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Everything posted by Tambaqui

  1. My Min Pin, even though he is only young, but some people asked if he was a Dobermann! But that is definitely strange! Keep them coming everyone! I'm so amused by what is being said at the Royals!
  2. My Miniature Pinscher Pup Clancy doesn't do it at home, but upon his visit to my grandmother, he left a whole lot of mess in her room at the nursing home! Did one while I was in the bathroom, then did another one right in front of her as she brought us our tea after making them and then did one on her bed as I was holding him to take outside to go to toilet before leaving for home! Left me so embarassed and in utter shock! I ended up apologising to her for his leak everywhere! I just hope the room doesn't smell ! But I think it possibly being overexcited being away from home for a few hours and Clancy was getting on well with my grandmother he wanted lots of cuddles and kisses and there was several visitors from nurses to helpers and caterers saying hello and patting him. So he had a long day and he went to Drouin after the visit to see the town and got so excited as well.
  3. Can competing count in terms of Testing Day/Obedience Competition for a club? My GSP Bella started competing at just 7 months old in Obedience and got 89 out of 100 for Beginners to Pink and passed and finished the entire course from Beginners 1 to 5 in a span of 2 months I think! Didn't take her very long to pick up everything from sit, stand, stays and recall. Upon graduating to Pink, Bella went up to the Green Class in about 3 weeks after the testing day to my shock and everyone else's as well! I also realized that at this point, she had to start doing some off lead work! At 9 1/2 months she completed her second Member's Testing day once again at Southern Obedience Dog Club, for the class Green to Yellow. Bella garnered a score of 147 out of 200 narrowly just won her class ahead of a British Bulldog (By 4 points)! However she did not pass her class, but she did bring home a trophy and sash for her effort and may I note that this is my first award via competing in dog's event! I had previously trained before with a Whippet named Omo, but I never did well with her because the cold weather hindered her from working well and completing the task as required. I was told by someone that the GSP are one of those breed that could be a challenge to train and I've done very well and believes that I will not stay in the same class for very long (The next class up is when your dog must work with you off lead :p). I will be trialling with Bella, and my target is in November, but it ultimately comes down to her heeling as it's a bit erratic and Bella is sometime just simply off with the fairies and it can be difficult to maintain her concentration, but I am going to try clicker training with Bella now to see if she will watch and pay attention to me (I've tried food and it didn't help as she wouldn't show interest and not respond quickly to my expectations). Here is a photo of my little Bella with her Trophy and Sash upon winning her class! I am also doing showing and obedience with a Miniature Pinscher named Clancy! At 5 1/2 Months old, he got 70 out of 100 at his first Member's Testing day 2 weeks ago and passed out of Beginners Class after only 3 classes! In my honest opinion, I believe after his failed attempt to sit, and stay in the test, he should not have passed, but I've accepted it however I will not be putting him in the next class until I am satisfied that he can work well and be able to eventually sit automatically and do an excellent stays and recall. He did a class in Beginners 3 last week, and he is slowly starting to start automatically sit with a light tap (Where before, I had to make him sit as he refused to do it and rather be picked up!). To my surprise, his stays were much better, but I need to work on going around him as he tend to follow me around as I go round! I am also showing Clancy as well, and the day before the testing day he picked up Baby Puppy of Breed! So I am so proud of him! My goal with Clancy is I am hoping I will have him titled in the show and I'd love to add some obedience titles next to his name! But I personally think Clancy will be a fantastic dog for Agility as he zooms around the house so far, he is ahead of you! With Bella, I'm going to start with CCD and then work my way up, but I may consider Agility next year as she seems to have a short attention span, so I am just pondering as to whether a fast sport may help get her to focus and be more attentive! I am really looking forward to the future competition with both of my babies and 2 weeks ago was just starting and both of my babies absolutely love competing and working in regardless of what type of work it is!
  4. How are you having trouble with it poocow? I had trouble with it when I first brought it home admittedly lol! But it was my dad that figured out my problem after whining about my frustration and realized I had to click in the roof support and the rest was easy to put up as it was just a matter of pulling each leg up! I got compact as mum and I wanted a gazebo that doesn't take up a whole lot of unnecessary room and we don't have much stuff, so we were happy with a small one and also wanted to be considered of others who may need the space at the show.
