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Everything posted by Tambaqui

  1. I have attached a photo of my Bench setup for my Min Pin for the Royals. The backdrop is basically attached to a velcro I sewed on with the sewing machine and had blankets and cushion added in it. It's set up as Min Pins are known as "King of Toys", so I essentially used that as an influence to dress it up, make it look Royalty in a way, luxury, spoilt, everything pampered and luxury and most of all comfortable! Probably a bit overboard , but they love it to the point one growled at me when I tried to get them out to pack it up! Probably got too attached to the bed too quick! lol
  2. I see Lowchens and Min Pins are in Pav 18, so same spot as where Min Pins was last year! It'll be my first Royals this year, so looking forward to it, I hope I won't be as nervous as I am pretty good at normal shows lol! I have everything ready for the Royals, and done my backdrop and display for the crate, but I'll be amused to have done all this sewing/measuring/etc etc, only to be set up where nobody can get through! At least my dogs will be comfortable and warm for the day! Still waiting on numbers though, had to get in touch with Estelle, and she posted me another one, so hopefully this will come on time, I'll be annoyed if Australia Post keeps stuffing around, and get it after I needed them!
  3. Can do Min Pins and will be there for Lowchens but I am still learning to get to know the dogs!!
  4. I agree! I usually appreciate any Toy Group results from Vic! It's usually nice to know what Breed has won the Group!
  5. Have you tried Pedini Photography? http://pedini-photography.com/ They've done photos for 2 United Pinscher club specialty, and take fantastic photos and very good service and very polite! I would've agreed with Rivid as well, as a dog I handled went Best in Show at a Specialty Open Show and he took fantastic photos, and again, he was good to deal with, very patience, and like to make sure you are happy with how the dog is presented or how you want the dog presented! I liked BBJ Champion shot as well, Took some fantastic shots of my pups and Clancy recently early this year! So Pedini is the only one I can think of and Biju Photography as well as I've had some private shoot with them for one of my Min Pins, again, very patience and good service! Edit: I just remembered another one, what about Ibiza Photography? He has a Facebook page and takes photos at some shows. Good luck!
  6. I've only been showing for over 2 years, and have seen some bad ones that I wouldn't give another entry again! However, I dunno whether I've been lucky, or not, but I've have shown under quite a few judges recently who has acknlowedged dogs I have handled and have done very well! There are judges out there that will judge your dogs and are honest judges! You just need to hang in there! I remember two shows I did, that I said to my mum that my dog won't do any good for the in group and probably just wasting my time, and then end up going on to win the Class in Group! So just because you don't get short listed, or you think the judge is putting up the "Faces", don't count your dog out too quickly, as the judge might still like your dog and would put it up! Afterall it is the judges opinion on the day! That's what makes showing more interesting, and second guessing what might happen!
  7. Cav was Intermediate. I was in puppy lineup but cannot recall what got it. Down the line from me. :laugh: Oh haha! Then Minor must've been Italian Greyhound I think?? I remember being in the line up next to an Iggy when it got it, must've got it the wrong way round!
  8. I have to admite, seeing the photo of the Japanese Chin Breeders team was just AMAZING! http://www.traffordphotos.net/gallery/Royals/2011%20Adelaide/Adelaide%20Royal%202011%20Day%206%20Wednesday%207th%20September/slides/JAPANESE%20CHIN%20BREEDERS%20TEAM%20AA083D-519.html It was pure genius! To be so creative and go to great length as this for the Breeders Team is amazing!
  9. Yup, Trotter's was RUIG, and one of Penny's male was RUBOB and Elaine and Trevor's older bitch got the bitch challenge. Minor in Group was the Cavalier I think and I know Italian was also Intermediate in Group Junior in Group was a Basilika Papillon. Can't remember the Puppy in Group.
  10. Just wanting to ask, does anyone not have their numbers for the Royals yet? I've yet to have mine, but I'd thought I ask and see whether to I might need to get in touch or wait a little longer
  11. Or of you have a job like I have where you can take 1 day annual leave, then that's an option lol! That's what I've done for the last few Friday shows. I also have time owing from stocktake so I'm using it for the royals It'd be awkward chucking a sickie and someone from work sees you at the show lol! I have public holiday off and won't work if there is any shows on, they can do my work or just neglect my dairy department like they usually do!
  12. I think it is definitely great to see more neuter classes being offered at more shows! I'd probably will have my chocolate and tan Min Pin neutered and would show him in the neutered class, but am waiting for it to be supported more locally, as he still wants to show and still enjoy it, but maybe the Maffra show in 2012 sound like a great start!
  13. WOW! Now I'm curious as to who the Min Pin is!! Got in touch with Weisnjac for details, thank you for the info!! :D Must have posted at the same time We certainly did!! Thank you for those information, much appreciated for them!! :D
  14. WOW! Now I'm curious as to who the Min Pin is!! Got in touch with Weisnjac for details, thank you for the info!! :D
  15. Was there any other breeds entered? WOW! The shelties certainly wiped the floor in Group 5 haven't they! Any Group 1 Results please? Could anyone be kind to please tell me if there was any Lowchens or Min Pins entered?
