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Everything posted by maximum
Thanks guys - and thanks for the laugh! It's completely vile watching him do it, but kinda satisfying that he gets the buggers before they spread their crap everywhere. My cats are all too old to catch flies, they just watch the dog!
Hi everyone I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me whether my dog eating blowflies is harmful in any way. Max catches and eats any that fly into the house and I'm concerned that it may cause worms or digestive problems. Thanks in advance for your help!
My cat just spent two and a half weeks in one, after having surgery for an abscess (puppy bite!). The vet told me to elevate his food and water, to enable him to eat and drink with the collar on. I just put the bowls up on an old phone book - did the trick! It meant that the collar didn't hit the floor when he went to a bowl. Bloody dog took no notice of HIS stitches when he was desexed! Typical...
Maximum your pup is an apartment dog isnt' he? How much mental and physical stimulation is he getting daily? Hi PF I'm glad you responded - I've always found your advice has helped me a lot. Whether it be directly to me, or things I've read that you've written to others. So, thanks in advance! Yep, Max is the apartment dog. In terms of physical activity, he's walked for between 40 mins and 1 hour daily - 30 or 40 mins in the early morning prior to work; then 15 or 20 mins in the evening after dinner. That one's really just a toilet outing and I pretty much dawdle along and let him sniff his way around. The morning walk is my exercise time, so it's pretty fast paced. When I leave for work, he gets something to occupy him. Either his Buster Cube with kibble in it, a peanut butter Kong, or a hard chew - beef snap, kangaroo patty, cow ear etc. I've tried to stay away from 'artificial' treats, except the peanut butter, and he doesn't like bones - just completely ignores them. When I get home from work, he follows me around while I do the stuff I need to do, and we usually have a few short games throughout the evening - him chasing bubbles, playing fetch etc. He has loads of toys, but he sleeps through most of the day, I think - he's always crashed on the sofa when I get home! He's good with going to bed, as soon as I turn the lights out, I hear barely a peep out of him. He's also not particularly destructive either, which is a good thing! Reading all I've written, I think I should be pretty thankful - he's pretty good, I guess! He's just doing the "f-you" thing everytime I try to stop him doing something I don't like. I do persist and 'make' him comply, but it's really a battle with some things and I HATE that when I'm tired at night. It's soooo exhausting and I'm finding it hard not to get really mad and frustrated with him at times! I'm sick of yelling "NO!" all the time with him not listening! If I could fix one thing with him, it would be the cats/territory thing. My cats are VERY dear to me and all three are sweet, placid and loving. The vet thinks the dog bite/cat abscess thing was due to Max still having his needle sharp puppy teeth - the cat was probably mid-jump back over the puppy gate to the feline area of the house and Max just caught him on the way over. I REALLY want to believe that!!! But Max is VERY jealous over me and when the only cat that interacts with him tries to get on my lap, Max gets upset. He's even growled at the cat once or twice, something I will NOT tolerate and he gets in MAJOR trouble for it. He either gets banned from the sofa, or 'sin binned' in a crate if he won't settle down. This particular cat weighs 12kg and can defend himself very well, but Max tries to play with him as he would another dog. Runs full pelt at him and tries to knock him over, or puts his paws/front legs on the cat's back in what I've assumed is a 'trying to dominate' move. My other two cats are way less able to look after themselves (Ragdolls won't usually fight back) and at the moment, Max is not allowed anywhere near them - I'm pretty sure they stay down their end of the flat when I'm at work. I know the bitten one does - he's extremely wary of the dog, poor little thing. Only weighs 3.5kg and currently has a 3 inch incision in his bum/tail and a 'bucket' on his head! Not to mention losing a third of his beautiful, long coat after being shaved for the operation... Anyhoo, I've hijacked this thread completely - apologies to the OP! But PF, I'd really appreciate your thoughts. Thank you!