  5. I did get a gazebo about a few months ago (although mum sworn to me to never get one! :D) and used it at the first outdoor show at KCC and after a slight confusion and problems, we managed to get it up and it was absolutely fantastic! We also did the first rope wrong, but some great people who parked next to us happily shown us the right way to securing it and a much quicker and correct way and despite some slight strong wind, my gazebo held well! Got some walls as well at the last show and also as discounted price by the same great people who sold me the gazebo! My gazebo is an oztrail compact (2.4 x 2.4) and I think I paid $175 (can't remember, but was a great price). It is doable to put it up on your own if you maybe practice it at home, but it is worth it, especially with the warmer weather coming up and if you don't have any access to some form of shade for the dogs. :D
  6. :p Yeah he was so cute! I accidentally stepped on his feet at one point, but boy he made it sound so dramatic that everyone had to know about what I did! :p I was so embarrassed and quickly soothed him just to quickly quieten him and move on! Also forgot to mentioned in my last post that her down stay for 2 minute wasn't perfect, as the Rotti next to her got up to chase the poor Chihuahua and then decided to go after my little Bella, she felt threatened and headed for me! Good thing I quickly got her down as the Rotti was taken away from the group and she behaved so well, and really appreciated the instructor Linda for giving full marks considering the situation.
  7. Congrats The Spotted Devil! I also had an Obedience Testing Day today at Southern Obedience Dog Club, apart from the dull of a weather, we've had some brags all round! Firstly with my Miniature Pinscher Clancy, although only at 5 1/2 months old and 3 Obedience classes and absolutely no work at home aside from showing, somehow by miracles he received 70 out of 100 points and graduated the Beginners class and now can train in the pink class! All he did was hopped along like a kangaroo, when it time to sit, it's calls for a cuddle to him! Not an ounce of patience for a 1 minute sit stay! Now can you see why I said miracles! But his heeling was so fantastic he was next to me and watching me! Next with my GSP Bella, she was an absolutely fantastic girl and done incredibly well aside from thinking it's a Trial for Tracking! She was so fantastic and did me so proud today gathering 147 Points out of 200 for the Green to Yellow Class. However she did not pass as she did not meet the required passing score, however she with her excellent score and a great recall off lead, she came out on top and gave me my first ever trophy and sash! Amazingly she won by just 3 or 4 points ahead of a British Bulldog. Incredibly Bella and the Bulldog was the only 2 of the entire class to endure the sit stay and down stay as the others had enough and there was enough distraction to drive them both nuts! My mum also with the Dobermann, won the Beginners to Pink with 93 out of 100 and took the top prize of trophy and sash! It was an absolute great day and weekend, and after years of wanting to win a trophy and sash with a dog, My little Bella rewarded that to me and I love her so much and I hope she will continue to make me proud! For now, Clancy and I have some work to do! Starting with his sits! Wish me luck!
  8. Hi Neats! Have you tried making them sit by gently pushing their bottom to the ground upon stopping? This might let them know that they won't be going anywhere after they sit and if it done repetitively after a while, they will eventually do it without you making them sit or even telling them to do it. Maybe say "wait" as well until you're ready to cross the road. When I did beginners 5 of obedience, I was told that by that stage your dog should be able to sit on it's own without resorting to telling or making them sit and so at home I worked with my dog Bella and for every stop, I would make her sit by pushing her bottom down, and after a few days, she picked it up quickly! I am working on that with my Min Pin Clancy at the moment as he gets older and start to be familiar by regular visits to obedience club, he will need to be able to sit next to me when I stop walking/heeling. Let us know how you go with it!
  9. http://www.dogsvictoria.org.au/Clubs.asp?ClubID=416 I read this and I am under the impression it just a single trial and is on 14th of November, but should be good! I've been thinking about the FOO's trial in November as well! SODC has a member's testing day next Sunday and I've had Bella entered for this (She is in the class where task are very similar to CCD). I've also entered my Min Pin Clancy as well (Mind you he is only 5 months old, and only had 3 days of training all together), but he is in for the experience and his chance to embarrass me!
  10. I am waiting for news, Natsu_chan posted in the CCD Trialling topic I did that they were finalizing the plans for FOO and it was going to start in October. So I am still waiting on that to start doing some mock trials in preparation for Bella's first trial in November. Lucy, what club do you train at if any? Any chance you're considering the Southern Obedience Dog Club trial in November? lol If so, are you willing to be patience with my very distracted and off-with-the-fairies GSP?
