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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. Yep LG. Recently was going to pay over $600 myself for dental work until the vet brought it down a hundred for me. Desexing seems pretty reasonable in comparison, which thinkingabout it is weird. At least you only desex once and you will have peace of mind. Alas vet bills are something I just had to surrender to when I became a pet owner, challenging my rather tight#$%# ways :D
  2. Sorry for your loss Memphis...must be truly awful, and Idigadog, hope your dog is on his way to health again. It sounds so frustrating and scary to have put in such mammoth efforts and still they get in. Are the snakes looking for shelter, a cool spot, place to nest, water or food??
  3. It is likely he just was let lose. That happened in my neighbourhood with a robbery and the dog was found within the day. Do robbers want a big dog to look after, perhaps not. Fingers crossed for a safe return and hopefully Nelson is microchipped.
  4. I think we need a photo ala Cesar Milan style of you walking your pack :D
  5. You have to take responsibility for where you are trying to train. Putting yourself in the middle of a public place is just setting yourself and others up, if you want to be left alone. Find somewhere more out of the way, or do it at home. I was always getting annoyed when I first had my dog because he was firing off at other dogs on our walks and in Bondi it is trendy to have your dog offleash (usually staffy). So all dogs run up to Tonka and set off what I was trying to train him out of... Finally I realized I could be stressed and tense and upset at all these people OR I could take a quieter route, quieter time, cross the street when I saw something up ahead...changed my life and changed my dog too
  6. Would you say Paps are naturally yappy ? and how are they generally around bigger dogs ?? I think it depends on the individual dog and also of course on the training. Tonka barks at other dogs but has learnt quiet and it is often from excitement. I live in a unit and he never barks inside even with noises in th foyer and knocks on the doors around me. He will bark if someone knocks at the door. I find him fine with big dogs, he may bark slightly more as they approach one another at a dog park before they meet. Big dogs love to get him to chase them and he happily obliges. I visited my friend with 8 maremmas and my friend was amazed how relaxed Tonka was amongst them. Plus recently he met some Irish Wolfhound pups (12 months) at the dog park and ran with them, putting them in their place.
  7. We have 3 Paps & yes they are the BC of the toys :D, great social furkids, love being around other furkids & ppl, I would recomend this breed for anyone who wants to do any doggy sports :D with a small dog we will have our 3 competing next year 2 in Obedience & 1 in Agility Paps only have a signal coat, they will need a regular groom in particular around the ears, tail feathers, pants on the back legs, just to keep them nice, I groom ours a couple of times a week & it only takes me about 15min for each dog, other than that they are great Oops being a little biesd here sorry, :D I groom my pap once every two months!! People always say I must be very dedicated to grooming as he looks great but the coat is very low maintenance. And I have him totally natural, no clipping at all. He gets bathed once or twice a year. He loves puddles but when he dries it brushes off. Go Paps
  8. Having been researching the breed as an option for my next dog, I really, really love the black and white and a rich sable and white. Oh so beautiful. But I'd take any pap if it were the right dog for me. I am lucky that I don't have a colour that I dislike. Black and whites seem to be the best known. At the dog park I always get suprise that Tonka is pure because he is red sable and white, and people often say that they onlu thought they came in black and white. Observing regarding poodles of all three sizes black seems the most popular/common.
  9. Found some youtube evidence of other Papillons doing zoomies...crazed look in eye, check...erratic turns and movements, check...
  10. Ok so while sitting in the dog park today I found myself wishing Tonka would do some zoomies like a few other dogs because it looks like they have so much fun when they do it. Alas Tonka's zoomies are far and few between. So I was wondering, if I ever wanted a "frequent" zoomies breed what would you recomend I have seen westies do the zoomies and they are one of my favourites...
  11. Good work! You sound like you are getting over the terrible shock and seeing that Mojo is going to be okay must help immensely. I hope your son is picking up too. The new puppy might be a good thing for your son, he can assist in helping out with the situation. The fact that the boxer will be more outside is good and crate training actually an added bonus in there!! We will need pictures pretty please of the patient and new pup when it arrives :D
  12. I have thought of human nursing, but i can't say i am as patient with humans as i am animals, and i'm still hesitant to go back and study something for a long period of time. 3 years i think it is. My mum used to be a nurse. Hated it and gave it up to look after the kids all day. I guess i've only ever heard mums hate of the job. Never spoken to anyone that loves nursing.. I know, it can be very individual. I have a friend who has been a nurse since leaving school and her mother was a nurse too, they struggled with the hospital system but my friend loves aged care. Lots of different fields of work and I do think it seems well paid to be honest. at least lots of jobs out there: in a GP practice, alcohol and drug work eg. methadone clinic, travel medecine etc. Universities offer accelerated 2 year courses of nursing. I am just doing my qualification in Social Work (at age 42!). As some have said, all work has its good and tedious points but security and feeling decently paid, having enough for the important things in life is important, having some interest and scope for change within the field, plus job availability...all considerations. My dog trainer who has a one-to-one training business in people's homes and does puppy pre-schools at a few vet surgeries was originally a vet nurse. She may in fact still do a few days but has become a trainer with a private business and she is great. Good luck and keep us posted
  13. I can understand your hesitation with that pay... Why not satisfy the animal side of things in a different way eg, rescue, volunteer work etc and study human nursing for better pay and a world of employment opportunities to boot. So many interesting fields and the animal passion can still find a place in your life in a different form
  14. I don't think we have enough thunderstorms here to get one, lol! After three years of having Tonka, only last week when I was at a friends place with big windows during a storm did Tonka freak out a bit. My place is quite protected, small windows etc. Hey, how do you reckon they have such a calming effect?? It sounds amazing!
  15. Well today I had a real treat at my dog park with meeting three bounding, galloping Scottish Deerhounds They were spectacular and look quite Gothic or medieval. They were very friendly and the pup of the trio took a great liking to my Papillon, chasing the ball together. They galloped off and Tonka kept putting this huge size pup in its place. They are an incredible size and must need space, plus I just read that they only live 8 or 9 years which seems pretty short. Does anyone know why large breeds live shorter lives??
  16. I love a pack of paps!! also some of the mixes of big and little dogs!
  17. Yeah, one dog is so manageable. I sometimes think I will just go for it with another critter of some sort but it isn't a short committment and I think tht maybe my circumstances might change...
  18. Maybe this should become a solo sledding dog thread. I'm sure my pap could manage a shoe box behind him a few times around the living room if there was liver treats involved
  19. So after reading another thread I was amazed at how many owners have multiple dogs, some having an amazing number (no names mentioned Indigirl ;) ). So I was wondering if there are many out there like me who have a solo dog. I must say that my situation is about being an apartment dweller and more about bleeding strata rules than practicalities. I have Tonka, a Papillon, and he seems very content on his own. He is very people focused and doesn't particularly play with other dogs at the dog park. He spends up to five days a week at home alone and he is a happy little vegemite, and loves his home... I'd love to hear of any others solos dogs out there
  20. I have a six year old Papillon called Tonka who loves soft surfaces
  21. Oh, I missed that you got another one. Oberon is gorgeous adult now
  22. Thanks Monah...I have never seen them either. I would have thought it was a curly-haired English foxy They are wonderful photos and he looks at the heart of the family! He has that teddy bear face that alot of oodle buyers go for. I think you do the breed a great service starting this thread
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