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Everything posted by yellowgirl

  1. It took me a while to work it out, so for others who wish to light a candle, just click on one of the unlit candles and you'll be directed from there. Still thinking of Jed, her family and pups.
  2. I'm just catching up with this and I can't see for crying . My heart is just breaking for Jed and imagining her devastation when she hears about the loss of her treasured dogs. This is so utterly heartbreaking. When I get home tonight my dogs are going to wonder why my tears are streaming and why I keep pulling them so close to me. Jed's physical injuries will heal in time but I can't see that her shattered heart will ever repair after losing so many of those much loved little souls I just wanted to post the Pacers account details again in case anyone missed it earlier. I don't have much but I will give what I can. This story has hit me right in the heart. I was going to put some things on ebay next week to raise some cash for my new foster girl, but I'm lucky enough to have food, shelter and all 4 of my dogs safe at home, so the proceeds will go to Jed. Good God, compared to this tragedy, I've got nothing to complain about! Will light a candle and send prayers and blessings to Jed and her family tonight
  3. A friend of mine was on his show for a segment on White Shepherds a few years ago, she said he was an arrogant, dirty old perv. It would be great to get some media coverage of your xolos ... if you do let Don Burke near them just make sure you wear long pants and a high necked shirt. Probably be a good idea to put some clothes on the xolos too
  4. Thank you to everyone who has purchased a Dog Sponsor shirt to help Banshee . So far $44.00 raised for Banshee from the Dog Sponsor shirts and $52 for general rescue from the sale of the other shirts THANK YOU!! Keep 'em coming . I'd love to have some other dogs in the Dog Sponsor section
  5. Hopefully I bought one too! :p . Zazzle sends me an email for each purchase and there is a xoloitzcuintle shirt in there, so I assume it's yours . I noticed the shipping details say standard postage is 5-12 Business Days After Manufacturing, so I'd give it at least a couple of weeks to arrive. I couldn't resist ;) Cool, isn't it? Thank you so much MM . Yes, I can do an individual shirt for you, just email me the picture and what wording you would like on it I went into your website when you first posted about the fund raising for Banshee's costs and then when you posted here, but I became lost I'll go through my photos and send you one I'd love in a t-shirt and then you can tell me what to do Thanks. Sorry I got you confused MM . Yep, just send me the photo first and I'll direct you from there btw, my avitar pic was taken by another DOLer, Schnauzer Boy, I just love that one of Sarge's nekkid butt Yes, there was a pretty cute particular shepherd in there It would be so cool to see someone else with your dog's picture on their tshirt
  6. Thank you so much MM :D. Yes, I can do an individual shirt for you, just email me the picture and what wording you would like on it Thank you Wazzat . Yes, you can customise the shirt if you want to. Thank you for your lovely words, that's very kind of you Thanks poodlemum . Niki's pic was beautiful so of course I had to use it
  7. Thank you AGAIN iggy mum!! :D . It's a third party website so unfortunately I don't have any control over the actual ordering part of it. I guess I should have got my act together earlier so you could have got all 3 at the same time Hi Wazzat . When I did a mock-order the postage was $7.98. Not too bad really considering they're coming from the U.S. I loved your xolo pics, just had to use them :D . Thanks for your support as always Thank you kelpiekaye! :D
  8. Hi everyone! Thanks so much for all the pics you submitted :D. I got a bit behind with the t-shirts because I aquired a little Chinese Crested foster girl last week and I've kind of had my hands full. I think I've got all the shirts done now, if any are missing it may be because some of the pics were too small to be used. Not sure if I can put the link in here, but you can have a look at the shirts by clicking on the website link in my siggy and then once you're in the website, clicking on 'T-shirt store' in the left side menu. Gilypoo - I tried to do one of your pup but yours was one of the too-small pics. Feel free to send me another one with the dog's name and I'll make it up and put it in the 'My own dog' section. If anyone else wants an individual dog shirt made up, just send me your dog's name and decent sized picture. Also let me know if you'd like different wording. If it's a breed that's not represented yet I'll also put it in the Breeds section. The proceeds will go to help some of the rescues and shelters that Fido's Funhouse supports (see the Links page in the website) The 'Dog Sponsor' section in the T-shirt store is a fundraising idea that I had to help rescue and foster dogs. My own foster girl is the only one there at the moment, but please feel free to send me details of any dogs that you'd like sponsored (only rescues and fosters that are currently in care please). Profits are 20% of the purchase price which I will pass on directly to you. Let me know what you think, and thanks again for all your input :D xxx
  9. For other rescues/fosters interested in having shirts made, the profit is 20%, not 10%
  10. No, it's just me, I'm not part of a particular group. Would that make a difference? I do fundraising and collect food donations for Adelaide rescues through my shop. I don't want to dip into anything that's been donated for other people, so the t-shirt idea seemed like a good way to go, and I can include others in it as well.
