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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. We set off at 8am and although I wanted to head for coffee on this lovely Sydney winter morning, I did go straight to Centennial park. It was lovely to stand in the sun with lots of doggies romping about, and Tonka had a ball playing fetch...and running around. Then I went for coffee and the paper, and he has spent the afternoon watching me change lightbulbs (finally, hallelujah), clean the place, and snuggle up on the lounge in the doona while I was on the computer. Tomorrow we go first thing to the top of the street to watch the first runners in city to surf run past. It's so exciting
  2. You're not allowed to crosspost on this forum. It is like advertising for the person on Gumtree. I have been told this and to remove the link for that reason several times when i saw idiots selling Papillons.
  3. Although a Papillon is a very different breed :D I found that when my dog barked when I was out it was because he was getting stimulated, so I basically sought to leave him in a way that blocked what he was getting excited over. In my case he was looking out the window at the passing parade of people and dogs going to the park next door. I actually blocked him from being able to look out the window and in fact, because he had gotten into the habit of barking in that room, stopped access totally. So maybe there is a way to contain him for a while to break the habit, also if it could be the neighbour's cat you could perhaps explain the situation and see if they could contain the cat for a bit...seeing if that makes a difference. It sounds like you are taking the right approach, trying to work out what is happening. Good luck
  4. I go to Centennial Park and the long park up on the headland at Dover Heights, Russell reserve. Russell reserve is fantastic and quiet. Centennial park off leash area is huge so you can get away from doggy crowds I find. Both are off-leash. I first started to go to a fenced one at Frenches Forest which is very big and have recently discovered another lovely fenced one at Roseville. I have also gone to the one at Hunters Hill which previous posters mentined, which is really protected and lovely (except when the dogs chase the ducks into the canal), tried cafe bones at Leichardt which I don't like much.
  5. Yeah, Tonka won't even touch the raw chicken wing with his paws. I keep wondering if I need to demonstrate how to hold it still. He chases it around the lawn But if it has been raining and we are at the dog park he will head for the biggest puddle and walk right into it and lie in it
  6. Very nice. Any progress? We need pictures of the dogs using them
  7. Good on you! I am up visiting in Brisbane and there is an excellent example of a large fenced off one in Bardon which I've been going to. It sounds similiar with the double gates etc. Also at this one they have lots of park benches for the humans around the periphery which is great. Congratulations
  8. I'm driving up to Brissie on Friday and am staying in Bardon for a week. Let me know if you need help.
  9. Okay, I paid for my 3 direct debit. It comes up as $20 each so I guess that that extra 5 is for postage...and the price had changed since I last tried Going through the shop doesn't give you an option to find out postage.
  10. I ordered 3 and went to the website to pay, however the messages on here have been to contact MDBA regarding postage on more than one book. At present the web shop just does $22 x 3 with no discount for posting on multiples...so is it worthwhile contacting pacers regarding the true postage amount???? Or should I just go ahead thru the website. Sorry to sound like a tight##$se but need to save wherever I can at the moment.
  11. Awww. What great photos. I started this thread yesterday and then haven't been on since, so it was a real delight having a look this morning. Loved the response and photos When my brother visited he said "Tonka has beds everywhere" which is so true...I do love to see him comfortable
  12. Oh, that sounds wonderful! Reading your post makes me clearer that I am destined for living in a house rather than a flat...for a lifestyle with doggies! Enjoy!
  13. My dog has recently adopted a favourite spot for sleeping and keeping an eye on things that just had to be photographed. I'm sure he likes a panoramic view of everything from the back of the couch and he seems to fit there like a glove. So where does your dog like to hang and piccies please
  14. Now we can all go to 7pm Projects forum and leave some encouraging messages
  15. Yes I saw that too and I thought good on him. Hopefully he read The Circle posts and has become more conscious of the influence he wields
  16. Train with treats every day for recall, and maybe take yummy chicken and skip the normal feed before you go out to the beach, so you know the dog will want food and come back. My trainer advised this and my doggy is very reliable now
  17. I have always ben invited in to look and in Sydney I have had a look at 3 centres. The dogs were there and as I had my dog with me at one place they did the temperament test on the spot. But I must say that I didn't need to be shown a lot as you usually get a good view from outside the gated areas. Only once have I entered in to the dog area to see the outside grassed area which was not in view from the front.
  18. Yes,that's the moment that gets me. They did a good job capturing her anxiousness (if you know what I mean ). I want to take her home!
  19. Bondi Vet Hospital (with the real Bondi Vet, not the TV Bondi JUNCTION vet)on Old South Head Road. It is flat with parking at the back and a good concrete path along the side to the front reception. I don't know about pet insurance but they are so accomodating and take time with each appointment, so feel anyone with disabilities would be well received and attended to .
  20. Shouldn't these type of threads go in the rescue section?
  21. What kind of animal organisation sells on an undesexed dog???
  22. Maybe she should not be allowed to watch any more pirate movies...no more poop deck thanks! Seriously though, my friend had a similar situation with her rescue dog (hence our "poop deck" joking to lighten the atmosphere), and it was cleared up by a combination of good cleaning of the deck (she used Odor Off product from the pet shop) and containment and training on the leash down into the back yard. It worked, but from time to time still happens. Good luck. It is really sad when it seems the dogs have been so neglected previously
  23. I agree. I am sick of small dog bashing on this forum. Frankly this "small dog syndrome" is a way of pathologising small dog's tendencies to make BIG noises as a defense. Big dogs generally do not do this because they are not so small (yes this is a generalisation but I hope you get what I am trying to say). As a small dog owner I need to be aware that other dogs may see my dog as a fluffy rabbit so I need to take precautions. If some people don;t like small dogs and their barky natures just avoid them. No one says you have to like it but it works... Other dogs generally back=off with the barking...and I am not talking about extreme behaviour here though...good owner control always!
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