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Jane H-F

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  1. He has a crate to sleep in but he has free access in and out of that all the time- ie there is no door- but he is shut in the laundry with access to outside- via doggy door- during the day and at night- I'm not sure whether to put the door back on and lock him in there so he can only go when I get up and say go outside- what do people think? He just seems too lazy to go through the doggy door to go outside!
  2. I have a cocker spaniel puppy and I wasn't clear enough when I first brought him home as to where I wanted him to go to the toilet!!! He usually does his biz on newspaper in the laundry- but I've taken that away in the hope he'll go outside! So I was wondering if there are any tips- besides taking him out and rewarding- to try to get him convinced that weeing and pooing outside is the best thing ever! Sometimes he's just way too quick!!! we'll be walking down the hall and then he's stopped and doing a wee!!! Any tips would be much appreciated! Thanks
  3. Thanks for all the ideas everyone! I might try the rock first! That one is free! then the slow eat bowl etc.... snoods are so cute- they look like they are off to have a shower!!! thanks again Jane
  4. Hi! My 3 1/2 month old cocker spaniel eats like a vacuum cleaner! He eats so fast! I have noticed now he smells like vomit a lot. Originally I thought it may be because of traveling in the car- which I think does make him nauseous- but he's now getting the "sicks" after eating. So I was wondering two things... Is there a "Slow-Eat" Bowl out there specifically for Cocker Spaniels i.e. Long and thin so the ears fall either side of the bowl? Or Is there anything that I can give him to reduce the "sicks" (he doesn't like ginger) thanks for any feedback! regards, Jane
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