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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. Yes, my papillon does this too and I like it as it makes me feel safe knowing I will get a warning if someone is prowling around at night. Last year, he woke me early in the morning about 5am growling, and then a minute later my neighbour called upset because a man had tried to get in through her window.
  2. Merry Christmas Troy and all DOLers. Sorry I got a warning this year... Here's to a warning-free 2011 :rofl:
  3. I had that at a dog park once. The lasdy told me what I was doing wrong and that my voice was wrong etc and then proceeded to treat my dog without my permission. I was at the stage where I was seeing if my not reacting to other dogs made my dog more relaxed...hence I didn't stop him barking...mind you I had worked intensively for over a year with a number of tacts that had produced a lot of improvement. I was so annoyed by this woman I told her to nick off. i have heard she does this to a lot of people there
  4. Wondering what you mean by "big" staffies? Maybe they are not staffies at all
  5. I'm only a minute into this one and am laughing so hard. Could someone enlighten the doofus - what's a buggerboo? ;) i could only watch as far as the trainer saying "So far you haven't taught your dog a damned thing...!" and then it became too painful to watch. Is this a cartoon series or a movie???
  6. Beautiful. I agree that that first shot is a stunner and would make a great card or promo shot for the cart business ;)
  7. Is that the SWF in your avatar picture...because he/she's licking his chops already in anticipation
  8. Good grief, that a pretty wild and wide assumption, FFB . They are sitting together . Considering how different in sizes these dogs are going to be and already are, I think it is pretty damned important that they have a bond. Their auras are merging MM
  9. Well, I suppose I was put in a kind of parallel situation when I first looked for my dog. I found a Pap in rescue which I was ready to take, driving down to Canberra to get her, but they wouldn't let me have her as I was single and lived in an apartment. So what did I do, looked and found a breeder here on DOL who was happy to let me buy a dog and could appreciate me as a potentially good owner in my circumstances (apartment living included). ETA: I did get me knickers in a twist at first because I felt discriminated against, but now that things worked out so well i can see there will always be alternatives and you have to respect the dog breeder/carer's opinions!
  10. No kidding If you think that all the breeder does is check out how much space a potenial new home has to offer to one of their pups then you are sadly mistaken. Sure some might, but most do a bit more than that. this was a reply to blanket "no"s because of living in an apartment... It is up to the breeder in the end, but my point was made in regard to apartment living being the conclusive factor.
  11. The kind of abode someone inhabits reflects little about the level of commitment to meet the dogs needs for exercise, lova and care. A backyard does bugger all to guarantee anything. I live in an apartment and researched a breed suitable for living. many different breeds came up as possibilities but a lot of it had to do with me and my temperament as much as the dog's. I went with a papillon, but would have got it even if in a house. Stories of greyhounds, danes, staffies and german shepherds living in apartments came up in my research: examples of dogs that were happy in apartment living because the owners worked it out to maintain the dog's health. Adult greyhounds in the main. I would never deny my greys, especially the youngsters, the chance to free exercise, they do so, most days, twice a day. And it is against the law in Victoria to let them off lead in public places which include dog parks. My pap gets two walks a day mostly (an odd day off here and there) or one walk is exchanged for an off-leash park, which he gets to 5 times a week on average. I guess some people would find that a big commitment, it's true. When I leave him at home for long days (working parttime) I love it that i take him out to toilet and then he is all gun-ho, pulling on the leash to get back inside i also take him out in the car when i am running errands and he often visits friend's with me. I use a dog walker sometimes, and one day a week when I work I drop him off at a friend's with a yard and he stays with her dog. So I guess i have worked things out very well really.
  12. They are both beautiful! Glad your pup is well. That's great advice from chewbacca too about getting one-to-one time with your pup because it looks like the two dogs are bonding strongly already by that photo!
  13. The kind of abode someone inhabits reflects little about the level of commitment to meet the dogs needs for exercise, lova and care. A backyard does bugger all to guarantee anything. I live in an apartment and researched a breed suitable for living. many different breeds came up as possibilities but a lot of it had to do with me and my temperament as much as the dog's. I went with a papillon, but would have got it even if in a house. Stories of greyhounds, danes, staffies and german shepherds living in apartments came up in my research: examples of dogs that were happy in apartment living because the owners worked it out to maintain the dog's health.
  14. I think that kashing was referring to taking the puppy earlier than 8 weeks...not taking him to the vet earlier. I think that kashing has been given a clear message as to the urgency and has said they are at work, has contacted the breeder. So maybe people need to back off now. It seems to be getting a bit harassing to me.
  15. Yay!! i am so happy you have her home again I was watching this thread, just imagining the anguish...and the joy when she is found!
  16. Oh, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that :D Not intending to break rules....
  17. The link should take you to Sally on Petrescue (hopefully!) Sally
  18. Hose her down!! Lots of ways to enjoy some water in the backyard that will cool her off...buckets etc
  19. Hi, I have a male papillon who is 5 and I have had him since he was three. When I first got him I was pleased that although living in an apartment, it seemed i could toilet him outside without needing anything inside. Apparently he was newspaper trained as a puppy but I have never had success leaving it down when i leave him for a longer stretch of time. In fact he seems to avoid it! in one room where we don't do much living, he ocasionally toilets in front of the fire place, and I can tell he wants to go right away from where we live, that he is choosing the best place. i got some puppy pads but realised it would be the same as newspaper unless i got some scent to put on them...in fact he lay down on it like a mat... So i am not sure how to go about this. If he was a puppy I would watch him and lift him onto the appropriate thing, but this is more ocasional, when I am not there or asleep and often when it is cold or raining. I once looked after a dog that when there was a blue puppy pad down she knew she could toilet there...how do i achieve this? Much thanks ahead.
  20. I think you may mean "moodle" and it is a crossbreed dog, designer dog, poodle cross.
  21. Yes, I also don't see a correlation between him being unwell and behaving strange, and the bed issue??? Two separate things i would say. take the dog back to the vet to check again if that is what you need to do. I did that when I first got my dog and it helped me learn about when I need to go (maybe a bit of an expensive lesson but better than not, just in case!). I let my dog sleep on the bed and have good boundaries in place otherwise...no problem. I think the bed issue can be a divisive one and you will find people who do and don't. I think it is something to work out yourself.
  22. I love that he's using a pillow :D Yes, he certainly loves the soft surfaces :D
  23. Tonka with a Westie friend looking cute Tonka smiling Sleeping angel
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