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Everything posted by Quarkz

  1. Will increase their intake with the K9 Natural. They are both about 7kg but my female puts on weight very easily, the male has been slim his whole life no matter what. BARF recommends .5 of a patty per 5-7kg to feed 2% bodyweight, so they could do with a little bit more. We try to mix the patties up but they usually get either chicken, roo, combo or lamb. We're in central QLD and these are generally all our local stockist carries unfortunately. The fat contents are below: Chicken - Crude Fat minimum - 14% (40% D.M. basis) Lamb - Crude Fat minimum - 11% (36% D.M. basis) Roo - Crude Fat minimum - 3% (11% D.M. basis) Combo - Crude Fat minimum - 13% (39% D.M. basis) He'll puke no matter what patty. The only way to stop it is give him a small handful of dry kibble at 9pm. I have been told that you should feed either one or the other, not mix raw food with kibble. Any truth to this? Apparently your dog's stomach naturally has an acidity level of PH1, if you feed cooked kibble you reduce this level to PH 4 or 5 this means your dog will struggle to digest raw food and raw meaty bones. Guess feeding that small amount probably wouldn't hurt though?
  2. Chicken necks are my safest option as they are both scoffers. They'll swallow the necks whole and are able to eat them in 5 seconds flat! Have tried Ox tails, lamb offcuts and chicken wings in the past and they have all ended in choking or a swallow/puke cycle. They are fed separately so it's not due to competition, they just both love their food. Would turkey necks be a more meatier choice? It's definitely no fun for him. I don't particularly enjoy getting up at 3am to wipe up puke either. Have been feeding him a little bit of kibble for about 4 months now just to keep it under control. I thought it might sort itself out but his metabolism must be off the charts.
  3. Hi everyone! I have had my two pugs on a raw diet for approx. the past 8 months. My male is 2 years old and my female is 4 years old. The positives have definitely outweighed the negatives. They are both a lot slimmer and their coats look fantastic. Their breath doesn't smell like something has died in there and their teeth are incredibly white! Unfortunately my male pug keeps on getting 'hunger puking' in the middle of the night. He'll throw up yellow bile 2-3 times in the night. We currently feed them each: 2-3 Chicken necks at 8:30am 1/2 Patty (115g) of Dr. D's Aussie Raw BARF (Equates to 2% of bodyweight) at 6:00pm If I stock to the above routine my male will vomit at around 3am pretty much every night. I am at my wits end so started giving him about a 1/4 cup of his old dry kibble (Advance) before we went to bed which stops the hunger puking completely. If I feed him 1 or 2 chicken necks prior to bed (About 9pm) he will still hunger puke. My female doesn't have any problems at all. I am about to start feeding K9 Natural at 2% bodyweight instead of the BARF and see how we go with that. Otherwise, any ideas what I can do? Is it something that will sort itself out? Thank you!
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