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Everything posted by Tambaqui

  1. My Min Pin Clancy is both a show dog and also does Obedience as well! During the warmer month, I heavily did a lot of show and not so much obedience as it was mostly on Sundays, but I have increased his obedience and only showing on Saturday as my dog and I are not a fan of bieng indoors. It took quite a while to get in the groove of things, but he is now capable of off lead work as well as doing the show work. He now distinguish both and he knows if he sees a purple lead and correction chain, it is obedience work and if he sees any other fancy looking leads, he knows it is showing. Last week Clancy did his first trial for the Restricted to German Breed, but unfortunately they moved it indoors, Clancy thought he was showing that he kept moving out in front of me, despite being on an obedience lead and correction chain. But I am not having any issues with training for both fields, it just consistency and reinforcing what is required of them in their work. I would say both are different, the only common is maybe stand for examination, but Min Pins being a tabled breed, it took my dog longer to be accustomed to having it done on the ground, but he is absolutely brilliant now, and at the start, he was .... not so nice to judges! But now he wags his tails and shows no fear for the judges in both showing and obedience, it took a lot of work and persistent but he has gotten there! I hope that you'll get there and eventually get the training down pat with your new girl!
  2. I'd love to do it with both Male Min Pins of ours! When I work with one, the other comes and tries to upstage the one on lead by doing the same work off-lead as well! So if I am doing the up and back, the one offlead would do it as well next to the dog on lead! I am freestanding with food, they would both do it! Trouble is, if they are both on lead and together, they are usually not happy about it! I was going to think about doing an attempt of a brace if one comes up in a specialty! I have seen it this year and thought it was good, so I am hoping for one!
  3. I'm baffled by everyones comment about the aluminium trolley! I have one which I brought through K9 Antics last year when I started showing my Min Pin back in September I think so it is nearing a year since I have owned it. I can tell you that I have no broken wheels, no broken doors, no things out of place! I have pushed it on many surfaces! Country Shows, KCC Shows, Obedience Club on a Gravel Surface. I do agree it can be rickety when pushing it on rough gravel surface, but it didn't damage it so far! I can tell you during summer show I had chairs, gazebos, 2 Min Pins, etc etc in these trolley and still made it to the place to set up! Now imagine all the weight of this trolley when it was pushed around! I agree that it's worthwhile saving the money up for a good sturdy trolley, but I am just honestly baffled by the criticism of the aluminium trolley! I have paid a fair bit for this trolley, along with a kennel mat and cover, and at the moment don't regret it because I can't ask for anything better than I have and it suits what I am after as I don't show often and only show a lot over the warmer weather and it will be handy for trialling.
  4. Yeah I saw that rule prior to posting, but I wasn't sure whether it was restricted to a few things or whether it is permissable for them to wear it throughout both the testing and the stays. My Min Pin after Sunday testing day didn't look so good, he wasn't himself and withdrawn and notably he was so cold, even this morning he didn't seem right. So I think he had the chills. But my mum gave him something this arvo and he seem to have gotten his colour and his "alertness" look back and even was running around and jumping with the other Min Pin of ours. So hence the question as I want to go into the trial next Sunday absolutely prepared and make sure I have got things covered! I have one more training this Sunday before the trial, and I hope the weather will stay as it was forcast as it my last chance to proof everything for the trial! I don't work him so much at home as he doesn't need it so much as he has got the jist of it so I do the bulk of it at training to keep it fun and so that he doesn't get bored of the obedience. This little guy Clancy is doing both showing and as of next week trialling as well! We both love it and Clancy thoroughly enjoys doing both fields I'm sure if I have any questions I will be back to ask some more!
  5. Ok Thank you TerraNik! I will bring his coat with him and will double check with the judge on the day! But will be hoping for a decent weather considering today was horrendous with nonstop of winds!
