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Everything posted by Tambaqui

  1. Hey all, We now own a Min Pin pup and going through the socialization and routine to help him settle at home, and he is starting to learn all the different things and getting along with the other dogs and the cat. Now with crating him because he sleeps in his crate of a night and sometimes during the day to give the older dogs a break from his hyperactive jumping and barking and pretty much teasing them (Fortunately the older dogs just look at him and get upset about it or run away from him because he scares them lol!). But the problem is when we crate him, he starts barking and whining for a while (ranging from 10 minutes to 30 minutes) and he sometimes doesn't stop his barking, so how can we curb his barking? (We've tried ignoring, telling him no, and giving him distractions like toys to no avail sometimes). We're looking to try and get him to accept being crated at times without barking in preparation to take him to the dog shows with our other pup (One of the older dogs)! Thanks for any help provided!
  2. If he is four months old, then you should see if you can get your dog into a puppy class of some sort. Although I've been to two obedience, but I've just joined Mornington Obedience and their Puppy Socialisation class is absolute superb! Its the best thing in the world for new pups as they spend time socialising and also spend time doing obedience. All their socialisation is done off lead in a little pen area and the pups will either mingle with each other or just wander around doing their own thing. If you can find an obedience club or a place that does this type of socialisation, then its great to join in. When I attended Mornington today, she enjoyed doing obedience, but socialisation, she didn't seem to really want to join and play with the other pups, and she was only 12 Weeks old! (Just 3 months). So 4 months is not too old, more too young of I may say so! (In a good way! lol). I know Southern Obedience do socialisation as well, but I am not sure if they do it off lead, but I didn't stay long enough to watch the entire thing, but I am intending to join theirs once Bella is finished with Puppy Socialisation and officially starts the Obedience work and I think she will be 4 months as she is very intelligent and adapt new skills easily. But my advice from what I have learnt from my question on this forum last week and socialisation, is to do it at your own pace and let the dog do things at their own pace. Don't force them to do things if they tire or do not want to do it, and you will find they will become better companion if you understand them! Hope this help!
  3. Thanks for advice! I will try that. They are socialised on lead using food to uhm "lure" probably the word the dogs to meet the other dogs. I have a rough idea of how Mornington does their socialisation based on what someone has told me, so I think it probably will be the best option for her (Doing part obedience and then off the lead and do socialisation off lead).
  4. Hi all, I have a GSP and I need to hear what everyone views are to deal with this situation. Now I have taken my pup to a socialisation class recently, and this is where it gets interesting. At home, she gets on well with 8 months old GSP, a retired racing greyhound and the cat. When we took her out to a socialisation class, she was nervous and all and I am sure that is normal. But when she started her socialisation session with some other pups, she got really snappy and aggressive towards her GSP littermates (But was ok with some others). I got a little worried about her attitude that night and was extremely unexpected. Now we were told by two different people, one told us to pull her away and tell her "No" and the other told us to reward her food by tempting her away from the situation. Now what I need to know is how do most of you deal with a situation like this? Just recently I've started walking her and taken her to my work to socialise with my workmates and say hello to them (I was on annual leave and needed her to get out and about with such confident). Also I've confiscated all the toys off both GSP as they tend to not share and get snappy or pushy when it comes to sharing them. I am also starting to think she has separation issues when she is separated from the older GSP either way (When she is taken out and about, or vice versa), and she starts to whine and howl. I am intending to join Mornington Obedience this weekend as suggested by someone for good socialisating (and eventually Obedience and Agility) and KCC on Thursday night again. So I am appealing to find out whats the best way to get her over this attitude and be more confident and joyful around other dogs.
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