  11. Hi all, Many of you know that I recently aquired a foster dog, Banshee, a little hairless Chinese Crested girl. Here's my thread with a bit more background if you missed it http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...p;#entry4502040 It turns out that Banshee has a few emotional issues and is a fear biter and so I won't be able to re-home her in the near future. I was expecting vet costs etc to be reimbursed when she was re-homed. So, I'm in a bit of a pickle as she's booked in for desexing, etc next week and I can cover the costs for a short time, but longer-term I'm going to have a few unpaid bills. I've had a bit of a think about how I can cover the costs, not only to help with Banshee, but I also want to expand it to help other rescuers and foster carers. It's called 'Dog Sponsor - Making a difference, one dog at a time'. Individuals buy a shirt to sponsor a specific dog and the profits go towards the care of that dog. Rather than babble on about it too much, you can see what I mean by going to my website (link in my siggy) and once you're in, clicking Dog Sponsor in the left side menu. Here's a pic of the Dog Sponsor shirt ... At the moment I only have a Banshee shirt but I'm more than happy to make up shirts of other dogs for people to sponsor. They must be fosters or rescues though. Profit is 10% *edited* 20% of the purchase price which I will forward on. There's also a Donate button on the Dog Sponsor page of my website and those funds will go directly to Banshee's vet, Dr Sylvia Kniesberg at the Glynde Vet Surgery. Dr Sylvia is on board with my idea and is happy for me to do it this way. If I've posted this in the wrong section or broken any rules by promotoing my idea, please let me know. My aim is purely to continue to help Banshee and to make sure she has everything she needs
  12. Again, thank you so much for your support everyone I'm in the process of putting together a fund raising idea to help cover Banshee's vet bills. Hopefully I won't get in trouble for posting it as it might be seen as marketing rather than fund raising. It's an idea that can help other rescuers and foster carers as well . I'll post it in the general section shortly xxx
  13. Thanks so much guys, just that bit of support from people who understand has made me feel better . I don't regret taking Banshee for a second, it's just a bit more of an ordeal than I'd anticipated. If she can't be safely re-homed and she continues to fit in with my crew, I will keep her. It will be a bit of a financial blow not to be able to recoup the vet costs, etc but the universe often drops unexpected surprises in my lap and I guess Banshee is now in my care for a reason, so I'm sure the universe has some kind of plan to pay my bills . Whatever happens, this little girl is worth it. Banshee is responding to me and settling in really well at home but I think it's good advice about contacting a behaviourist/trainer to make sure I can give her what she needs to become more confident in the outside world. My first Crested, Madeline, needed a lot of work to overcome her fear issues, but she wasn't a biter. I've had several timid dogs, but never one that bit anyone, so this is a new one for me. Kirty, I'll discuss the vacc with my vet. The reason she suggested doing everything at once though was because when she gave Banshee a hormone injection to try to cut her season short (didn't work tho), she went into a total panic when the needle went in. That was when she was in such a frenzy that she peed herself as well. The vet ended up having to muzzle her just to get the injection in properly
  14. Here’s my little Chinese Crested foster girl, Banshee (re-named ‘cause she’s a screamer) ... After being messed around for 2 months by this little girl's owner, I finally have Banshee in my care. The owner first came into my shop in February and asked me if I wanted her dog, and if I didn't, she was going to advertise her (un-desexed) in the paper. I was worried that she could be picked up by a puppy farmer or BYB. At the time I said I could probably foster, desex and re-home her as long as she got along with my dogs and wasn't in season. As the weeks, then months, went by we made several appointments to introduce the dogs and she continually cancelled or didn't show up. She rarely answered her phone when I tried to ring her and didn't respond to text messages. When I did speak to her she told me conflicting stories. She also has a young un-desexed male pug x at home, so I was concerned that the more time that passed the closer Banshee would get to coming into season. A week ago, on Sunday night, when I finally got her to turn up to the park for the initial meet-up so her dog could meet my crew, she arrived half an hour late, with a friend, both dressed to the nines with the hair extentions and the stillettos, on their way for a night out. It became obvious that the lady had plans and had no intentions of taking the dog home with her. Banshee was very obviously in season. Amongst other gob-smacking statements, the owner said she had no idea that Banshee was in season (she was very surprised when I showed her the enormous bleeding golf ball at Banshee's rear), couldn't remember if she'd microchipped her, wasn't sure of her age ('one or two'), didn't think she'd been in season before (!), wasn't sure what dry food she ate and didn't know when her last vaccination, heartworm or worming was. I'm guessing that Banshee wasn't a loved, pampered, indoor dog as the owner said. If she lived indoors the owner would absolutely know that this dog was in season! She also brought Banshee to the park with nothing, no lead, bowl, toys, blanket, paperwork ... nothing. Luckily the dogs got on okay, but it's been quite an ordeal since Sunday night. The owner said she was an indoor dog and was fully toilet trained ... well, she's not. She also limps a bit and frequently lifts her back left leg when walking. She stands and walks a bit hunched up, and walks with short, quick steps. Her first few poops were jet black and she has several scars and scabs on her feet and lower legs. She was scared of the lead, is extremely wary of other people and is a fear