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Everything posted by glendabenda

  1. Thanks for the addvice puppy is doing very well, still have a little way to go. But here poor head is not going red any more!!!
  2. I just google taste of the wild dog food, sounds great !!! can this be bought in australia???
  3. My 7 month old bulldog x has been told the same, keep away from beef and dairy. We have just started her on artemis medium puppy formula, so will se how that goes. She also gets chicken necks, wings (including turkey).
  4. I have just received a large bag of Artemis medium/large breed puppy formula from Judith at [email protected]. I live in the south west of WA and off the top of my head, I think it was $111 for the food and $27 delivery. My puppy loves the Artemis compared with the other food he was on. I live in margaret river so the postage should be around the same, will give them a try thanks.
  5. Thanks will give this ago today (will be children free today so it will not matter how long we take) and over the weekend and get back to you on the progress (fingers crossed) Cheers and thanks for the help.
  6. Well shes a bulldog x only medium built, she has not had to much training with lead while walking because she has usally been very good and not pulling. She drags me and her poor head goes slightly red. At the moment I just have a normal collar (fuzzyard) and lead.
  7. Has usally been ok, but has now started to pull on the lead alot lately . Our pup gets a morning walk (to the local school) with myself a pram and my oldest son on his bike that usally is in front of us, which she wants to keep up with !! What is good way to teach not to pull???
  8. The only tin sardines that I can find at coles etc come from orverseas is this ok?? ( In that cat food section)
  9. I do use raw chicken necks and when I can rabbit etc but I was wanting a good dry for some of the feeds as things sometimes can get busy around here and I want her to have a good balanced diet.
  10. Ive been told by the vet to keep our 7 month old pup away from beef and dairy (for skin reasons) and so have decided to try some Artemis medium/large breed puppy formula . I live in country western australia and decide that the only way to get some would order it online. Does any one know of a good supplier with good postage rates etc. If any on has any other puppy food sugestion that would be great, Im also trying to stay away from wheat and corn. Cheers
  11. I use protexin it is a probotic like yogurt Where can I get some ?? That sounds good.
  12. Vet has told us not to give the dog any dairy or beef because she has been having a few problems with her skin/coat. The only dairy I give is some yogurt is there a alternate???
  13. well i thought i could cook the liver first then slice when cold and then dehydrate??? i'm visting my mum this weekend so will give it a go.
  14. I don't have any dog brushes yet, she has a short white coat. What type of brushes should I buy ? start giving her a good going over weekly then my couches might not get so much hair on them. she has some pug in her I think and they malt alot.
  15. My mum has a dehydrator and also cryvac machine that she does not use much and I thought I might borrow them to have a go at making some dog treats. Has anyone done this and do they have any advice/recipes. Will they keep in the pantry etc
  16. Thats a great idea(dying) She's not on the couch all the time, but she was losing her puppy hair and it just got on everything. She's not losing much at the moment. I have tried a sponge and that worked allright, will give the packing tape a go. I got a nice and cuddly rug from the op shop and she has been made to lay on that when on the couch and with the addition of some throw rugs or covers things should be ok.
  17. Thats my next job (couch cover) but would like to get the hair of first.
  18. I bought one of those sticky roles from the supermarket but it seems to take the hole role to remove the hair. Any other suggestions whould be great.
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