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Everything posted by LorenaMM

  1. I really don't understand why everyone is getting so shirty about a dog sleeping outside. It is a dog !! Humans run the house not the dog. I am beginning to think joining this forum was a bad idea. I came looking for advice and all I seem to be receiving is abuse from some people. Thankyou to everyone who has given structured, helpful advice without being nasty. Everyone raises their pets in their own way and in the way which is suitable for their situation. Yes there a lot of passionate dog owners out there but please consider everyone has a different situation.
  2. Legacee, of course the puppy is going to be part of the family. We have been thinking about getting a pup for years but the time has never been right due to financials and work situations. No we feel we are ready to introduce another fur child to our family :D We have a fairly new, open plan house which can't be sectioned off with baby gates etc. To be realistic, the dog needs to stay outside whilst we are at work and will be allowed inside when we are home. I have done a lot of reading into crate training and it does sound like a fantastic idea. I just don't know if hubby will like the idea of having a large cage sitting inside the house Good point about the bathroom being messed up. Of course the pup would have its own bed to sleep on but I hadn't thought about it playing with the paper during the night Thankyou to everyone for your thoughts on this issue. You can do as much article reading as you want about dogs but there is nothing better than talking to real people who have experienced puppyhood.
  3. Hey everyone, I have been doing some research into crate training and obviously there are a lot of benefits. But I am wondering if it is really necessary ? When we do get our pup, we were planning on setting up its night time bed in a small bathroom (toilet & sink really) downstairs. The pup will go in there for the night and hopefully will either go on newspaper or let us know when its toilet time. I understand that pups won't soil their bedding so that is why i am hoping the bathroom will do instead of a crate. Crate training does sound like a great idea but what happens when it is time for the pup to sleep outside in its kennel ? Is it difficult to get a dog to sleep in a kennel or is it the same as encouraging it to sleep in a crate ? We don't like the idea of a dog sleeping in the house. The pup will eventually be an outside dog which will only come inside when we are home. We have a cat and don't want her being harassed by a pup all day The idea is they will initially only have supervised contact till the pup learns that the cat is not a play thing and the cat learns the dog is not out to ruin her life ! Sorry for sounding naieve but this will be our first dog. We are a bit clueless in this area so any help will be appreciated.
  4. Hi Casnpete, I have just read the story about your poor baby. I hope she is ok now. Did you do any research into the breeder before purchasing Mia ? This is a terrible situation that no new dog owner should have to go through. You were lucky the breeder was so co-operative.
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