biter. Her collar had to be peeled off as it was stuck to her neck with black grime. Her skin hasn't been exfoliated or moisturised in a very long time. And of course she's in season. She's fine with me, but has already bitten two people, Sarge's breeder and the vet. She gets scared very easily and goes into some sort of panic frenzy, thrashing her head and body around and screaming at the top of her lungs. If anyone's hand is near her during this time, she will bite it. She tries to bite first, and if that doesn't work she goes into the frenzy. At the vet's she also peed during one of her frenzies. The vet said she'd wait until Banshee is under anaesthetic for desexing and then she'll do her vaccinations, microchip (she isn't chipped), health check, etc. She's pretty sure Banshee's back leg has a cruciate injury and says not to walk her just yet. I've got her on glucosamine and condroitin powder. At the moment I'm bringing Banshee into the shop with me as I don't want to leave her home alone with my crew just yet. I bought a nylon crate for her to sit in at the shop, but when I went to serve a customer she screeched and tore at the crate until she broke through it. After I repaired it, she broke through it again. Apart from what her former owner has turned her into, Banshee is a gorgeous girl, affectionate (with me) and very smart. I've been using Cesar Milan's 'calm/assertive' techniques and she's responding really well to them at home. I'm not sure what sort of predicament we're in now because I don’t know if I can re-home her with her fear biting, panic frenzies and possible cruciate injury. She's getting along very well with my 3 Cresteds, although she sometimes pesters Sarge until he snaps at her (I'm assuming this is because she's in season? .. Sarge is desexed by the way) The vet says it will be at least another two weeks before Banshee can be desexed, so I won't leave them all alone together until after she's been done. Here's some pics of her at home ... apologies for the lack of colour co-ordination, Banshee is wearing Sarge's blue shirt that's too small for him, and Sarge is wearing Madeline's pink shirt as his were in the wash. Any advice or suggestions are welcome...
  15. That is awesome... are you going to use it??? Please sign me up for one if you are.. Whoops! I think I have confused you Gilypoo, sorry I am not the one requesting the photos I was just passing through. crap never mind... I got all excited.. ;) I love the fixed photo, thanks for spending the time.. Gillypoo, I'll put it on a shirt for you and let you know when it's done . Thanks for that Mars, my red-eye remover never seems to work. Evolving, what breed is your dog? Stormie, I think the running, floppy face could fit in with the funny ones . Thanks for all the pics TeamSnag. Thanks also to everyone who's contributed! .
  16. TeamSnag, do I have your permission to use the pics you've posted here? Thanks so much everyone for contributing! I have some really great and gorgeous pics. I have an enormous amount of pics to sort through and will start on some designs next week. I'll let you know when I've got some done and get your opinions on the finished shirts
  17. Yes, I'll be doing made to order as well. These shirts will have 'I love my (breed)' on it with a picture of a dog of that breed. I'm building an internet store so I'll need several shirts in stock already printed as part of the breed range but also will be able to do individual/personal shirts. No problems :D . That's why I want people to send me the pics of their own dog, that way I have their permission to use the images.
  18. Cute! I'm doing it through another company, so once I've made my own big fat 10% of the total price I don't think there'll be too much left to share. I can, however, offer you a reasonably priced t-shirt with a picture of a dog on it! Feel free to send me the pics though Thanks to everyone who's sent photos so far, I'm still going through them but there are quite a few I think I can use. Remember to include the breed of dog in your email. Please don't send whole albums, just a few of your favourite pictures :D Here's some examples of a few I've received so far that would fit what I'm looking for ...
  19. Hi all, I'm in the process of setting up a T-shirt store on my Fido website. Among other design ideas, I want to do a bunch of breed specific shirts, so if you guys have any great shots of your dogs please feel free to email them to me ... and you might find them printed on my shirts! Email address is [email protected] It will take me a few more days to get the store organised but I'll let you know when it's done. I've only got 4 shirts up at the moment. If it's okay, I might use some of the submitted pics for our shop calender too. I can't promise to use all of the pics submitted, but if your pic isn't chosen and you'd like a shirt made with it, please let me know and I'll organise it for you. Please include your dog's breed with your email. Cheers, Jo Edit - see post #36 for update
  20. I'll be there on Sunday! . Ness, what time is the duck herding on? Are your dogs entered?
  21. Does anyone know what day/time the Chinese Cresteds are shown? I'd love to come and have a look if I'm able to get there
  22. No offence taken ;) , a sense of humour is mandatory when you have 3 Chinese Cresteds! ;) Sarge, Pepper and Madeline had a real nice time . I think they felt much safer inside the fencing, and apart from a few minor break-ins ( ) it worked really well. Thanks to Shannon and Miranda for helping to keep the dogs occupied and tiring them out beautifully with the 'Crestie races' :D . And Sarge fell a little bit in love with Indi ;) I didn't get my big dog cuddles til after the fencing was down and the dogs were in the car. Next time I'll set the fencing up a bit differently, but it was a good trial this time. Nice to see everyone there, sorry I didn't get too much chance to chat We missed Pele guarding the bbq ;)
  23. It was a chilly one! Lucky I had three little bed warmers
  24. Thought it might give you guys a little smile Yes Pollywaffle, 3 hairy little heads, 3 naked little bottoms
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