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Everything posted by Parkeyre

  1. As soon as my site is done and uploaded, i would love for everyone's thoughts on the layout and if it is considered user friendly? Also any spelling errors. LOL
  2. I've never heard of this. I've only known to put vanilla essence on the nose of the males..
  3. It's a good way to stop puppy dealers making breeding machines out of puppies breeder's thought were going to pet homes.. But what lilli stating above is correct.
  4. Yep, it's just an old email doing the rounds.. delete and forget.
  5. I second this completely! hard to acquire sure, but my girls LOOOOVE them.
  6. I don't use either I use Purina Pro PlanLarge Breed Puppy formula.
  7. +1. Pups are ALOT of hard work. They eat, CRY, POO, wee, whine, some of them are even screamers. They get REALLY SHARP teeth and claws, and are little pooing machines. Did i mention POO?
  8. Hahaha! Sucess!! I knew coming in here would present itse;f with more photos of the sharpei mx puppies. They are so cute!
  9. Thanks for that; I hate when the OP is just a link. Drives me mad.
  10. I think fostering would be a great idea.
  11. I imagine it would depend on the council, not the state as a whole. Irritating, dangerous and worrying seeing dogs offleash in public.. Shivers down my spine..
  12. Surely it would be a typo. I imagine the girl would be a higher price then the boys, as she's able to produce for the buyer.
  13. Surely it would be a typo. I imagine the girl would be a higher price then the boys, as she's able to produce for the buyer.
  14. Surely it would be a typo. I imagine the girl would be a higher price then the boys, as she's able to produce for the buyer.
  15. Katy; happy birthday you gorgeous Newfie!!!
  16. Katy; happy birthday you gorgeous Newfie!!!
  17. Katy; happy birthday you gorgeous Newfie!!!
  18. Katy; happy birthday you gorgeous Newfie!!!
  19. Henna is striking. Very cute muttlies.
  20. Try this. http://www.gopetsamerica.com/dog-health/eye-problems.aspx
  21. Hm.. how do his eye lashes look? inverted at all?
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