 6 x 90cm panels will do at least 5m. How long is the space that you need to block off?
  20. Bumping this topic because it's been a month and I still can't decide on a harness Open for more discussion - especially on the Petbuckle harness if anyone has one My 'must haves' list is: Strong/safety tested for car travel (where possible) easy on and off comfortable won't slip to the side and fit a deep chested breed Thanx muchly
  21. Kei gets mozzie bites. With his short coat they are really obvious bumps too Though they dont seem to bother him at all. I have some Rufus and Coco spray that is supposed to prevent mozzies/fleas/bugs but I've never used it ..I always forget
  22. It's not so much about the cost, but the fact that I think we over vaccinate our dogs. My vet once let slip that if she didn't do yearly shots, and the owners thought the dogs were outwardly well, she wouldn't get to see them as patients. I do believe in periodic health checks and I do take them in just for that purpose. Not about the price here either I've decided to go for the booster in the hope that it will provide Kei with a long period of immunity (hopefully lifelong...) I guess it's an open debate whether they need that final 12 month booster or not. I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't give my dog the best protection I could nor would I forgive myself if I harmed him by over-vaccinating. I suppose I am trying to strike a balance and do what I think is best
  23. SecretKei's young son is ahead of you with this theory, he has put it into practice ...and so has my Mum if you read my last post :D She has run off to Adelaide with it at the moment, I wont have it back until the weekend. I might have to buy her one too! I have to say though, I think the humans are getting more use out of it than the dog yes but your son was the first to think of it pfffft if you think you will get it back before the end of summer you are dreaming That he was As far as getting it back - I think you might be right
  24. Regardless of the new legislation and the vets knowledge of it, is it not common sense that if a dog/bitch is producing pups with eye problems that you should not be breeding from it ESPECIALLY if the parents are a breed that is known to be affected? What does 'home breeding' have to do with it all Do 'home bred' dogs not suffer from any health issues? Or maybe it's not such a big deal because they are only 'pets' I'm sorry but you don't have to be particularly bright to work that one out....
  25. My dog is now due for his 12 month booster and I've been debating on what to do for months. I've eventually decided to give him a C3 (he is booked in next week) and titer as of next year. I do hope that I am making the right decision... If your dog has already had the puppy shots and first booster I would say titer As for price, I was quoted $250-$260 (can't remember the exact amount). I actually asked if I could have him tested for parvo and distemper only but was told that the hep test was part of it and I had to have all 3 Might query that when I go in as there's no single vacc for hep so if other levels were good but hep was down you would have to give the whole lot anyway -or not at all- if that makes sense. And I would opt for not at all so the hep test in itself is pretty pointless *sp
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