poodle proud
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Not sure about this comment . You'd rather not follow the 'leadership' route? Or you'd rather not go it alone? Sorry what I meant was I'd rather not demand we get a trainer in as I want to encourage his participation. If he wasnt truly agreeable to having someone come in I think it would put him off implementing any of the training. Thanks. I have read up a bit on NILIF and have been trying to do more of that these past couple of weeks. I will read TOT also. What would I do if she growls at us? OH thinks give her time out in the bathroom but Ive read elsewhere that dogs don't understand timeout Thanks again for your valuable info.
Thanks Erny and Persephone. I was afraid you were going to say that I have broached the issue of a trainer with OH after the original incident happened and he says I can do what I want but bascially he would rather we lift our game with her, get her off the bed, and show more leadership etc first. He has the idea that that is what a trainer will tell us anyway. And while I can stomp my feet about it Id rather not. I'd rather have info to take to him and show him the benefits. For future reference does anyone know a good trainer in Brisbane? Is there a general cost I should expect or does it vary widely. Also until I get OH to come around with the trainer issue what can I do?
Thanks again everyone. Well OH has been very careful when playing with middi and it hasn't even come close to a repeat. I think Erny you are right when you suggested that perhaps she thinks she is controlling the game and that OH has taught her to play wrong. That and the fact that its just common sense that a dog that has been roughed up even in play isnt suddenly going to switch and want to lick you. Oh put his face near hers and it just seemes like she thought he was still playing and so she nipped him. PF we plan to get her into agility in the new year. She is a little turbo-charged gazelle so I'm hoping she loves it. Nekhbet I know how you feel. I have been saying since we got her, don't rough her up, you are teachingh her bad habits, play nicely etc. But as that saying says "everyone has to learn for themselves that the stove is hot". Well OH seems to well and truly have learnt it. Just on another note if anyone is able to respond. Middi does growl at us when we try to move her when shes on the bed. Do I need to revoke all bed privileges indefenitely or for a time? And if I do would it be better to kick them both off the bed or it doesnt matter? Thanks.
Thankyou Nekhbet, Persephone and Poodlefan for your replies OH has been smacked on the back of the head as instructed. I really think it has been a wake-up call for him. Don't get me wong he is not malicious or mean in any way but he just seemed to think that after playing games where she gets revved up that she would then be content being held in his arms or that she would suddenly be up for licking his face in a calm, gentle manner. I don't think we will see a repeat of this. Rules- they have to sit/drop for everything, food, leaving/coming back for walks, treats. - They have to be calm before I put on or take off their leads, let them out of the car etc. - They are allowed in most rooms of the house and on the lounge and bed. I think I will have to boot them off the bed though as midnight has started growling when she is moved off or over on the bed. I just wasnt sure whether I should boot them both off or just her, is this fair etc? - I don't tolerate anymore than a warning bark but it is harder to get midnight to take me seriously sometimes whereas Osca obeys straight away. I need to work on this but I'm not sure how. Training- -Middi has done the basic obedience course and goes to a motivation and control class every second week or so. I practice with them during the week but it's hard to train two dogs at the same time for any length of time. I should separate them and would achieve more doing this but I'm not sure what to do with the other one. They dont have crates but I suppose I could leave them outside or in another part of the house? It sounds ridiculous but I worry about upsetting them. Yep totally understand this. The children next door I am referring are always supervised with the dogs and are told when they need to calm down. They dont rough her up at all but dont see her getting revved up when they run/squeal etc. I am very cautious about any interaction they have with her. Absolutely what we want. This is really OH's first dog and Middi just wants to play constantly so I think he figured he'd keep going as long as she'd want to but it then seems to develop into a competition of sorts between them. Middi is much more determined and strong willed than Osca and we don't have much experience with dogs with her temperament. But I really do want to bring out the best in her.
Today our 1 yr old toy poodle bit OH on the lip and it drew blood. It was only small but in my mind a bite is a bite. OH has a tendency to play roughly with her and get in her personal space when she is revved up. This is apparently what happened today and he has thankfully realised after today's episode that he just can't play that way with her. I'm just worried about it happening in the future say with kids who don't really think about how they interact with dogs e.g. getting in their personal space, wanting to pick them up etc. Do I need to be concerned about her or is it just OH that needs to stop this rough play? Ive talked to him about needing to read her cues and know when she is not having fun anymore. I don't know if this is right. I know he can stop his behaviour but I don't know if there is something I need to do with her. I'm devestated about it and would really appreciate some advice. Thanks in adavance, PP
1.25l bottles with rice in them. Middi goes crazy for it. She tries to chew the lid off but I just replace the lid when it gets worn. Toys with bells are great but middi normally kills the toy and the bell is all that's left. I put the bells in a tupperware container and she spends ages trying to get it out.
