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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. Congratulations! Can we have a piccie of the pair please!!
  2. Yes, i had to work up to it. But amazing stories like a woman who would wake up in the morning and out in the barn the horses would be all in different stalls to the night before :D with no physical sign of entry into the building.
  3. I watch the animal cops ones too...but...I watch The Haunted Has anyone watched that. It is scary!! I watch all the haunting investigation shows on Foxtel but love it that they have one on Animal Planet.
  4. I took my dog to work for the first time on the weekend. I look after a disabled lady and so my dog came and stayed at her house all day. It was a test run to see how it went, just in case she ever needs me to work long hours. It was a big success!!
  5. It sort of makes sense to me that you would avoid fluffy things that she pulls apart and chews... There are a lot of other fun toy options.
  6. My Papillon got called a long haired Chihuahua and that was by the trainer at the local dog club :D I also get Pomeranian a lot too.
  7. Yep, I pay about this for C5 with a consult included in that price. My vet wants to check the dog's health...
  8. In NSW most Public Housing allows pets. I was amazed going to visit a friend's sister in one. She lives in a huge block of 60's flats and over half have a dog or cat. I was really impressed with this as in private apartments it is so anti-pets. Very humane! Is Victoria not like this?
  9. Yeah, I hope Sally got fully acknowledged for her assistance Makes you feel very safe doesn't it...i certainly feel that way with my little 4 kilo ankle biter
  10. Is Tonka the one in your avatar? I concur - very pretty! OT question - do people get upset if someone thinks your dog is a bitch? Like if you have a fluffy so it's not apparent and someone says what a pretty girl, does it make you cranky? No, it doesn't worry me at all. When I got him I felt like such a dill as I kept saying "Good girl" the first day or so myself so I just accept he looks feminine to people generally.
  11. I dunno, everyone thinks Angel's a boy if she's not wearing a girly collar! Yeah, a certain coloured collar may not help the gender ID situation. Everyone assumes Tonka is a girl at first because he is pretty Angel must be pretty too!!
  12. Spray them with a little Old Spice and they can wear any old colour and still be manly
  13. This is a great idea...and it is so nice to have the doggies in!!
  14. Wow, you could really have some fun with the python or alligator And I recognize the Marilyn Monroe one from Fredo's Famous pies on the Pacific Highway!
  15. If you block the fence hole up with something attached by wire (like the screening suggested or chicken wire etc), or in some fashion that can be removed when you go, I think you don't need to make a big deal about it with your landlord. I do think you need to be able to keep the dogs completely separate...you just never know what can happen.
  16. That's awful and is totally 100% his responsibility. The little pig could have been saved the moment it went into your yard if he had come over to retrieve it. If you see him again I would even tell him how it could have been saved as it is so practical!!
  17. Those rescue ones on Paws are gorgeous! My neighbour has a rescue shitzu and unlike what others have experienced Iggy is not a barker at all. His toilet training seems okay, except he will only toilet on grass so has to go out for a walk on the leash (they have a paved courtyard). He is really an easy going dog.
  18. Sorry to hear Biggdog as you must feel terrible...but unfortunately they were where they were not meant to be and damaging your birds... Very sad. Take care, there is nothing you can do now Really you could only get flamed if dingos are protected, are they? And looking at them do you think they were dingos/ part dingos?
  19. I would report it myself if I was you to the council. Often older people need others to do such things for them. At your grandmother's age, she should be able to go for a gentle walk with her dog unchallenged, so if she can move to a safer neighbourhood, why not, if possible. Maybe you could arrange to walk with her and look for someone else to do it some days too ie. another retired neighbour etc. Good luck and keep us posted. My mother had her little silky killed by a dog in the same way and she was so devastated. I think you have to look for finding a way to make your grandmother feel safe AND be able to walk.
  20. Even the OP story doesn't live up to your high standards of "protection" DerRottweiler. So if you have a story go ahead and share, honour us dog owners who have dogs that merely growl or bark at strangers around their homes...even little 3 kg dogs that clearly trigger your contempt I'd love to hear about SuperDog... I'm just being realistic. I have tissues for all concerned parties that would like to have a sook. If this is realism it is a harsh world.
  21. Even the OP story doesn't live up to your high standards of "protection" DerRottweiler. So if you have a story go ahead and share, honour us dog owners who have dogs that merely growl or bark at strangers around their homes...even little 3 kg dogs that clearly trigger your contempt I'd love to hear about SuperDog...
  22. Just booked in to Taree Country Motel 145 Manning Drive Taree Ph: (02) 6552 2491 Got a single for $70 and the dog is allowed to stay in the room if they are house trained and they have a fenced bbq/picnic area for the dogs to run in (again as long as you pick up poo). My friend with a dog has stayed there many times and likes it because it is clean and basic and the people are very friendly.
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