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Everything posted by Rach...
it may take me a couple of days to get to these, i have just started working part-time so that on top of exercising and training two dogs as well as school is hectic haha
ill add the extra dog in maybe this arvo Havahug, I am back at school so not much time to spare =D Cass you can post them on here if you want me to make you one??? (OT I just have to say Pomsssss!! )
ill try and get around to doing these this afternoon!! ETA: Here are siggies Rivsky Riesenhaft (sorry its a bit all over the place) mntgood
here you go Havahug
here is one for those two gorgeous doggies =D
here is one of boss and bella sorry its not that good!
here you go!!
Here is your sig Nina and here is your Kitty
do have any other photos??? ones of the dogs seperate, mainly joe and if you have a diff one of the rotti that would be great ETA: here is your siggy Toolz
ill fiddle with it and add the rotti =D with the green background one and Toolz i can do one for you
I did two different backgrounds. really sorry i couldnt figure out a way to fit everone in
I did these this morning, hope everyone likes!
if these arent done by tomorrow night i will give them a shot and upload them
Just letting people know I am happy to help make siggys =D I made mine so I'll make some aswell
he went to the vet when he started going blind and they diagnosed him with cataracts.. he has been going blind for 2 years or so.. it took me 6 years to convince them to get him desexed.... Mum does not want him inside because then the other dog is left out and maizy is much too crazy to have inside unless you are sleeping
i will have a look on ebay or something for that book and maybe see if i can get it!! I always say his name and click when i first greet him, if someone he doesnt know comes over he will bark and bark until introduced and able to sniff them If he seems confused I always pick him up and put him on his bed.. When walking him I usually take him to the same place everytime and he follows the path
I dont think I could send him to my dads. I am there probably once a month for two days and he wouldnt get walks or as much attention there. I cant live without Buddy for that amount of time. He sleeps in my bed every night and is inside sometimes when i am doing homework. he is allowed in my room only, but he wont stay in there by himself. He is locked in there when we have people over ETA if i was to try and get a crate, would crating him inside during the day be better?? and being able to play with the other dog for an hour or two in the morning and walks after school??
he is a fine and happy dog in the backyard, but very unconfident on walks. He goes for a half hour walk everyday and clings to my side. After his walk he is pooped and has to be carried and put into his bed. He still does bog laps around the backyard and we havent moved anything in the backyard since he was diagnosed with cataracts. So putting a bell on the other dogs collar would be a good idea?? Some weekends he comes to my dads house with me and he is a completely inside dog and just goes out site to toilet and eat. he is always perfectly behaved then not a sound from him, unless my stepmums dog pesters him. I just wish my mum would let me have him inside but i cant...
In the next year or so I may be moving out of home if I do i will most definately be taking Buddy and he will become a completely inside dog... Depends on what I study when I finish school at the end of this year. We are almost 100% sure he is not deaf because he still hears everything and responds to commands.. He had a check up of his weight recently because i was worried but besides his eyes the lady said he was in perfect health
he still runs around the backyard fine and plays with our other dog... but when he is not playing or sleeping he is barking... he sleeps inside but my parents wont let me have the dogs inside during the day. if i had it my way both or atleast just Buddy (the pomeranian) would be inside all the time. Buddy has always been a barker, we stopped it when he was younger but it has flared up again now (he is 7 turning 8 in november) When i get some money I will hopefully be able to get him a check-up. But my parents are very anti taking dog to the vet unless something is really wrong. to stop him barking we just did what we used to do, when he was younger just saying his name would make him stop. Would seperating him from the other dog for most of the day help??
My pomeranian has been going progressively blind over the past 1/2 years.. But what is worse is his barking has gotten ridiculous! he barks at anything and everything and he also sits there most of the day just growling.. he will go on for hours and nothing will get him to shut up.. we tried wetting him, bursting balloons, just shouting at him, newspaper to the bum everything.. nothing gets him to stop, he growls when he hears Maizy's collar jingle even if she is on the other side of the yard. i dont want to but a bark collar on him for fear that maizy will chew it... Any advice on other things we can try?
congrats!!! they are def adorable
is there anywhere i can take my blue heeler pup for herding classes/experience in or around perth? and if there is what is the average price? Thanks