  11. Gee that person does indeed take it so seriously, but good on you for standing up and put that person in their place! I don't think I could ever do that! But it a shame that things like that happens instead of supporting those who are new to trialling and help them out every step of the way like they do at Obedience Clubs. I think the score of 48 wasn't too bad, I would've taken that as a compliment and it shows you are half way there! That is definitely respectable and something to be proud of at your first trial! It could've been worse and have both scores in the 20's! I can't wait to see more news from you and I'll be cheering when you get your first pass! :p
  12. Awww ;), don't let it get you down! I find that Obedience incredibly fun and challenging and that is the fun of it, especially trialling! What happened with that nasty person? What did they do if you don't mind me asking? I know it happens in showing and some other sport, but I find it odd it happens in obedience! Considering most time its one on one except for the stays. I don't get why anyone would be nasty over an obedience trials You and me both! I've set the date in November! Too bad Bella doesn't know yet ;) (She knows about testing day next Sunday, but not the trialling)! lol Question to Lucy: What did you trial for? Is it CCD?
  13. Awww your Min Pin isn't so nice too lol! Makes me want to cuddle Charm more! At least the judge was nice about it to you and willing to compromise by letting you open his mouth and check her teeth. One judge told me that I needed to get my dog under control or there'll be problems (Or along that line) and another judge showed her fear to him making it worse for him to be handle by me. It left me disappointed in the end, but I let that be a lesson and had identified the things I needed to work on! Have you tried getting different people to touch and handle Charm on the table? Probably the best advice anyone has given us and it works a treat! (Food rewards helps upon behaving and being receptive to being handled by strangers). I've been doing that at the last Obedience training and he was slowly getting better, he didn't snap at anyone but he was trembling, but we worked on his confidence levels on the table outside. Also he is just starting to stand there without being held by me and just focused on my finger. I am from Victoria, so we won't be able to travel to Sydney for the Specialty show, but down here we have two back to back Specialty show, the United Pinscher Club of Victoria and the Miniature Pinscher Club of Victoria (Both on 31st of October and 1st of November respectively). Should be good! I can't wait to catch up with Clancy's breeder and see his litter brother! But at the end of day congrats on BOB! Despite there being no challenge, but the fact that the Judge gave it to you is better than non-awarded. At least your little Charm is on it's way!
  14. Yay! I'm not the only new-ish showie with a Min Pin as well! He will be Minor Puppy very soon in the October shows! How are you doing with your little baby? Is it nice to the judges? lol I took my Min Pin to his first show (A Members Comp), and let say he was a very naughty and showed his dislike to being touched by the judges! I was in tears that night wondering what happened to the little angel that I see all the time! Some thought Clancy was just testing my patience and persistence! I've been told they would embarrass you, and boy they were right! Did you get any in group awards so far? or just Baby of Breed! I'm curious about your experiences so far, as I am preparing for Clancy first show next Saturday! Fingers crossed he will be nice to the judge!
  15. Thank you for the link! But this boggles my mind: "Watch out for details and the schedule in the usual places." Anyone know where the usual places are? lol
  16. This has happened once with me at one obedience class, in a puppy class one of the instructor took my GSP to demonstrate on how to do something as she had shown that she was capable of doing the command that they required her to do, and I'd be happy to let anyone use her to demonstrate something to the class. I have also just started to do obedience with my Min Pin, however if an instructor want to use him to demonstrate something, I will politely say no as he does not like it when someone else takes him away from me and he tend to get worried and nervous. He is the type that only want to be handled by those close to him and familiar people (He is ok with strangers patting him if he knows we're ok with it). Even at home he is very vocal if a stranger is seen and is a very good watch dog. I think it should come down to the preferences of the owner and/or handler, and I am sure they can make their own decision as to who gets to handle their dogs.
  17. I do have a crate, but I prefer my Bella sleep in her show trolley as it's bigger and has more room, and I can put some good blankets and kennel mat in it and she would still have room to move around, but the stay peg would be good! I think I sell them where I work, so I may check it out! I already have a few crates and a show trolley, so it's all good! But at least thats a good list to bring along, I'll write them down, so I don't forget any essential things! Thank you everyone for your help and indpeth explanation! It's appreciated, and if any of you have anything that might be useful, then please post here! I am looking forward to the next few months, and can't wait for the F. O. O to start soon!