  16. I have nothing but praises for everyone involved running this club! Fantastic weekend, perfect weather, and the judges we've had for this weekend have been so good, very friendly and happy to talk! The sausage sizzle was to die for, it was just perfect, I was salivating!! Other than that: Results for today: BIG was the Cavalier (Aust Bred), RUBIG was the Pekingese (Intermediate) Baby was Elaine Powell's Pug Minor was Papillon Can't remember Puppy Junior was Cav I think Open was Leanne Trotter's Pug
  17. Mini Schnauzer was Junior I'm positive (I think) that the Samoyed was also Minor Puppy in Show. My Min Pin was Minor Puppy in Group at this show today!
  18. wasn't there .. but I know the Group went to an ETT (from puppy class) and Runner Up in Group was Australian Silky Terrier. Baby was Trotters Pug and I saw a Papillon got an In Group, but not sure which one but maybe Aus Bred or Open.
  19. I don't mind Sashes and Rosettes! However I do love my Rosettes!! I remember my first specialty having to go up for 5 Rosettes, and I got 6 at another specialty over the spread of 3 different shows, and it was only for one dog!!! My personal favourite was one donated by Flashfire Min Pins Kennel from the USA, for Minor Puppy in Breed, it was an US coloured (Red, White and Blue) Rosette and it is quite big absolutely beautiful! Something I will cherish! My other favourite was the green rosette for Best Chocolate and Tan Property class! Love this! I have 2 very nice sashes from when my little guy got two class in Group, but size wise they are smaller than what my mum won with her Dobermann which was twice in height and much longer! I don't mind either, I love any that my dogs do win and and it is special! My dog even won a Rosette and Sash for Best of Breed/Challenge at one all breed show! It is so good to get these and I like to see more all breeds club offer this! But I have also got a Pen and a Cup as well and both for Best of Breed. Love it when they offer prizes for your dogs win, makes it more worthwhile especially if you don't win Class in Group often! There has been a couple of really nice ribbon for Challenges and Best of Breed, and there has been a couple that is a case of "I'd like my dog to win one of those"! Probably went too far off topic, but had to mention it!
  20. I'll take a wild stab in the dark! Probably excessive, but I would not be surprised! 1342 (Michael) Changed my guess as I thought I was guessing for the Pot of Gold show, but sounds like many are doing both shows!
  21. That happened to me once! I entered for Morwell/Traralgon 2 years ago, meant to enter Saturday show, and somehow went to Sunday show secretary!! It wasn't until I realised after sending another dog entry (I had a note inside saying to send the number back with the other dog, and named that dog) that I had the right show, but the original entry went to the wrong secretary! Thankfully the Saturday and Sunday Show Secretary were both pleasent and fantastic to deal with!
  22. Is yours a Deluxe Compact, I thought they were a fairly new addition to the Oztrail range? I have seen a few being used at shows and they look great, nice and sturdy. Ok, I have googled to verify as I thought it was the same, so I can confirm mine was an Oztrail Compact (Green), not Deluxe Compact (Blue), as it seem to be two different type. But I am not sure on the differences between the two, but I think nevertheless they are similar I assume, please correct me if I am wrong!
  23. Good Reviews from me! I've had mine since the start and still alive and kicking for a while now! It has survived strong winds! I got told by a way of correctly keeping the gazebo secured, and been great and thankful for that! I think it has survived 3 shows of windy condition, I remember Lang Lang 2 years ago, that afternoon it was very windy, that some gazebo blew over, all I did like many others was lowered one level down, and it was still strong to withhold the wind. I don't need a whole hell of a lot of space, so thats why we got the compact and still think the same. However because my gazebo has been used quite often, that the nuts and bolts are coming apart, but a quick fix with a hexagon screw and pliers keeps them secured and I keep them in the car I think. I am not sure if that is the norm with Oztrail, but apart from that, I don't regret getting this gazebo and wouldn't trade it for the world either! We also use it at home as well for the summer to get shades for the dogs as well and it was fantastic! It is not big in terms of size when it set up and packed away, it doesn't take up much room in the boot and leaves plenty of room for trolley and other things. Hope this helps!
  24. I too got my prefix early this year and too it was my first choice! I did fail the first exam, as I did not meet the 70% pass rate in one section (Genetics as it was very confusing and the booklet didn't help all that much). Since I failed, I was sent a second exam to complete with a 70% Pass Rate to pass, and I ended up getting all 10 questions right! I found the exam, although I am not sure if others agree, but some questions and answers seems conflicting, confusing and ambiguous, but I'm not complaining, but it is nice to have a prefix, one less for me to worry about when it comes to planning a litter.
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