  6. Hi All! I have decided to take the plunge and entered my Min Pin Clancy into his first trial with the Dobe Club. Now I am pretty confident with him and after his testing day today with his club and being the one of the three who completed the full stays in his class off lead out of 7. He had plenty of temptation to run and move, but he resisted! :rolleyes: But unfortunately being the size of him, he was feeling of the cold today and in the end he had like a "shirt" on and a coat as well to help him keep warm. Now this is my question, are dogs allowed to wear coats in the trial? Do you need to have any permission to have one put on them? Especially on cold and windy days? I'd rather not let him suffer another bout of cold again and scratch him if he isn't allowed to have a coat on as he is very sensitive and does not respond well. Thought I'd ask so I can make a decision on the day of the trial and whether there is any restriction to him wearing a coat .
  7. With my little Min Pin, I am not bothered about the colour of the lead I use with him! Being chocolate and tan, many leads I have used went well with him but I mostly use the green lead which is pretty much our lucky colour. I have from the top of my heads brown, green (various shades) and blue. I do have a pink and yes my little guy have been in a pink lead for practice, but my mum refuse to let me take him in the ring on a pink lead! But the lead was originally for a bitch puppy, but I am not looking for one now at this time, but who knows in the next few years! I have a really nice brown one that was made by Snazzy Pooch leads which let say dented my bank a bit lol, but I have had successes with that lead and it goes really well with his colour. But my personal favourite is the green one by snazzy pooch as it is short in length and very comfortable for Clancy to work and it helps with his ring work and he moves well. I think K9 Antics that supplies at KCC (and Bulla I also assume) has some fantastic leads that could be used with correction chains or loop, but I prefer Snazzy pooch for the martingale leads as they are made for comfort and also the length are perfect.
  8. I have met the half way point.... well almost at 49 now! He got 17 Points in the last months for a challenge (and rubob) and a best of breed! I also did some additional awards, with a Reserve Challenge at a Specialty in a big line up and also went Junior in Show So I guess you could say that Mission Completed! Now need to try and get the remaining 51 Points I am trialling Clancy very soon on the 1st of August for the Restricted to German Breed trial and there'll be others I will enter, but I know the one I will definitely enter is in November We also have a new member of the show team....... but he is a pet at the moment
  9. lol went through that last week! I had stocktake on Saturday morning, so I told mum to take Clancy to the show and take him in the ring. I get a text from mum about 10 am and got told that the show was on Sunday and not today! Good thing we live close by! I also made another blunder and entered for tomorrow show and I did the entry, I thought it was for KCC park. I got the number and I realised it was for Bulla! So not going tomorrow! Going obedience training instead!
  10. It just reminded me, as it is similar to Fran's question . I remember reading in the gazette, where they mention "Pointscore" for certain breed. What does that mean for the breed? Is it double point or? Usually I found there would be many entered for that particular breed, so I wondered what it meant by Pointscore Thanks!
  11. I've been showing my little guy since September last year and between February and May I had dreadful luck and kept bombing out with no challenge points and sometimes not even coming close to reserve challenges! Even he was beaten out in his classes, but upon listening to my breeder and other Min Pin people advice and my own parents, and learning they do go through the uglies stages and to be patience! I was close to throwing it in with him and just stick to obedience, but the United Pinscher speciality changed that, when he picked up a Reserve Challenge over many dogs and even those that were titled! The only one he did not defeat is the one Grand Champion, the same dog he usually gets Reserve Challenge to! Not only that, he went Junior in Show as well. Please remember that I only went to that show to for the best Chocolate and Tan class! He also lately gotten some nice amount of points for BOB the next week and even recently an 8 Point Challenge over older and more matured dogs and he went RUBOB! He is now sitting half way through to his title, and at the moment will only show on Saturdays until Summer comes back as my dog prefers to be outdoors on the grass. Many say too that you always learn from your first dog and it is true! Also to add, Clancy was also show potential and was mentioned that he maybe too small for showing! Well after 12 months, he grown into a nice sized little guy!