  18. Hi DogSportObsessed! Bella knows how to do Stand for Examination, so that is no issue, but I am still working on ensuring she stays where she is as the judge examines her (She thinks if the judge is patting her casually, she starts to go towards them to get some more pat!). I also notice that rule as I read the rule book, and I am working on that at the moment, but I think Bella knows she won't be getting food often as she used to and the talking to the dog thing, that is definitely not an issue but thanks for bringing it up! :cool: Thanks for suggesting to bring along the desexing certificate, I'll keep that in mind! I will keep an eye out for any trials coming up to watch them in action and hopefully it'll help! Could I also please ask everyone, as I almost forgot! Do any of you bring things in tow things like Gazebo, dog crates/show trolley, chairs, etc etc like the show people do? Especially if the trial is held at the KCC Park? I am only asking mainly so if I bring my dog/s along, I am mainly thinking in terms of shade for the dog/s and also somewhere secure for them to sleep in.
  19. I am definitely interested in that! I'll keep an eye out for it and hopefully it'll be in the Gazette next month! :cool: I have done Member's Comp to learn how to do showing, but that is absolutely fantastic and it's great to know that there is an alternative for Obedience Trialling where it's all based on real trialling conditions! I'd be willing to pay that, and it's a good excuse for my dog not to slacken off during the week ! lol Hopefully Vic Obedience will be able to fix all those links and information as they must've been useful for everyone! Thank you for your help dogdude! I hope to see you down at KCC when the F.O.O starts up!
  20. Thanks for clarifying in depth in regards to vet checks and it now make sense behind the check in of how they operate. At the members testing day at my club, we just pick up our number from the table and then proceed to the ring. I also read a bit about the 50% rules in the rule book for obedience trial from the ANKC website, but I was completely confused by the definition, but thank you for expanding on that concept! At least I won't be so confused or shocked if Bella got 75 out of 100 but still failed and then wonder why! I definitely live near KCC Park, I couldn't find the info on F. O. O on the website, I don't know if I over looked it but I did a google research and found a link that mention that they are doing twilight obedience trials and to keep an eye out for more information in the next Gazette. Could you please explain what does it involve? I might be interested in it! The twilight trial on November 24 will definitely be on the list to do, and I plan to do the one at Southern Obedience as well!
  21. I am from Victoria *nods* My little girl Bella has been spayed, so that won't be an issue! :D I have been doing a bit of research about trialling and starting to read the ANKC Rule Book about guidelines to trialling, and I know that Bella and I am slowly just about covered all of the CCD Aspect! But that sounds easy enough! How do you get your qualifying scores? Who do you usually pick them up from? Thank you for your help explaining everything Mercedes!
  22. Hi all, I need some help on the run down of Obedience Trials and obtaining a title. I own a GSP, and I am currently in the Green Class which is heeling on loose lead, off lead recalls, sit stays and down stays (both off lead). I have a testing day next month, but I don't think she is far off to be put up into the next class (The start of off lead work). Now I am thinking about starting some Obedience trials after the next Testing Day, and if anyone can please give me the run down of how it is ran/works. With entries, can you use the same form as you use for Conformation Show, but mention it for CCD? I am using the program that prints out the form with all the dogs information on it? I also notice on the trials it mentions "Check in", what does this involve? Also in the end, I note on some information that it said along the line of 3 passing scores to recieve a CCD title, do you pick this up from the secretary at the end of the day? I am new to this trialling experience, and I feel that my little girl is ready for it and willing to commit to obedience, and I am looking to start somewhere with her and work through some titles (I am hoping to cover the CD's titles, the AD's titles and maybe Flyball).
  23. Ingham Chicken Rolls or Skinless Frankfurts (This would need to be cooked)! I use the chicken rolls (Which can be purchase from any Dairy Case from Safeway and (I am assuming) Coles! Just cut one slice out and cut them into smaller pieces. My dog absolutely love anything fresh as oppose to Smackos or dried food!
  24. what state are you in? sounds just like the club i used to go, i stopped going after three nights...i got in trouble for not saying stay, and for using a release word, having my lead in the wrong hand, so i just left, no point arguing I'm from Victoria *nods*
  25. I do have a couple of photos of my gorgeous and loving GSP! This one is her doing a show stack, however I won't be showing her anymore and she has been booked in to be spayed. However I am now going to work in obedience with her and have her prepared for Obedience Trials. Utility and Agility is also on top of the list of things to do with Bella! She is very smart, but has a bad habit of distraction! Here was when she was in the house, but she is now outside with another dog, and prefers to be outside: Here, a close shot of her head, don't mind the backyard, she spends her day digging holes in the rain to annoy me with mud on her from head to toe! Also here, a shot of her at the show: My Bella is more of a tomboy than a gorgeous girl !
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