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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. Thanks KTB. That's exactly the kind of thing i wanted. Elbie is certainly a cutie
  2. Hi, I would really like to see what my dog does when home alone. Has anyone recorded their dog over some hours? I have a computer and webcam but am not sure what sort of set-up would be required, especially recording over say 8 hours. If anyone has done it I would love to hear how you set it up. i am hoping to see a sleeping dog and check if he is barking.
  3. I think just going openly and friendly to your neighbours is really viable and your right. They may help or not be helpful at all...it could go both ways but is worth trying. Then also, kids do get tired of things quickly, so they may not use the trampoline as long,they may not find it so novel to see next door's dogs, your dogs may get used to them doing that. I would probably try from my side to quieten dogs while it goes on, so they know that they are not allowed to bark away.
  4. Hey Jacqui, I live at North Bondi, with car and go to CP a lot. I would do it but keep him on leash and do a bit of cross country if you want. PM me if still needing someone. I don't mind a dog that needs careful or particular handling at all (in fact if it is someone else's precious dog I would just be be very careful but still enjoy). I would not bring my dog either, as my dog is a bit fear aggressive toward other dogs.
  5. but no apology for the name calling which is agiasnt forum rules which you would know having been here for several years. Just because I am curious what was your previous user ID? Your current one has you being a member for less then 2. i have no previous ID. Now you are investigating me?? And I have never been so accused in any thread so have never had to defend myself like this.
  6. My skin is thick enough. Clear breach of forum rules but I'm not going to report it. Never ceases to amaze me how folk who are quick to trot out accusations about others being the DOL hard arses are often the first to stick the boot in with a personal attack. Yet they believe themselves to be the nice guys around here. I've got some PMs from a few over the years that would curl your hair with the vitriol they've spewed. (Not talking about OP here folks) Its easy to be lovely and nice when everyone's agreeing with you. Nothing like a difference of opinion to get posters showing their spots. Happens all the time here. :rolleyes: FF: Thanks for proving the point made above. Yet another insult. Proof again PF. Closed minds too.
  7. For accusing me of being a troll and setting out to provoke people... so you have apologised to poodlefan, I think it was, for calling her a twit? I'm not holding my breath for that. :D Do it! I want to see you go blue in the face prmise we'll bring ya back if you pass out :rolleyes: Very ugly minds
  8. :rolleyes: For accusing me of being a troll and setting out to provoke people... Given you've just told us you've been a member of this forum for "several" years then one would assume you'd be very aware that you would receive the reponse that you have throughout this thread? You did say you couldn't see a problem with doing it (even though you haven't) and that's just as bad as doing it! I didn't accuse you of being a troll - I suggested it's 'almost trolling'... So no, no apology from me! ...okay... **backs out of room slowly thinking "gee I wasn't expecting this despite being on this forum for several years, I never said I couldn't see a problem in doing it, and the reference to me setting out to provoke people wasn't addressed"**
  9. :rolleyes: For accusing me of being a troll and setting out to provoke people...
  10. Obviously I'm not Rebanne but I am a smoker and I can assure you I've never smoked in a non-smoking area, be that outside in a theme park (recent trip to Disneyland saw us heading to the designated areas) or inside a motel room. What a stupid thread, no doubt the OP set out to get a bite...almost trolling :rolleyes: If they were, they got more than they bargained for. No I didn't set out to get a bite. i have been on this forum for several years now. Come to your senses, read the OP. It was a genuine interest post as I had recently realised that people were taking pets into motel rooms even though no pets are allowed. I don't think it was me that turned this thread into an ugly scene. Nor is it me that is so cynical of other's motives and accusing... I am awaiting your apologies...
  11. You never know, you may get a voucher to stay at a pet friendly motel, Lol. :rolleyes:
  12. Okay everyone, I'll be leaving my dog in the car overnight. Thanks for helping out.
  13. Are you being serious now?? But it seems you know how easily one sentence can get turned into pages and pages of commentary. Jeez, I hope none of you are my Secret Santa this year...I'll never get a pressy
  14. What a completely stupid comment Perhaps while they're at it maybe ban people who eat smelly food, hey :rolleyes: kids do make big messes, especially when not toilet trained and left alone at night whining behind motel doors.... :D unlike my perfect small fluffy dog.