Osca Had Another Seizure
poodle proud replied to poodle proud's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks Persephone and ozjen for the links And thankyou to everyone else for your replies. Thanks t-time for your concern Actually the radiation from a ct scan is roughly about one thousand times that of a plain x-ray and aside from detecting a mass of some sort they are unlikley to be very useful when looking at abnormal brain activity. OH works in Nuclear medicine. All seizures have manifested similarly with weakness on one side, glazed look, and trembling for 30-60 seconds with Osca returning to normal within 30-60 minutes. For the first 2 of 3 seizures both the vet and Bayer pointed the finger at the treatments, namely the permethrin in it as they have seen this reaction before. Frufru; The 2 vets I have taken him to have said the same thing and have not reccommended any investigations at the time. This last time I called them I spoke to one of the senior vet nurses and she was going through what they would use to help identify the cause which is when the ct was brought up. So basically nothing has been done at this stage. Osca is due his annual vacc and check-up in early january so I will be bringing up all of my concerns with a new vet thanks to some DOL reccomendations. It may purely be coincidence that Osca has not had a seziure since the last application of a spot on and then suddenly has one within a week of application of one. I am thankfully working very little leading up to Christmas/new year so I'll be home to watch him. If anything else happens he'll be at the vets in a flash. I am not unconvinced that there is some underlying cause but at the moment we are going to cease the use of spot-ons and watch Osca until his check-up. edited for spelling. -
Osca Had Another Seizure
poodle proud replied to poodle proud's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks everybody for your replies and well wishes! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that has trouble staying calm about these things Rommi n Lewis Staff'n'Toller: Do many dogs react to capstar? As you can imagine I get nervous about trying anything new. I truly hope it was an allergic reaction to the advantage. Bayer saying it's unlikely doesnt mean impossible and maybe as others have suggested Osca is that sensitive to spot-ons. OH has said that if he has another seizure or goes downhill we will take him to the vet. I would like the piece of mind now but I'm trying to be reasonable and have to be realistic about the funds we have available :p All I can say is thank God for DOL!!! -
Osca Had Another Seizure
poodle proud replied to poodle proud's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks Rommi n Lewis, I obviously want the absolute best for him but I don't want to go overboard. Since we had to pts my childhood dog with a tumour earlier in the year I get worried about any change in my two. OH thinks the same as you and I want to feel at ease with that. I just don't want to miss anything healthwise and have regrets later. If there was medicare for dogs I would have been at the vets at first light but.... So I want to be aware but rational about how I handle these sorts of things. I gave him a bath to wash anything left over. When I was drying his face he started to bleed from a hair follicle (i think) and has been licking his front paws more than usual but other than that he is himself. OH wants to not use any topical flea/tick treatments on him again and then if he has another one get him to the vet and start tests. I think in terms of flea treatment we will bomb the house and keep using the sentinel spectrum. I don't know what else to use because I don't want him to put him at risk of another reaction again. -
Hi all, I posted earlier in the year about some seizures Osca had after using advantix. I rang Bayer at the time who make the product and they said some dogs can react to the permethrin in it and while uncommon is possible particularly in swf breeds. So Bayer sent out some advantage to use and out of fear I havent touched until this week. I have gone back to sentinel spectrum but when I saw some fleas on Osca I thought I would give the advantage a try. So I gave it to him about 5 days ago. I am ususally home more often but have been working extra this week. So my first night at home with him last night he seized. He staggered and it was assymetrical. He was wobbling to one side, was shaking and was glassy-eyed. It lasted about 1 minute and he settled over the next hour. I rang Bayer this morning and they say they discussed it with their vet and that it was near impossible for it to be the advantage as the adavantage has a local effect in the oil glands and does not go into the bloodstream. They said it was coincidence. I just need some advice. I want to rush him off to the vet but OH wants to watch him. He thinks it is obviously cause and effect from the advantage as this is the first seizure in over 6 months and coincides with the first application of anything like this since the last time. He is also reluctant to put him through tests and expose him to radiation from ct scans as a vet on the phone suggested. Bayer have been good but as OH said they are a company and it isnt in their best interest to suggest their product could be the cause. I am not convinced either way but would love some input. Thanks. PP
So so sorry for your loss. R.I.P Diesel. please take care of yourself in this difficult time.
