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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. I'm going Good Friday as it was the best day for me to get there. Would have loved to see the Papillons but they are on the following Tues. I looked up the breeds on Friday and it looked like a nice mix!! I'm excited, haven't been since I was a teenager, now 41 Woo hoo!!
  2. Poor woman. I hope her arm can be saved.
  3. Depends on the version of the strata rules that is applied to the property...but one common one that is the one for the property that I live in says that pets cannot be unreasonably denied
  4. My dog was barking his head off the first obedience classes...but the acceptance of dogs with all issues was so good when I went to the club. I got great advice and as another poster said, they could see the trouble in action!! It gave me the confidence to persist with certain measures that helped immensely ove time. Yesterday I was in the park and walked thru to watch the other dogs training. Tonka listened to my commands and didn't bark...it took me back to when I first went and he was out of control, and I had been in tears! I was so pleased to see how far we have come...it was work!!
  5. Doesn't happen to me. Must be your computer
  6. Good news!! I think this must happen a lot. The dog "belongs" to one person in the household but in fact ends up belonging to someone else who can actually be the master!
  7. They are cute. Gayle K, it takes all sorts!!
  8. Jess, that is exactly what I did and I would do it again this way I think...get a mature dog rather than a puppy. As long as you trust who you get the dog from and can see the behaviour of the dog for yourself and the environment it is coming from, I think it is a good option. It is very common for breeders to have older dogs to rehome, and for me it was a good choice as I was a new owner, plus having a puppy might have been more than I was up for in terms of toilet training etc in an apartment.
  9. Tonka changes the channel often and he is only 3 and a half kilos, so in this case size probably doesn't matter
  10. Poor little Milo. RIP. So sorry that this has happened
  11. Fiery di, call the tenancy tribunal Monday!! You accepted and signed the lease under the understanding that pets were approved. You have incurred moving costs. I believe that you probably need to move rather than be in a situaton so compromised from what you believed you had agreed to. The landlord messed up. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE TRAPPED BY THEIR F*&^% up! I find it really upsetting that you are now looking to rehome your pets. It is not right... Edited to say that I have been a landlord and anyone with half a brain would realise you proceeded by their approval of you and your dogs. THEY made the mistake, and so moving costs should be covered pl,us no breaking of lease penalties or taking of bond.
  12. Actually...going to WHO would your dog be, Tonka would be Napoleon Bonaparte
  13. me= remedial massage, therapist Tonka = a mean, lean fighting machine (boxer in the lightweight division) or a cop or a fascist dictator around other dogs!!
  14. My Tonka is a homebody and loves lying on soft surfaces... Say no more...!
  15. I do agree with this somewhat,( i am having problems with my dogs manners atm ) however i do find that a simple "sorry" for my dogs (very) bad behavior goes a long way, most owners in my experience, are happy to tolerate bad behaviour around their dogs providing that it is not going to cause a fight or injury to their dog and that something is being done to correct the behaviour But why is it assumed to be "bad" behaviour, or something that needs correcting?? Are dogs destined to be silent beings on this planet (excuse the drama)?? Small dogs bark, and I believe and see that it is often their way of making themselves bigger, holding their space, just as say working dogs may bark as part of their herding behaviour. Is it being "annoying" to us enough to say that if it isn't stopped the owner or dog are at fault?
  16. Well imagine if you have a dog that does bark at other dogs and you haven't worked out yet how to stop it! Some dogs bark more than others; sometimes it takes work to find out what's going on, and decide whether it matters to some degree or not. I get tired of so much judgement on dogs and owners and manners and generalisations
  17. Don't you just love those people who like to tell you that working breeds shouldn't be in the city! I've had a few comments made about how cruel I am for having BC's in the suburbs by random people. I just nod and smile Working dogs seem to do fine in Centennial Park dog area, herding my Papillon
  18. In such situations it is even more annoying that they don't even answer the door to inconvenience themselves Maybe the dog is better off getting picked up by someone else!
  19. Yeah, I have this and keep it full in the car. Mine is called an "Aqua Dog".
  20. Congrats Rozzie! Hope the teacup pigs won't miss you for a day or two Have a great time!
  21. tripped me up running along the beach and I went head over turkey onto hard wet sand...ouchy...in front of loads of people...all to avoid hurting him!! Couldn't get up for five minutes
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