OMG! I've been having the same thoughts about Max - when will he settle down and stop being such a little b*st*rd!? He's now 9 months and was desexed 4 weeks ago. On a positive note, I've noticed some subtle changes in him over the past week that I HOPE are a sign of good things to come. Stuff like not razzing around the house ALL evening and snoozing quietly on my lap for long periods instead - with shorter play periods. He's also a LOT better on walks, doesn't pull much etc. On a negative note, I've just spent $1,500 at the vets to rid one of my beautiful cats of a SEVERE abscess, resulting from a dog bite that occurred some time over the past 8-10 weeks. Possibly longer. The surgery was really quite major as the bite/abscess was VERY close to the anus/rectum of the cat and one 'slip' could have resulted in nerve damage. Not what you want in that area in any animal! Plus, my cat is 11, so not a young boy. Max has also devloped a play-biting habit. Not all the time, just when he gets over-excited. This is a relatively new thing, only over the past month or so. I'm trying desperately to train him out of it, but nothing is working so far. I think it's a dominance thing, because there are other signs of dominance from him too. He's never really 'aggressive', it's just when he's made to do something he doesn't want to do. He loves people and they love him because he's so cute and friendly, but he's started being really aggressive when he plays with his toys. The vet also said that his 'territorial' issues over the cats have probably become behavioural now, rather than just territory. *sigh* I've also been told (by the vet) that the approx. 7 to 9 month period is the worst behaviourally and that "he should settle down soon". God, I hope so. Because after the cat abscess episode, I'm a bit at my wits end! I've spend SO much money on Max and directly because of him and I don't really know where to go from here. Do I just 'ride it out' and hope he will improve as he gets older? Or, do I spend yet MORE money on a behaviourist for him? I already wasted over $400 on Bark Busters (I know, I know!) and I just can't afford any more. On top of the $2000 in vet bills this month ($500 in desexing and puppy teeth removal, plus the cat) I'm at my financial limit for a while. I've probably posted this in the wrong spot, sorry. I just needed a good vent and couldn't stop once I got started!!
I hate them not being home, mine are in JHB until 13 august, they fly to Perth that day and come out sometime in September. Its 7 months in total from RSA to Australia. Awww...I feel for you. I was a mess when my guys were in Eastern Creek (NSW). But luckily, I live in Sydney so I could visit them once a week. I don't recommend it, though - all it did was upset me and them. Seeing my two sooky ragdolls, who were (and still are) horribly spoilt, in an outdoor enclosure with very little shelter was just awful. The carers at Eastern Creek were lovely, but there's only so much they can do to provide the comforts of home. I'll never move overseas again and take animal with me!
Thanks, Candi - how are you coping with your cats being in quarantine? My Raggies were in there for 5 months when I moved back from the US. They were none the worse from the experience, but it damned near broke my heart!
I think it has a lot to do with the age and breed of cat. I have two Ragdolls, aged 10 and 11. I also have an 11 year old Maine Coon. My puppy, Max, is almost 8 months old and the whole cat/dog thing has been a nightmare from the start! The Maine Coon weighs in at 12kg and has never been scared of Max, but Max makes the poor boy's life a bit miserable, getting worse as he gets older. Max is due to be desexed this Friday and I'm hoping with all my heart that when the testosterone leaves his system in a couple of weeks, things will be a little better. My Ragdolls, on the other hand, have NOT taken things well at all! They haven't voluntarily come out of their section of the house since Max came home. I've tried absolutely everything to make them feel more secure, but nothing has worked. I have a puppy gate dividing the house in two and the Raggies stay down their end. They hate it too, because Ragdolls are very much 'people cats' and always want to be with their humans. Nothing I've done so far has stopped Max chasing the cats - he's extremely territorial and VERY jealous over me. I've been doing training every day with him since he was about 12 weeks old, but he's completely deaf when it comes to the cats. I'm just hoping that things improve with his desexing and also as he gets older. If not, I'll just have to have a divided house forever!! I'm glad it's worked out for your pup and cats - I'm also bloody jealous! Lol!
Good idea! Guess I'm off to the pub tonight...KIDDING!
OK, so a 20-30 minute on lead walk (medium pace, I'm too lazy to go fast!) would be ok a few ways a week, go to the park on other days? Thanks Poodlefan - appreciate the advice!
Guys, at what age do you start walking the dog for longer periods? I'm completely confused about the whole exercise thing. I only have a little dog (poodle/maltese cross), but he's the energiser bunny on steroids. He'll be 7 months on 11 April. How much walking per day? Or, should I just stick with taking him to the park and letting him run around? I find he tires quite quickly at the park and is content with just watching the other dogs/people after he's had his initial spaz attack.
