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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. Gawd, I'm a real cheapskate compared to you guys!! I mostly feed Tonka dried food, say a pack a month for high quality $27, chicken treats at about $7 a month, maybe one wet food $3, flea and worming stuff. Last month I splurged on a Weathabeeta jacket because of all the rain, on special at Petbarn for $25 I;ve given up buying toys as the ones he has are fine and I don;t want to buy plastic crap, that is bad for the environment. Instead I invest time and walk and go to the dog park. I only buy tennis balls at $3 a 3 pack from Kmart... I am a cheapskate but my dog seems happy enough. Oh and a weekly chicken wing...cheap as chips :D
  2. Akita: Kyojin American Staffordshire Terrier: Tua, Max, Juno Australian Shepherd: Banjo, Archie Australian terrier: Bailey, Brandy, Jasper Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael): Fleming, Ivy Border Collie: Roy, Molly Boxer: Bruno Bull Terrier: Bonnerville Cane Corso: Ali Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Bree, Ingrid, Jersey, Lacey, Fern, Floyd, Indy, Arnie Chihuahua: Chelsea and Pansy, Heidi, Bertie, Moose, Archi,Pepe, Dally: Appollo Finnish Lapphund: Halo, Vienna, Jaana,Magnus,Aurora-Rose,Niina,Paddington,Maximus French Bulldog: Lola English Setter: Spartan, James German Coolie: FlashBazil, Latte German Shepherd: Java, Odin, Tlaloc, Rebus German Shorthaired Pointer: Pip, Coco, Polo Golden Retriever: Onslow, Matilda-Rose, Chester, Genie, Ella, Rosie Great Dane: Sparkles Greyhound: Harry, Kiff, Sally Griffon Bruxellois: Mocha Hungarian Vizsla: Flynn, Rogan Japanese Spitz: Emmy Labrador Retriever: Lestat, Bailey, Tia, Mieka, James Newfoundland dogs: Annabelle, Katy, Lukey Norwegian Elkhound: Odin Papillon: Blaze, Minka, Portia, Tyson, Coco, Tonka Pointer : Kite Audrey Poppin konrad, Badger Pug: Lotus Rhodesian Ridgeback: Meisha, Bakari Rottweiler: Roxy, Feonix, Radar, Neo, Abby Samoyed: Mistral, Alchemy, Yngvie, Dante, Bundy, Kamikaze, Fergus, Kato Siberian Husky: Akira, Tikaani,Romeo,Baby.Riddick,Indie, Esky Staffordshire Bull Terrier: Kiara, Zola SWF: Zoe Rescue Bitsa: Keely, Fred & Ginger, Ozzie, Tess, Maverick, Bosco, Kyah, Charlie, Astrid, Mala, Bella White German Shepherd: Casper White Swiss Shepherd: Rakim, Whippet: Herbie Weimaraner: Ariane, Lulu, Louie West Highland White Terrier: Penny, Mac, Daisy Had to add Tonka again...he went missing off list
  3. Akita: Kyojin American Staffordshire Terrier: Tua, Max, Juno Australian Shepherd: Banjo Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael): Fleming, Ivy Border Collie: Roy, Molly Bull Terrier: Bonnerville Cane Corso: Ali Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Bree, Ingrid, Jersey, Lacey, Fern Chihuahua: Chelsea and Pansy, Heidi, Bertie, Moose Dally:Appollo Finnish Lapphund: Halo, Vienna, Jaana English Setter: Spartan, James German Coolie: FlashBazil, Latte German Shepherd: Java, Odin, Tlaloc Golden Retriever: Onslow, Matilda-Rose, Chester Great Dane: Sparkles Griffon Bruxellois: Mocha Labrador Retriever: Lestat, Bailey, Tia, Mieka Papillon: Blaze, Minka, Portia, Tyson, Coco, Tonka Pointer : Kite Audrey Poppin konrad, [english] Badger Pug: Lotus Rottweiler: Roxy, Feonix, Radar, Neo, Abby Samoyed: Mistral, Alchemy, Yngvie, Dante, Bundy, Kamikaze, Fergus, Kato Siberian Husky: Akira, Tikaani Staffordshire Bull Terrier: Kiara, Zola SWF: Zoe Rescue Bitsa: Keely, Fred and Ginger,Ozzie, Tess (Wolfie X) White Swiss Shepherd: Rakim Weimaraner: Ariane, Lulu, Louie West Highland White Terrier: Penny, Mac, Daisy Added Tonka
  4. Don't support them at all You guys don't have anything better to do...
  5. i reckon generalisations are dangerous, especially on here. How the dogs are kept and treated, and the owner's philosophy toward breeding could answer your question...all stuff we don't know details of. That said, a person with five dogs could behave with all the traits of a money making, inhumane farmer too. Personally, I couldn't imagine choosing to have that many...