  12. There maybe a Min Pin in this trial! :D Clancy and I am working together to put things together! I just need for Clancy to be able to prove it in the next few weeks at my club! Fingers crossed all will go to plan! I'm always asking Clancy why he does things perfect at home and then throws it out the window at the club! I just hope it won't be too cold for Clancy if I enter!
  13. Group 1 Results please? Did any Min Pins do well during in groups?
  14. Group 1 Results please? Is there anyone who knows of any Min Pins results as well?
  15. Lea Cogley's classes are on Thursday night starting at 7:30 if I remember. You just turn up on the night and it's $10 (I think, but not sure if it still the same) for a lesson. Ashley is very good as well, would recommend him!
  16. Very happy about Min Pins being on 21st, I've put in a holiday for 20th for a week and was hoping Min Pins will fall within that week! At least I can have that week off and knowing someone can cover me for that week!
  17. Wow that is a lot of Reserve Challenges certificates I could've raked over the last few months! I remember reading in the catelogue for Pakenham that if you want your Reserve Challenge Certificates to pick them up from the office! But I remember that day I just couldn't be bothered walking anymore, packed up and left for home. I usually always get the CC as I would really would like to title my little guy before starting his career in obedience.
  18. I too had a blunder! I had to go in with my Clancy for Minor in Show, and my Clancy had a go at the judge because he was probably sick of going into the ring and it was 10:30 at night, so he was probably tired. But the general special judge didn't want to touch him and lost interest in him, so he told me to take him off the table and it almost looked like he pointed to the end of the line. So I went to the end of the line and little did I realised he wanted a triangle! So I sort of rushed back at the judge a bit red faced, and eventually had go back around to the end of the line!
  19. Congrats on your first Reserve win! :D I wouldn't worry too much about ribbons! ;) Normally if I am handed a ribbon, I usually keep them, but god knows where they are now and I think they've disappeared or mum put them away, but I just accept them out of respect for the judge. If I don't get any, it's not like I will cry over it because it's really only a place ribbon. I usually like to keep challenges and/or BOB ribbons if I get them. I kept my first Challenge and Best of Breed ribbon (Got both in one show!) and boy they were almost as big as an in group sash!
  20. I talk to my dogs as well in the ring . Most of the time I tell them to "Focus" as they are BAD when they think they can do whatever they wish in the ring! I just tell them to focus and let them know it's working time and to do it right. I talk to them a LOT on the table, with Clancy he had a real bad experience when he first started his show career, so I always reassure him on the table that he is a good boy and that it is ok. It helps him relax and not worry about the judge. Our Benji is still learning so I am talking to him a bit, especially on the table as most shows are now indoors, its a new environment for him and his behaviour changed slighlty and he leans back more when the judge goes near him, so again I'm assuring him that it's ok and constantly praise him that he is doing well. I found recently after the last show he is starting to relax a bit more now. I always talk to Benji during ring work out and teaching him to hackney, he is a fun little guy to work with and he is intuitive when it comes to showing and listening to me. Clancy and Benji are half brother, but they are very different in their personality and how they show so it is a lot of fun to show two unique dogs who are different in their own way. I even handle both of them differently as they both don't work the same way.
  21. Most judges I've had were pretty good and waited until I stacked my dog. However I had a judge who waited at the end of the table with her hand on the table almost in the way of me stacking my dog! I was a little annoyed as my dog got unsettled and wouldn't stand still because the judge was quite close to him. Too bad I couldn't say "Move back please!"
  22. Runner up is gr ch supacharm so this is it (aussie bred) by Lisa prior! Absolutely fantastic to see a min pin recognized today! Does anyone know who got aus bred in show?
  23. The one I think you maybe after is called the Log Cabin Caravan Park, but I am not sure if it's dog friendly as it's been years since I went there (My brother used to live there long time ago). http://www.vicparks.com.au/residential1.asp?region=Metro with the contacts details here. http://www.logcab.com.au/ I hope this is the one you are after that your friend mentioned and one that I know that is near the KCC Park .
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