Kind Vet Around Strathpine/petrie/north Lakes
poodle proud replied to poodle proud's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks everyone. I have a few to choose from it seems. I knew there had to be more than one highly reccomended vet on the northside. The next time I go will hopefully be just for Osca's annual vacc and checkup in january. He has a bit of a reflux thing I really want someone to check out. A previous vet just said "sometimes they do that" but with him getting older I really want to have someone talk to me a bit more about it. Not just a get them in and out quick sort of vet. If anyone reads this thread at a later date and wants to know who I went with and how I found them feel free to pm me. I'm hoping this will be the last vet. (Not very comforting to see your vet on the news for malpractice ) -
Kind Vet Around Strathpine/petrie/north Lakes
poodle proud replied to poodle proud's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi t-time, thanks for the recc. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that has been doing the rounds. I'm in healthcare and maybe that's where it comes from for me. I always encourage my patients to find a good gp and only stick with someone if you can develop a good relationship with them. If you can't then you won't want to go or ask questions etc. I have been to the emergency vet/specialist centre at albany creek and they were fantastic. It showed me that what I'm looking for in a vet is not unreasonable. Is that the vet right near where they have the show? -
One Year Vaccination And Check-up
poodle proud replied to poodle proud's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I understand what you are saying. Though I did tell them she had just turned 1 this past week and had shown them on her vaccination card when her last one was done prior to him vaccinating her. If there is no standard for whether they have it at 12 months or 12 months from the last vaccination at 12 or 16 weeks then no problem. But Willow's comment suggested that it was the latter and hence my response was related to this. While it is unfair to expect anyone to be a mind reader, even if I hadn't been clear as to when she turned 1 it doesnt take a lot for someone to ask when she turned one. If a mother brought a baby in to me to be immunised I wouldn't just immunise and accept that and do it just because the mother says they are due. Protocol has me look at their records, the baby's d.o.b etc. It would be remiss of me to do otherwise. -
Kind Vet Around Strathpine/petrie/north Lakes
poodle proud replied to poodle proud's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks Ams I have heard great things about them from other dolers. They must be good for you to travel all that way! I am about half an hour from kedron and now feel quite sheepish for wanting something closer :D I just figured that with so many vets around surely there has to be more than one good one on the northside of Brisbane. I don't want to tar all the vets up my way with the same brush but we haven't had much luck so far. If I don't get any other reccs I will just take them to anvet. Thanks again. ) (Sorry, just saw these and couldn't resist. -
One Year Vaccination And Check-up
poodle proud replied to poodle proud's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi Willow, Thanks so much for your reply. I wish it had been there before our visit. I had to go today as I can't get there for a while. I didnt realise it was 1 year 3 months and I'm annoyed that my vet didnt correct me if this is the case as I told them she was one on the phone and in person. Will this do her any harm to have it early? -
Hi all, I posted quite a while ago for reccs for a vet to euthanase an old friend, now passed. The suggestions were great but most were not near enough to me for regular care of the others. We arent having much luck with our current vet and today's visit confirmed the need for a change. I just wanted to see if anyone has a vet they love? Someone that is happy to answer questions and personable is what we are after. Any reccomendations appreciated.
Hi all. Midnight, my toy poodle is now 1 and is due her vaccinations. I'm just wondering if there is anything I should ensure the vet checks over when I take her. When I take Osca I assume they know what they are looking for but want to be educated myself about what should be checked just to make sure she is on the right track with her growth, development and general health. Thanks in advance, PP
The number of filthy dogs we are seeing for elective surgery has been staggering, I don't understand what people are thinking, let's not even talk about the fleas and the ticks. Thats gross. I had the opposite experience though. I took Osca in to get some teeth out and he was clean and groomed. They handed him back to me stinky and wet. They said he had bled a bit and tried to hose him off but didnt even try and dry him. He stunk. I wasn't very happy.
A Canine Nether Regions Question
poodle proud replied to poodle proud's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thankyou everyone. He hasnt had discharge since my first post and the redness has gone. The groomer does a great job and doesnt leave the hairs short there which is good. I'm wondering if I should flush it with n/s anyway? Is it just rinsing the end? -
A Canine Nether Regions Question
poodle proud replied to poodle proud's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thankyou very much for your replies. I had to remove the dried discharge it myself as it was stuck. I think he was licking it trying to remove it and this may be why his penis is red but I am guessing. I have never had to do this before. Would there be a reason it had become stuck there this time? He was groomed only weeks ago so all is as normal in that area. -
Sorry in advance for the content of this thread. I noticed Osca licking himself on his penis tonight. When I looked it was red and there was a yellowy brownish discharge stuck on the end. It did not have an offensive odour. I read on another thread this discharge could be smegma. . Can someone tell me if a desexed dog still produces smegma? Osca has never had this issue before. Thanks PP
Molly's Seizures Are Back
poodle proud replied to Dog_Horse_Girl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Glad to hear she is doing better. I hope you never have to go through that again -
Molly's Seizures Are Back
poodle proud replied to Dog_Horse_Girl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Oh gosh! How frightening for you! What an awful experience! Hope she gets back on track soon! Could you keep an emergency vets number in your phone just in case for next time? Even if it is not close to you maybe they could give you advice quickly over the phone and you will be sure to speak to someone because they are always staffed. We have our regular vet but have called the pet emergency centre in Brisbane before at midnight for advice. -
Im so sorry for your loss. That was a beautiful tribute and you have some truly special photographs and footage. I hope you get to enjoy looking at them again sooner rather than later.