  6. Life is full of risks and we have to manage them. Obviously from events this last month, dogs can can Hendra and bat poop is seen to be a source of risk/ infection. You can do what you can but unfortunately it is so. Hopefully, you can come to terms with it, protect your beloved dogs to the best of your ability, but be able to accept the unknowns and risk that may be there...
  7. They can't be recognised here until the AKC does. Well, that was one to Google and who could resist with such a poetic name. Yeah, I saw they are still seeking AKC recognition. Lovely doggies...
  8. A dog that detects fits is a legitimate 'service dog' IMO and somewhat different to a dog that doesn't 'do' anything for its owner beyond normal pet behaviour. Therapy should perhaps not be defined by the dog's behaviour but instead the therapeutic effects it has for the person it assists...afterall THERAPY is the defining term...
  9. Happens here too, although to a lesser degree. To me the principle of having your pet called a 'therapy dog' for your convenience is no different to taking a disabled car space because that's convenient to you. Some people need a wake up call. Sorry I don't understand at all why this is the case, and did not expect this reaction from the people here. What harm does this do to anyone or anything (ie the dogs)? It's not like a capable person taking the spot of a disabled person and thus depriving them of the resource... Therapy dogs are trained - perhaps not professionally by an accredited association, but if they all had to be, then many more people would have to go without. The fact is there are lots of studies that demonstrate the positive effects of dog ownership, and if you're a little more sensitive to certain things for whatever reason (genetic or due to experiences), having that extra confidence and support from the dog can make the difference between a person being able to live a relatively normal life vs drain our gov systems for welfare etc. I won't go into detail, but I went through some pretty horrible things a while back, and my dog was like a black hole who could just absorb everything negative and still miraculously pump out positivity. I was refered to professional help by my GP because I didn't want to go on medication, and she quickly realised that the dog was a massive help. She wrote me a letter that meant I could have my dog in lots of social situations where others couldn't - for example at uni etc. We also had a guide dog on campus - there's a huge difference but dogs are amazing like that - they can perform a variety of tasks for their humans. It was not a guide dog, it was a therapy dog, and it stopped me from needing to go on medication. Time heals most wounds, and sure enough, I have mostly healed, but my dog just bought me that extra time, stopped me failing uni and kept me on track. I agree here with Jacqui. Who knows on what grounds the doctor assessed that situation as they did?? When it comes to anxiety or depression you don't necessarily require a pre-trained dog to do the therapeutic job for the owner.
  10. Nnaww...what a little squidgy, loveable face
  11. Can you post some pictures of the hoodies you make? I would love to see.
  12. Yes, and I'm sure you were cold and it was unpleasant for you BUT what a good owner putting your dogs needs first rather than staying tucked up in bed like I did :D
  13. Papillons could fit the bill perfectly, though I think as a pap gets older it may be too long a run...I guess as with other breeds too.
  14. Duster's nose is exactly the same as Jangels His coat is identical colour too .... Beautiful boy ..... Thank you for sharing your lovely photo Poor Duster looks bored stiff in Canberra
  15. Congrats. He is beautiful and a name that really suits I am glad you followed your gut and got a new doggy when it felt right...though I must admit I am so used to seeing you on here as Sue and Cindy, my brain has to make the change too!!
  16. I am learning the violin, so while browsing You Tube found this woman's performance. She obviously likes her Collie around
  17. Yes, I don't have one as big as yours but must say that I am another who has it by the bed, and it is out of view from door, functional for dog sleeping and a great bedside table.
  18. The Eastern suburbs dog club on Sundays at Centennial Park is really good for basic stuff and fun to go to regular classes. I went to Steve too but had a specific problem. Otherwise I recommend Eastern Beaches Dog Training, Lorna comes to the house and I had her the first week I had my dog to help set up the routine which was great, helped me get back to work by getting my dog used to absences. I was new and knew nothing really so I found the sessions very helpful. I have had her back a year later too. I'll PM you.
  19. Just saw this...so where did you end up going? I must say the beaches are all great. When/If pup has all vaccines Centennial Park is beautiful to walk around. Pup may see his first horse there
  20. Tonka slept on my bed from the word go (I got him when he was three). I like it because it feels cosy but discovered in summer that if I bring in his donut bed and put it on the floor next to my bed he will sleep there by preference. In winter he likes to come up and he sleeps either on a pillow near my head or against my back. I did go to a trainer who set me up to crate him at night, but the first night he stood in the middle of the bedroom (I was not locking the door) and barked in protest at the sudden change, and I realised that I wanted him on the bed even if it was not advised. Tonka is very clean and I don't worry about him being dirty at all.
  21. JulesP, I have been so concerned for you since reading your post.It is so shocking, unexpected and seems so unfair for Brock and all of you. What a sad thing to happen. I hope that you can find a way to ensure your other dogs are safe, something practical to focus on... Treat yourself well, as Pers suggested, and cuddle your girls (if they are cuddly types!). There is lots of love and support for you on here, so come in if you feel too bad... xx from me and Tonka
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