That's also an excellent tip, thank you Huski - I'll see if I can find a butcher that sells the wing tips and give them a go. Skipping meals doesn't seem to work with him. He's a stubborn little bugger! If I skip his evening meal and try him at breakfast, he just ignores things he doesn't want to eat. And, as he's still a pup, I'm a bit hesitant to deprive him of food for more than 24 hrs because he's so active. I know the saying is a dog will never starve itself, but how long is too long when you're trying to 'out smart' a puppy and get them to eat what you want them to eat? I tried this with kibble when I first bought him and it was a battle of wills for 48 hrs before I gave in. He'll only eat kibble out of his Buster Cube, never a bowl.
That's a fantastic tip, thank you! I'll give that one a try. Might even try it on my cats - none of them will eat bones either...
Thank you SO much for that! Definitely an eye opening read... Although I'm now scared to death that my dog will get his chops around something lethal...
Ok, thanks guys - no more chocolate for Max! (But seeing him after the 3 M&M's, I wish I'd taken a photo - he'd obviously sucked on them for a while and his whole mouth and the hair around it was bright blue from the coating!!!)
Oh, ok. Perhaps he'll develop a taste for them. Yes, I've tried the chicken wing for dinner - I even once bashed one with a hammer a couple of times, just to make it less 'daunting' for him. He just sniffs it and walks away. I've also tried pretending to eat it myself - that usually get him going with other food, but not with the bones... How old should he be before I start worrying about his teeth, in terms of eating bones?
I gave Max 3 M&M's the other night. Don't mean this to be a stupid question, but is this best avoided? I mean, can he have a couple of M&M's, or should he have no chocolate at all because it will just encourage him? I never see dog chocolate for sale anymore. Are they still around much?
6 months tomorrow, Huski.
Hello All I feed Max a mix of foods: He gets a Canine Country BARF patty at night, mixed with either a raw egg or sardines/tuna in oil (about half a small can). I fill his Buster Cube each morning (takes about half a cup of Nutrience Junior) and he feeds himself breakfast from that - he won't eat anything for breakfast unless there's activity involved, i.e. rolling the Buster Cube around. Kibble in a dish sits untouched, until the cat eats it. He also gets a variety of treats: dried liver, dentabones and dentastix. (plus I occasionally give him some of what I'm eating, if I think it's safe for him) I'd like to feed BARF only, but my problem is Max HATES bones! Won't have anything to do with them. I've tried all the usual suspects, except beef bones - the bones either give him an upset tummy (lamb), or he won't touch them (chicken). He barely nibbles at the lamb flaps too. The BARF patty ingredients are (pls excuse caps, this is taken from their website): CHICKEN FRAME MINCE, BEEF, LAMB & FISH, Fresh Fruit - apples and pears, seasonal fruits. Fresh vegetables - pulped Carrots, beans, pumpkin & seasonal vegetables. Eggs, Flaxseed Meal, Yogurt, Kelp, Brewers yeast and Garlic. CANINE COUNTRY PRODUCTS ARE PRESERVATIVE FREE, NO COLOURINGS, NO FILLERS OR ADDITIVES. HUMAN GRADE INGREDIENTS AND FROZEN TO PRESERVE. So, lamb doesn't always upset his tummy, just when it's attached to bone. Which doesn't make sense, but there ya go. He seems to be thriving on this diet, but I'd really like to protect his teeth as best I can. And as far as I know, the best way to do this is with raw bones. He's a chewer like all puppies, but not fanatical - e.g. I haven't lost any important household, furniture or personal items to his teething. He loses interest in 'chew-specific' treats - dentabones/stix, pigs ears etc. can hang around for days. But he loves to chew plastic toys, although he's not interested in his Kong once the food filling is out of it! Any ideas on bones, or comments on his diet? One thing I get concerned about is the amount I feed him, as he's only 6 months and a very active puppy. It's been a while since our last vet visit, but I'd estimate his weight at about 6kg, possibly 7kg.
I can just imagine sidling up to a recently done poo, big wooden pepper grinder in hand...*hehehehe* Imagine what people would think if they saw!!!!!!!!
