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Everything posted by Finnesse

  1. I met a Polish Lowland Sheepdog last weekend and gave her a pat and was told she was one of only five in Australia. She's a sweetie
  2. +1...great prices, and he makes follow up phone calls to both ends to make sure you were happy with the service
  3. Hi Lobostar, Esky the Husky is talking of my girl. Like Armahani said you could send Mirawee a private message on here to try and arrange to meet some or Findol where my pup just recently came from have 4 lappies and two of them are 4 month old puppies if you would like to see pups. You could phone Ric' for a chat and he will happily talk lappies all day.
  4. So sorry to hear that Lyndsay...just a tragic accident. What a gorgeous looking boy he was. RIP Snickers
  5. Hey Cass... wasn't it Hudson that found $50 not long ago? Maybe he could offer to put that towards his vet bill
  6. So relieved Cassie all I wanted to hear today was that Hudson was ok. Glad you have him back home. I know how much you love the big guy Now Huddie don't ever scare us like that again.
  7. Oh, far out Cassie.... my thoughts are with you and Hudson...come on boy, get better for mum and Zeph. Your ex OH did really well. Wish I could do something for you that would help, yell out if you want anything. big :D and positive vibes heading your way
  8. Well I'm convinced Sheltie puppies are just it and a bit I reckon.....brings back memories of shelties we had in my childhood.
  9. I did. I loved my breeders lines. They had a lot of support/mentoring from great breeders themselves. I clicked with them really well and communicated a lot. Like people say, they have to start somewhere. Just make sure all health testing etc is done and they really do know what they are on about, thats what I did.
  10. I am another that has just been down the path of getting my dog Toby's anal glands removed 3 weeks ago. We tried everything, BARF, psyllium husks, excerise and nothing made a difference. Because of everything I had read about having it done I believe I made Toby suffer longer than I should of. Without warning he would get infected glands and abscesses and was having to be be put under anesthetic to have them fixed. Finally enough was enough and the vet couldn't see an end to it so we had them removed. I didn't want him having to continue dealing with this in his old age. He is 7 now. I wouldn't do it on a young dog or if you hadn't tried other things first. That being said, I am very happy with the outcome so far and there has been no trouble with his bowel movements since. I now wish I had done it earlier but if he was now incontinent from the operation I know I wouldn't be saying that. The vet that operated on him said she has done about 3 per year for the past 10 years and has had 1 become incontinent for the first 4 weeks, other than that all successes. I am a relieved woman knowing it isn't a problem we have to deal with any more and it went well:)
  11. Yellowgirl I don't mind if you use Ella's photos, it's up to you and the photographers DBT thanks for informing us on how Ching's surgery went today. I am sure she will be happier and thankful she has you taking such good care of her. She was a calm, quiet girl yesterday who just took everything in.
  12. WOW Kelza :D thats unreal. You will be on a high for a while I suspect. Enjoy it!! Sonnet and Indi are absolutely gorgeous :D A well deserved win for a lovely lady and lovely cuddly dogs
  13. Thanks for the heads up CBL...I think Just bought the XL crate the sleeping bag, the large lush pet bed, peti-buffer and the healthguard pet bed. Not exactly sure I needed it all but hey the credit card needed a workout
  14. For the siamese I would recommend Fancy Feast Royale or Dine Desire, they are both shredded chicken I also agree if using a tinned dog food I would go with Natures Gift
  15. Glad you managed to get the test results back today and can get poor Banshee on the road to recovery. Hope the painkillers relieve her discomfort quickly. At least you know what you are dealing with now!
  16. Awww I love the bi-blacks, they are beautiful Congratulations on getting another 2....don't blame you for saying they aren't going anywhere
  17. Done deal Watch KelpieHoundMum because my Lappie got the bloodhound drool But Earl is beautiful ( straight after his face has been cleaned) Maybe I should bring a towel too. Would love to meet Jaana too. Bringing Luuka would be good. Fancy having 3 lappies at a DOL meet in Adelaide. Lucky to find 3 in one place at one time in SA fullstop.
  18. Hey Fran, I am planning to try and make the next meet and would love to meet you. (I can bring the panadol for you ) Ella only arrived Saturday and isn't fully vacinated so couldn't show off my little girl this time. I am sure a few DOL'ers would love lappie puppy cuddles so hopefully I get there to meet some doggie people with their lovely dogs next time The photos of the dogs that were there are great, looked like they were all enjoying themselves.
  19. I agree about advertising right alongside of the BYB, pet shops and puppy farmers. I believe they are competition, and aren’t particularly getting any in places like the TP and Gumtree. These places can be a lot of peoples 1st and only port of call to buy a dog and if that is the case that’s where they will get one or at a pet shop. If they saw a registered breeder with health tested dogs it gives them another option. They might even find a breed that they had never heard of before that may be suited to their lifestyle. It’s all about choices and education. With any luck registered breeders doing the right thing could flood their market and they may hopefully move on. It would be nice to have a section specifically for registered breeders though as if I was to know they were advertising I would want to just look at their adverts only because I personally find it upsetting looking at some that are in there now. Others that didn’t know the difference would have the option to look at both and hopefully see there is a difference in how dogs are being bred and where to buy from. It may well make registered purebreed breeders look more approachable.
  20. To Jed’s family and friends my heart goes out to you and to all those that are on the front line and behind the scenes supporting Jed I applaud you. To those beloved animals that have passed I am just so so sorry, RIP and to those that survived, thank goodness. To you Jed, may you somehow find the inner strength you are going to need to slowly get your life back to any sort of normality. I have not stopped thinking of you
  21. Before you get your Puppy and After you get your Puppy are excellent helpful books by Dr Ian Dunabar Below is a link to the free download of the puppy training books http://www.shcnsw.org.au/shcnsw/index.asp~...cnsw.id.A000123
  22. I buy Megaderm in a 1 litre bottle from the Vet Shed. Lasts forever and doesn't work out expensive at all compared to the sachets but is messier to use. I find it far more balanced than fish oil.
  23. PF you haven't just disappeared have you? I know I said I was going to dob you in for doing the wrong thing, (sorry about that, I get on my high horse sometimes) but I have been thinking. I have just found out my dear old mother needs expensive surgery and I am In need of extra cash. I was wondering if you would consider letting me have a franchise here in SA. I don't have a clue about breeding but going by what you have said that doesn’t seem to matter and if I were to lose a few pups from each litter it wouldn’t really matter as there seems to be a big enough mark up to cover these losses. I am still a little hesitant though as I don’t really seem to have your “I don’t give a fat rats clacker” attitude. But if I never give out my phone number, continually change my email address and always hand the dogs over in a park somewhere I wouldn't think I will hear back from too many people when things have gone wrong. Anyway, looking forward to hearing back from you on what you think and hope you haven't flown the coup. There is a lot of money to be made in Franchises you know!
  24. Please fellow DOL'ers I am begging you not to get involved with this money making scammer from Shonkyland. You are only helping PF line her grubby pockets with your hard earned money and encouraging her. I am concerned about those people that are into "out with the old and in with the new". My sister is an example of this and is planning on surrendering her 2 dogs to the pound and getting a couple of these pure breads. I can also see that this is going to become a rescue problem 6-9 months after Christmas when they too will be surrendered to the pound because their colour ran or they shrunk when they were washed. I"m gunna dob you in to the orthoritees Poodlefan! PS I am curious though, do they come with a warranty?
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