  15. I am only responsible for myself...sorry to break the news to you. Don't blame me for anything to do with dogs and motels... Hey, I haven't even stayed in one! The point for me I guess is that people on this forum hijack threads in a very unconscious way and end up judging others for things that are not even reality-based. Look after yourself, look after your dogs and stop generalising. read my opening post and see what I was asking. If I get defensive and fight back then read some of the attacking, judgemental comments on here that have taken this thread in a stupid direction.
  16. Just keep telling yourself that. While you're at it, why don't you think of an adjective that best describes someone who disobeys rules because it suits them and doesn't give a toss about how their behaviour affects others. "Irresponsible" does it for me. :D But I do care how my behaviour affects others, that's where you have made a BIG assumption. That's why I started this thread as someone who has never done this, but has realised that a lot of others do. i know my dog wouldn't mark furniture, i wouldn't leave it alone in the motel room, barking or whining... but you people have bug bears and will pick on anything and blow it up and call people scum bags....
  17. And motels should just lump it if your dog gets a dose of the runs or vomits? Or despite it being the worlds most perfectly behaved dog, just this one time it chews a hole in the wall? If your dog is so perfect, why don't you just explain this to the motel people and have the dog inside "legally"? I am able to clean up after my dog with minimum effort so it is as if he has not been there actually . Funny. As an "irresponsible" owner that is being implied here, my dog doesn't get sick...no runs, no vomit. Surely if this is happening to you and is so unpredictable, you should have a look at how you are caring foir your dogs???!! Strange, all these problems ETA: My dog is perfect. ETAA: My dog is a small fluffy dog and is superior to bigger dogs with smooth coats that shed much more and could really be hazardous to allergy-prone, unsuspecting motel guests
  18. You beat me to it ReadySetGo. It's people like you lot, that that sneak dogs into rooms that stuff it all up for those that do the right thing. We need accommodation when we travel to shows you know. Because of people like you, that do the wrong thing we are refused accommodation even when the dogs are in cars or the dog trailer. If you can't accommodate your dogs while traveling don't take them. :D Good lord! You are both jumping onto something that is NOT the cause of not being able to have multiple dogs at motels. I understand you may be very frustrated and this thread triggers it BUT we are often single dog owners on odd occasions (and hey, I haven't even done it yet, why am I so worried). You need to both take a deep breath... It is all too serious and frankly sneaking a little muttley into a motel overnight, once every two years is not a reason to go all crazy! Excuse me that is exactly the cause. Go and ask a few Motel owners why they they won't even allow people with dog trailers to stay. WE are the ones that know what's happening, WE are the one's looking for accommodation when we are traveling to and from to shows. I can accomodate my single small, house-trained, indoor dog when travelling...in a motel. No one will know he is there, the room should be properly cleaned and linen changed when we leave, he sleeps in his bed on the floor...so it is easy. With a trailer full of dogs it is not so easy to be discrete and multiple dogs may make more noise (potentially) so get off your high horses. You don't seem to have any ability to think. Own your irritation with the difficulty of getting accommodation with your dogs BUT don't blame me. i am actually in the same situation as you in being discriminated against. Sorry I started this thread...should have known how DOL goes by now
  19. Unfortunately the Moral poliice have ruined a fun thread, missing the point because they may travel frequently to shows with multiple dogs
  20. You beat me to it ReadySetGo. It's people like you lot, that that sneak dogs into rooms that stuff it all up for those that do the right thing. We need accommodation when we travel to shows you know. Because of people like you, that do the wrong thing we are refused accommodation even when the dogs are in cars or the dog trailer. If you can't accommodate your dogs while traveling don't take them. :D Good lord! You are both jumping onto something that is NOT the cause of not being able to have multiple dogs at motels. I understand you may be very frustrated and this thread triggers it BUT we are often single dog owners on odd occasions (and hey, I haven't even done it yet, why am I so worried). You need to both take a deep breath... It is all too serious and frankly sneaking a little muttley into a motel overnight, once every two years is not a reason to go all crazy!
  21. It is not dog owners who have created that attitude. It is a general idea that dogs/animals are unclean and will ruin the hygiene/decor. There may be a point in that... HOWEVER people have been sneaking in animals for yonks, especially with smaller, more easily handled dogs, and there is nothing to say that they are being irresponsible in deciding that their dog will not mess up the place. If you are travelling with bigger or multiple dogs it is obviously harder. But don't blame dog owners for the attitude by motel owners...a bit of a silly conclusion.
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