That pretty much sums up most people/owners I think! Including myself. So when you were saying 'taking the hard line' to be firm you just mean consistent as in 'don't give in'? What breed is Max? I'm sorry I didn't pick up on it if you mentioned it earlier. And he's 5 months old? Catandgrant's pup is only 9 weeks old and I am concerned she is talking about her pup being 'dominant' and 'winning' and trying the growling suggestions on the little tyke. And I start getting really concerned when I see Clyde for example in the post before yours suggesting aggressive scruff throws and growling and teeth baring techniques which worked with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier but I literally gulp at the thought of a new owner with a sensitive 9 week old Cocker Spaniel puppy reading that as something that works and is worth trying. Yep, I have a tendency to overstate the situation. I meant being consistent with what he is and isn't allowed to do and, in particular, NOT giving in when he's being stubborn. That's my biggest problem - when I'm really tired, I sometimes just don't have the energy to say "get DOWN, Max!" a million times in 5 minutes. The current bane of my life is paws on coffee table. I have a HUGE 'asian-style' coffee table and if I say no, he just moves a foot or so down the table and does it again! Round the entire perimeter of the table!!! *LOL* Drives me crazy. Since the weekend and me making sure that I don't miss any behaviour that needs correcting, he's a lot better. This morning, even a calm "Down, Max" said once was enough to stop him. Next step is getting him to leave the bloody cats alone! Yes, he's 5 months. And he's a mutt - poodle/maltese cross. Very cute and VERY smart. I thought I was a good manipulator until I met this dog... I agree with your comments on Catandgrant's pup. I thought much the same as they do though, when Max was about that age. Until my trainer said that dogs that age really don't use dominant behaviour - they basically just do what they want to do, until they're old enough to learn. I really can't remember 100% what he said, but I stopped treating Max as him being dominant and just had fun with him until he was a little older. Everything's good, so long as nobody gets hurt!
Will that change who you are? I mean, are you a firm personality to begin with or do you now have to become one? I have a dispute with this sort of advice for two reasons: 1) Asking a person to change their personality and maintain an attitude which does not come naturally to them will surely lead to them not being able to maintain it consistently. I can personally attest to this as a fact. And consistency is the key to success or failure. 2) Leading on from (1), it's very easy easy for a person/trainer who has success because they have a firm and dominating personality to tell a person who isn't the firm and dominating type to become firm and dominating - and voila the training will work for you too! Too easy in fact, which is why the advice is given so freely. Declaring that a timid person should alter their personality to suit your training style is a major flaw. Most of us aren't cut out to be Sergeant Majors barking out commands and demanding respect and discipline at all times, otherwise every army or organisation in the world would be all chiefs and no indians. There are other methods of training which don't require easy-going personalities to change themselves into hard-arsed disciplinarians. Clicker training is one example which requires no firmess/dominance to produce positive results. Every person's personality is different like a box of chocolates and that's all I have to say about that. By nature I'm a bit of a control freak, not sure whether I'm actually dominant as a rule. But I tend to be fairly easy going a lot of the time too. Max's trainer was really talking about consistency with me - I tend to let Max get away with stuff when I'm in a relaxed mood at home, which doesn't do either of us any favours. Confuses him and frustrates me when I'm in a not so relaxed mood! The thing I like about this trainer is that he's very 'respectful' of the way I wish my animals to live with me. He always asks if Max is allowed to do something, e.g. get on the lounge, before he offers a way to correct him. He says there's no right or wrong way in terms of behaviour (within reason, of course!) and that it's really the way I'd like Max to behave. If I'm cool with him getting on the lounge, then that's fine. If I'm not ok with him putting his paws on the coffee table (and I'm not!), then the trainer helps me to address it. I take everything he says 'on board' and decide if I'm comfortable with it before I use it on Max. I get just as much help from reading and talking to others, but I reckon I lucked out with this guy - he's a keeper!
Awwww, he's adorable! I'm only a new puppy owner, so my advice is probably not going to get you far. But I think you should try loads more types of treats to find the ones he DOES like - you only have to look at him with his lamb bone to know he's a foodie, like all doggies! I had to do the same thing with my puppy, as he showed no real interest in food right from the start. He's still the same with his regular meals, but I've found a couple of different treats that he likes. Alternatively, just give him whatever you're eating - Max seems to think that that's the best food to be had! Congrats on your new baby, he really is a gorgeous boy.
Totally agree with that! And I just wanted to say that I think your dog is just beautiful! I love poodles and your little one's face makes me smile every time I see it...
I had Max's dog trainer around on the weekend. Short story is that Max is walking ALL over me and I have to be a lot more firm with him. And boy, didn't I pay for it after dog trainer had left and I continued 'taking the hard line'! Max peed and pooed everywhere he wasn't supposed to ALL day on Saturday. Little shit blatently did it in front of me. Back to normal by Sunday night (crossed fingers!), but man, he certainly let me know he wasn't pleased with the extra discipline!!!