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Everything posted by xena98

  1. Hi Guys I have a friend with a dogwho is having problems with her dog and was telling her about the NILIF but I just cant seem to find it here does anyone know where I can find it so I can show her thanks much appreciated
  2. Dova There is a mock trial held at Gepps Cross. You can use food correct or what ever very useful to do. It should be in you canine journal
  3. Yep I did. Well only 1 out of 5 passes today. My youngster Gabby doesnt like the rain but she worked brilliantly till the retrieve on the flat where she shook herself and than the brain disappeared Xena was naughty in both her rings and Inka was sitting on a pass in open but than decided to lay down in the sit stay In UD she redeemed herself and passed with a score of 196 and first place (might add she was the only one that passed) Inka also won the highest scoring dog and highest scoring Dover member and Xena also won the scent hurdle team event. Was a great day except I was soaking wet. Now I have to dry out the gazebo
  4. Congratulations everybody on there passes Just had to put mine up. Was very proud of my girls. Went to a country trial over the weekend out of 8 classes got 6 first places. Xena was a very good girl and pass all of her classes 2 ud and 1 open. Inka managed a pass in open and managed to do a sit stay but couldnt do a drop stay in ud and she decided to get up and move to another spot to get a better view. But my little 21 month old coolie Gabby I was so proud of her. She failed the first day but got her second leg on the second day. The first day she got a bit worried about bringing me the dumbell and sat slowly was worried lost 3 points and 1 point in the heelwork but the decided to do a 2.5 minute stand stay without moving. The next day was even better she got full marks in all of her exercise except the retrieve over the jump where she hit her foot on the jump and lost the dumbell but picked it up lost 6 points on that exercise. She also managed to do her sit stay with both dogs alongside her laying down and dogs walking out of the ring. I am so proud of Gabby hopefully next weekend will be our CDX title
  5. OVER CAFFY AND MY DEAD BODIES can be arranged ohh sorry Ness I think I let that one out of the bag
  6. Congratulations Ptolomy and Caffy Have to say had an abolute ball with Sue on the weekend I think she should pack her bags and come and live in Adelaide
  7. I was absolutely exhausted but it was an absolutely brilliant weekend learnt heaps. Now got to go out and do what we have learnt
  8. Hi Guys I have been doing both obedience and agility with all of my dogs for about 20 years now (really showing my age) and have also done tracking at the same time for a number of years. It never confused the dogs at all and I had done a Jack Russell Terrier as well and he did all three sports as well. They all got there obedience champion titles except the jack. One of them I got told I would never get a ud title let alone OC title or back than it was called AOC but I got there. My two current girls have both OC and AG Ch titles. My youngster that I am doing now Gabby have been doing both obedience and agility (agility training since 6 months doing foundation training) and she has only been in a gamblers novice and won that class but wont start doing her agility competition till June when she is 22 months old she has just got her first leg in open with a score of 197. I just found that the dogs enjoy doing both sports and are enthusiastic in doing both they are not confused at all. I do lots of distance work cause I cant run very fast and have taught my girls directional cues left, right go on etc they work both left and right of me and ahead of me but they know when we are doing obedience its on the left. I hope that has helped Good luck
  9. alot of money Now I am totally broke and ohh by the way not only did that happen but when I went in with Xena in UD to do the article lo and behold I only have 4 leathers in my box Jenny came with her spare set so I could pinch one of her leathers Talk about having a bad day. Last weekend at Mount Gambier lost the sunnies must have lost the leather the dog bowl and I think thats about it Must get better though
  10. Shushh Ness! That was suppose to be a secret felt like an absolute fool though when out came that dumbell and it was the heavier one that I use for the other girls and Gabby is like this small wooden thing LOL
  11. Congratulations on everyones brag. Had to put one in. Today we had an obedience trial and my little baby Gabby got her first pass in open with a score of 197 and first place. Considering the last two trials were a bit of a flop with Gabby falling in love with a rotti and moving all of her feet and the other one fell in a hole as she wasnt watching me on the recall. She came when she was called but than fell in the hole when I told her to drop she just couldnt do it but today she got it all together. My other coolie Xena got a first in ud with 187 points and first place wont mention the other two classes though.
  12. Thats was a tough assignment and a great achievement for Gabby. The area she competed in had been used by the show dogs for the previous few days and there were lots of food and dog droppings all over the place. Sideshow alley was just outside the door and you had the crowd just outside the ring. A great round by a baby dog. Well done. Thanks for that Ptolomy. We just went with a small hiccup the other week at a trial. Couldnt focus in the heelwork and in the stand for exam fell in love with the rottie next door and moved her feet LOL . Didnt think of proofing about rotties and being in love LOL. Find out this weekend when we go to Mount Gambier and hopefully its not raining otherwise have no hope. (doesnt like the rain) I usually use the plactic dumbell as I have had a wooded dumbell split in half in a trial when I threw it LOL but my baby Gabby doesnt like the plastic one as she finds it too heavy in her mouth. I have taught all my dogs whereever the dumbell lands you go over pick it up and come back over the jump so they have all learnt to come straight back. I do try to stay back a fair bit but I do have problems trying to get the dumbel to go straight and a distance and not hit the jump LOL.
