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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. It must be a protest...the dog's got taste
  2. I am wary of dogs with puppies as I was bit by a lab with puppies, as a child through a fence. I am also wary of indian street dogs as I got rushed and bit by a group and had to have rabies shots
  3. Today I saw a black pomeranian near my work running in a skittish way all over the streets. It looked scared and kept avoiding people walking toward it. I tried a few times to get it to come to me but no chance. It was too wary. It did go around the corner and as I went in to work seemed to have claimed a yard and was barking territorily. I certainly hope it belonged there but it seemed lost. I felt angry at the owners because it looked stressed and was lucky not to get hit by a car
  4. Today I saw a black poeranian near my work running in a skittish way all over the streets. It looked scared and kept avoiding people walking toward it. I tried a few times to get it to come to me but no chance. It was too wary. It did go around the corner and as I went in to work seemed to have claimed a yard and was barking territorily. I certainly hope it belonged there but it seemed lost. I felt angry at the owners because it looked stressed and was lucky not to get hit by a car
  5. Tonka my papillon kept escaping from my friend's yard. Turns out he was climbng the craggy sandstone wall at the corner of the block and then a mesh fence, the little mountain goat. About 2 metres in height
  6. Congrats What gorgeous pitures and mum and pups! I don't that there has been a litter with so many people focused on them and sending well wishes in the history of Australia
  7. Gorgeous sweeties aren't they Phillipa. I am sure they will enjoy their pressies, so very generous of you. Aww, the girls getting pressies...I think we need a DOL live-streaming video link up for such special occasions
  8. Fantastic How wonderful!! I was popping on here to have a look and am so pleased...otherwise I was going to post that with all the media coverage any thieves would be sweating it!! What a great result for all :D
  9. It is on the news page of ninemsn and I am in NSW so the news is being given high prominence!! That is good because I think it touches every pet owner who imagines being in the same predicament, and the fact that the bitch is expecting pups this week will also get your everyday readers on side. Here's hoping for a positive result today!!!
  10. My pap barks at other dogs but never a word inside, even with outside sounds, and is a good watch dog. When there was a burglar around our apartment building he growled, no barking. I also walk him some days around the block, that's it! Other days take him to the park for some running. They are a very unique kind of breed, VERY alert, but don't mistake it for high energy. They are highly recommended for elderly people and apartment living.
  11. So short sighted She needs to let the breeder know as she would be passing him on undesexed. Honestly, it comes across as about saving money and as if getting the pup and now getting rid of the pup has been very impulsive.
  12. Just to add...I think I was the one suffering from separtation anxiety too I know exactly what you mean!
  13. Don't feel bad especially if she shows no sign of stress, count your luck!! I felt EXACTLY the same but now leave my Papillon at home alone up to ten hours a day three times a week. I have a dog walker once a week ($20) and put that in the middle of the days, I also have some short work days. A routine is good, so I walk him before I go out, and I feed him as I walk out the door so my leaving is a great thing! Lately I throw snacks all over the floor and the little bugger doesn't look at me as I leave. It took me a while to relax around it and to establish the routine. I leave the radio on with music, and close off a few doors of the apartment. I feel so lucky that he seems to love his home and is a happy to sleep indoors on soft things! I also had a trainer come in to help me establish the routine and feel better about it. Maybe you might want to do that too to assist you and help you feel more confident. Doggy day care may be handy but do you want to rely on it and have a dog who can never be alone?? Save some money and get her used to it as dogs all over the world spend some time alone and don't suffer, especially with dedicated owners. My friend who is a vet said it is good for them to learn to be separate as there will be times when you need to leave them at a vet or go on holidays, so better it is a part of their regular lives.
  14. baaaahahahaha... love it. thank you. Was inspired to searching... check this out: http://www.sloppykisscards.com/dog-fathers-day-ecards.php They are perfect!!
  15. Thanks for that. We live in Chippendale, so will definitely check it out once he's old enough yes, it looks lots of fun... I am the papillon owner lurking around the edge of the snag crowd :D
  16. It looks good and I know nothing honestly about puppies or breeding...but when I first read this thread title it reminded me of overzealous parents pushing their kids into educational stuff, educational toys, and after school coaching etc
  17. What's ACO Rozzie? This makes me really angry. "Not knowing what to do" is just pathetic. How much brain do you need to call an expert?? Well, they did chain the husky for now but it is terrible. I cannot imagine how I would feel if a neighbour's dog killed mine. It has to stop. They need to give the dog to a Husky Rescue group if one exists... Surely, they just can't handle the dog and it will end up being put down rather than possibly being rehabilitated at this point
  18. Sounds like a very stressful day! Put it down to experience and enjoy your gorgeous pup
  19. Obviously it is driving you crazy at the moment so maybe have a break for a few days to regroup. Why don't you take a photocopy of your vaccination and just show it when someone asks...say something about it happening so much you decided to carry proof with you Look, obviously you feel bad about it and snapping back hasn't helped but understand people are concerned about your pup and there are a lot of folks who might not be vaccine aware or care about pet health. On days when you are feeling like you've had it, just go somewhere quiet and just EXPECT to be asked if people are around so that you are ready. Is your pup really babyish looking?? Can we see a piccy :D
  20. How exciting!! Maybe time for her to take a road trip to Port Macquarie
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