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Everything posted by rish

  1. rish

    Puppy Poop-

    Well we did the right thing by worming her while she showed live worm's. She has had her 1st needle,and she did a firmish stool last night,followed by a runny 1,so we may have to take a sample in,depends on how it goes. She is still in a bit of un-health from when we got her,underweight and rough coat,but to US she is %100 better,the vet was very happy with her (considering how thin she was ,i would guess she was 4kilo's because she is now 7,and i can still feel her back bone,and man does she eat!) Thank u all for ur help,and i will update and show u all my girls when i D/L the pics
  2. rish

    Puppy Poop :(

    We take her out-side all the time If you're going to smack anyone for her pooing inside, smack yourself. She's a bub with the runs and she'd have very little bowel control. If you want her to poo outside, get her out regularly and praise her for the right thing. Unless you actually catch her in the act of toileting inside, she won't know what you are smacking her for anyway. If you do catch her in the act, just an "uh uh" and pick her up to be whisked outside would be more effective. When you are at the vet, see if they have a puppy pre-school. I think both you and she would enjoy it and learn a lot.
  3. rish

    Puppy Poop :(

    I knew i would get in trouble for smaking her,but its only little smacks, I rung the vet and we are booked in 2morrow,she said it could be the worming we did,BUT she had the runs when we got her ? She told us rice/chicken to I threw the package out,and i aritight there food,so i cant remember,i think its OPUIM or something like that. I didnt know the rest on pups and iv had so many !!! thanks for that info. We are doing puppy school when it startes. She has a vet cheak,but im pretty sure they were feeding the litter all at 1c and the biggest got it,i didnt see any water either If you're going to smack anyone for her pooing inside, smack yourself. She's a bub with the runs and she'd have very little bowel control. If you want her to poo outside, get her out regularly and praise her for the right thing. Unless you actually catch her in the act of toileting inside, she won't know what you are smacking her for anyway. If you do catch her in the act, just an "uh uh" and pick her up to be whisked outside would be more effective. When you are at the vet, see if they have a puppy pre-school. I think both you and she would enjoy it and learn a lot.
  4. rish

    Puppy Poop :(

    we are booked in 4 tomorrow
  5. We have been away 2 weeks,and out baby (we have 4) was about 6weeks -she and her sister (we adopted her) ((pics soon!) both remembered us,but we did talk on the phone to them as well. I adore Leight so much that i coudnt go away right now,my last total love died almost a year ago-she was the 2nd dog i loved,and Leigh is now the 3rd,(i love the other 3 totally,but not with this totall passion) So try phoneing her up-or make sure u leave a pic,and i dont think its silly,BOZ is so lovely !
  6. rish

    Puppy Poop :(

    We have dont it because there have been live worms there,and its been over 2 weeks,starting the day we got her,and she had the runs then ,none of the other dogs (3) have the runs,yet have had to be re-wormed with her
  7. rish

    Puppy Poop :(

    i DID DO THE RICE,BUT ADDED YUMMIES. We will do it today with plainbland rice.chicken,i totally dont know why i didnt think of that-she also drinks so much !,that whats worried me alot,in this heat (Central Coast) we try to keep them all inside ,out for pee/play ,inside. Can the "learn" backwards,that inside is the tolid event though she is praised when she goes outside,and smaked when inside
  8. rish

    Puppy Poop :(

    THE SCRAPS ARE MEAT/VEGS AND EVEN PANCAKES,THE BISCUTES ARE .........CANT REMEMBER THE NAME,BUT EXCELLENT 1S ON vETS ADVICE ,SHE WAS DOING THE RUNS THE DAY WE GOT HER aLSO I THINK SHE thinks INSIDE IS WHERE THE TOLIT IS ! SHE WAS OUT ALL DAY (SHE NORMALLY POO'S AT 4AM-6IS) WE LET HER IN,SHE POOED..............RUNNY..... What biscuits are you feeding they mightnt agree with her if theyre full of cereals what brand are they?.And what sort of table scraps? Its often what the dog eats that cause the runs
  9. rish

    Puppy Poop :(

    we paid 4 her,and feed her quality biscutes and table scraps
  10. rish

    Puppy Poop :(

    Hi, im new and my name is Trish,we have a lovely brown pup "Leigh" 10 weeks old,we have had her for 2 weeks,when we got her she was skin and bones,it was sad. My problem is that Leigh hasnt yet passed a hard stool,in fact she is on/off with the runs,we have wormed her 3 !!! times and gotton dead worms. Leah also goes to the loo at night,we cant seem to train her to go in the day She will be taken to the vet within the f/night,but any help would be nice
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