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Everything posted by moosepup

  1. My Zoe girl is going in to have her teeth done on Friday. Whilst she is pretty spritely, I'm still a little nervous cos she's 11.5 years old. She will be having a pre-op blood test to make sure her liver and whatnot is in good order and the vet nurse said they use a different anesthesia for elderly animals. I know I'm probably just being a worry wart but can't help it. :D Any positive stories about older dogs and ops please??
  2. Interceptor and no flea stuff. I worry about fleas when they happen (never so far).
  3. I second the cat traps. See if you can hire one from the council and then drop the cat off at the pound or have the ranger come and collect it. They'll soon get tired of bailing their 'stray' out.
  4. Any chance he could've eaten macadamia nuts? They're toxic and the reaction sounds similar. I have had to take Moose to emergency twice for this and he had tremors and very weak back legs, dragging his feet, vomiting, etc. It's very scary.
  5. I assume this guy is burying his poops in the garden and not sending them down the drain. Wouldn't wanna eat any of his home grown veggies.
  6. Moose just likes sitting/lying on/touching/generally being near Zoe I think. See sig.
  7. I love that Moosey is the same as Charlie.
  8. Good news!! ;) Out of curiosity, can I ask what shire you live in? I applied for a 3rd dog permit and didn't have any problems getting it approved. They are all tiny dogs though. Still haven't got a 3rd dog lol.
  9. I worried about that too when I first saw the thread title. Moose has a nice big bald patch from a severe hwb burn. Certainly sounds more like a rash reaction though. Glad to hear he's on ABs now and you've managed to get some cream on. Hope he feels better soon.
  10. Now you have to de-stink your keyboard.
  11. I thought it was tonight too, I'm sure they advertised it as such. Great, after I've told every man and his dog to watch it tonight.
  12. They're just *there*, who cares where they come from? Hope his segment is eye-opening for those ignorant of where their pet shop puppies come from. I'll be watching.
  13. Flat Coats are on the schedule for Wednesday the 29th at the Royal Show. You might get to see some there and meet some breeders. I'm going to check out the Chi's on Saturday myself. :D Perth Royal Dog Show Schedule
  14. I imagine he doesn't bathe a whole lot either as he would want to smell wolfy for the pack. I commend his love for wolves but he would just be too stinky for me.
  15. +1 Hope she's okay teekay. Keep us updated. Sorry this is OT but can I please ask what breed she is? She's gorgeous. She is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Samoyed (before I was educated) Ahhh yes. She looks a little bit like my before we were educated Chi X Maltese, Zoe, but obviously larger! She's a beauty.
  16. My dogs are nudies too. Flat collars for when outside the house. I think people like the look of CCs, makes a dog look 'tougher'? I see them a lot on Great Danes and Staffys around here. I don't think they make CC Moose's size.
  17. Pretty sure it's 1 year from her first vaccs. That's what I did. ETA - I was confused by this too.
  18. +1 Hope she's okay teekay. Keep us updated. Sorry this is OT but can I please ask what breed she is? She's gorgeous.
  19. Here's what the compost thingys look like. When we didn't need to use them as a puppy pen anymore, we turned them into doggy gates.
  20. Moosey is having little howl along with the wolves. It's quite a sight!
  21. I have a friend who's after a veterinarian acupuncturist. Can anyone recommend a good one in WA?
  22. I give Sentinel Spectrum 6 weekly. Absolutely no way would I give the injection.
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