  13. Hi, it's been good watching everybody else's video clip. Thought I would put one on my little coolie Gabby from the Royal Show last year http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCmHMK2aCGg
  14. Use to be years ago and than changed going down. Was a safety issue
  15. Wow that's amazing!!! :rolleyes: Congrats! Gabby is a star in the making Danni - good luck with her open debut in a few weeks...... Hopefully she can do the sit stays LOL thanks well let you know what happens LOL
  16. Wow that's amazing!!! :rolleyes: Congrats! Gabby is a star in the making Danni - good luck with her open debut in a few weeks...... Hopefully she can do the sit stays LOL
  17. Just thought I put on my little brag today we had our State obedience titles and little Gabby my 18 month old German Coolie won novice with a score of 197 and I lost the two points darnn so Gabby is 2009 State Novice Obedience Champion. She has yet to be beaten. Dont know how long that is going to last though. The other girls well they were a bit of a flop and stuffed up so could only brag about Gabby cheers Danni
  18. Heheheh Justs did it with Xena on her own and considering I dont train her at home she hates it she did it with no problems and that included have my 18 month old sitting on my lap we did 2 minutes and she stayed. I than did it with young Gabby and she did it with having Xena sitting in my lap. I havent done it with the border collie as she lives with my mum so when I see her I shall try it. My dogs know it but still can break there sit stay. Actually Xena is very good she very rarely breaks it its the border collie. and she had been doing it for 5 years brillliantly and has only just started to break now. She has been to the vets and been to a neuro skeletal dynamic person as well and everything is fine. They just know in the ring nothing can be done like in training. Too smart for there own good I say
  19. Gee sounding like a couple of my girls. If my girls lay down in the sit stays I will pull her out and she has to do another one straight away just outside of my gazebo. (have been told of for doing it near the ring but wasnt near the ring if you understand what I'm saying) and than gets her reward. If I have failed an exercise my girls wont do stays as other people have said you dont know what will happen and I would like to do stays so they can be corrected and also the buggers can learn nothing happens in the ring only outside the ring
  20. I've had that happened told her to finish and not back and she did back judged laughed but still scored me
  21. Huhh. I havent been pinged for that. Did it with Xena gave up with it as she just got lazy and just moved her butt up and down and didnt end up in the heel position but when she was doing it I never got pinged though
  22. I have used the Advance salmon and rice I think its called for sensitive stomaches. Lots of dogs have gone mental on them including dogs that dont eat kibble
  23. You poor thing - I would hate to have seen that. Glad your dog was OK I made my OH pull down the fence my dog broke his leg on and replace it with something else, as I couldn't bear to look at it afterwards either. I think all of Australia saw it. Happened in the finals in Canberra. I had wanted to pull out in my last final and I got told of from everyone as she was fine it was just me and we third in the last run so it didnt obviously affected her but by golly it did to me
  24. I curious to know what they are? Cloth tunnel for one! Hideous piece of equipment, especially when you get the old heavyweight canvas ones , plus I have also seen a lightweight calico one with no grip for the dogs that twisted when every dog went in, even though it was supposedly staked, and finally had to be torn to get a small dog out of it I believe that one carries the potential for both physical and 'psychological' injuries for our dogs. Have also seen a dog slide in mud and hit the barrel, which wasn't pretty. At least there seem to be options for making a tyre relatively safer (whether or not they are effective is a whole different story that I'm not going to debate without more evidence) but haven't heard too many options for making a chute safer, not disussed anyway. First piece of equipment that I would like banned. The other has to do with a particular 2 jump arrangement common at Vic. trials, don't think it would be an issue for you in NSW though as I believe you use winged jumps - as these are highly visible, it would take the problem (which is to do with dog's vision of the particular set up) out of the equation. I have to agree with the metal drum. My girl Xena misjudged because of the sunlight and where she thought there was a hole wasnt and crashed into the metal drum with speed. How she didnt break anything I dont know. Apparantly she had bounced of and a friend took a video of it and played it slow motion I cant even look at it now it just looked like her whole head and neck went right back and was ready to snap of. I was in tears and the dog was bouncing around like nothing had happened. Another time we had the wooden frame with the tyre in it I sent her through the tunnel (me being the lazy runner)send her to the tyre and cut across. Well Xena wasnt impressed that I was in front (my position apparantly is to be behind at all cost LOL) so she put my speed on and realized that she wouldnt make it so went to stop well one half did but the other half didnt and she just smacked straight into near her neck how she didnt get killed I dont know. So I am always careful with tyres and tunnels
  25. My border collie sometimes have that but we found out that if she had something fatty would cause it so we have to be careful with mince and some bones etc. When we talked to our vet she said her border collie does that as well just had to be careful with what food and that is common with border collies
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