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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. Yes. I would be calling the police and alerting them of your poor Dad's situation. Maybe bring him in the house with you for a while so if they come no-one is in the granny flat to deal with and also maybe you might find another way to head them off. Set the alarm to be ready for them, have your Dad not answer the door etc...so he stops contact with them totally. As for your dog...well good luck :)
  2. I just found this on the net. What a beautiful painting!
  3. "Papillon which is French for butterfly...because their ears look like butterfly wings" which some people then get and equally some don't. Sometimes followed by "I thought it was a Pomeranian" and I might say "They do have similiar little faces..." And then people often comment that they are very uncommon and i say about them actually being one of the older spaniel breeds... I f people know about them they are excited to see a live one, often pronouncing the ll in papillon :)
  4. It was a member of the dog owners family (my friend) who phoned to check. The dog owner feels awful about it and has morally done all the right things but is now concerned after her relative (my friend) said she could be in deep poo. I guess they are now just worried about the legal ramifications so I said I'd ask the DOL folk.The neighbours didn't see the attack but the dog owners were home when it happened and rushed the cat straight over where the owners were home and took the cat straight to the vet. So at this point they don't know if the cat made it or not. Look, no one has made a complaint yet, right? The cat owner would be the one who needs to put in a complaint. Frankly who ever phoned the council from the dog owners side is scaremongering I would say and should chill. It would be a harsh council indeed to take steps against a dog properly fenced attacking a cat going into the yard. Gawd, when I was growing up our dacshund killed so many of the neighbours cats through them coming into our yard... Sad but they should have not come in, what are you as the dog owner meant to do???
  5. Aww, can feel your pain WJ... Yes, it may take time to get over the deaths and two is doubly sad. Hugs to you
  6. I agree with the suggestions of the others...still confining her to some degree to keep her settled but just bigger than the play pen. I live in a unit and close bathroom, a bedroom and the living room doors so Tonka ends up with the hallway and kitchen and my bedroom. It is the quieter end of the unit as he was barking at passersby and dogs when he could get into the lounge. It may be a bit of trial and error but don't be disheartened...just a new routine to establish. I also leave the radio on as a sound buffer and often feed him as I go out the door, so my leaving is a great thing!! I balance out my time away with a walk and play before I go and often to the dog park first thing when I go home.
  7. Well, although Tonka is not a boxer he supports them wholeheartedly, whatever colour (didn't even open that thread once ) Tonka, secretary of the Papillons Who Support Boxers committee
  8. SL, it is no doubt too late but I think you should have called the police out...blood! Hacksaw and tresspassing!!
  9. I feel upset for you Kristy and Eric, and also angry that it would seem no assessment was done on the dog to find out how he would be in a normal home environment. If the dog has thyroid problems yet again I feel upset that you have ended up in this awful situation. I know that there must be great moments with him that make it hard to imagine letting go of him BUT honestly what a stress!! If you do take him back you will feel sad. Just remeber next time to go a more secure route, a dog in rescue where you know what you are getting.
  10. And no doubt got to know the subject well himself
  11. Great attitude, maybe why your dogs don't miss you. My dog can pine, gets anxious so ideas as the OP is asking are valid. Mine hates me even LEAVING for work, his little world crumbles, and he is a very stressy dog as a rule however being away for extended periods of time it's not an issue for some reason. Probaby because he's too busy with new smells and new exciting things to notice :) The 'hardened' attitude is for MY benefit so that I don't worry about him My first post was possibly a bit harsh, but it wasn't intended to be. I just think sometimes we make it worse than it needs to be. Well I amm so relieved that you are not a hardened soul afterall, but do agree that the best is "not to give energy" to the doggy anxiety. I too have practiced the thing of ignoring the dog 15 minutes before leaving, especally when I got him, and the point that patting or seeking to "reassure" the dog apparently reinforces the anxious behaviour. A friend who is a vet said that it is actually really good that your dogs are used to not having you there as part of their routine, for the very reason that it becomes normal and so when you do go away or they have an overnight stay at the vet's it is less stressful. This helped me immensely.
  12. Great attitude, maybe why your dogs don't miss you. My dog can pine, gets anxious so ideas as the OP is asking are valid.
  13. I feel a bit naive and sheltered here. I always thought dogs these days lasted over ten at least and childhood daccie lasted to 13 and assorted aussie and foxie terriers until mid-teens. I can't believe the number of young dogs dying from ailments in this thread. Are these associated with inbreeding of bygone days in the lines?? Bad fortune??? So sorry to hear of your losses to young dogs and their ailments. Makes me not assume my little Papillon will be here until 16...whicch is what I always assumed. Why is it smaller dogs live longer generally? Any biological whizzes out there who can sum it up in brief?
  14. How can people do that?? Look at a beautiful dog and see it only in terms of racing. I find it really disgusting and awful
  15. This is one of those stories that really hurts...very sad for this man and his dog... I just couldn't imagine taking my pet to be put to sleep for anything but it being ill. The man must have been feeling very bad
  16. The OP asked genuine questions and some of the responses are judgmental and accusing. I think it is innocent enough and the norms that may be known to many on here in the breeding community are news to many of us...and that can be communicated respectfully I think!
  17. I wouldn't be trusting a breeder who makes those kind of blanket/ black and white statements in a newsletter. It is not very mature and projects a lot of human qualities onto dogs for a start!
  18. Gee Borzois rate very highly in this thread! I didn't stickwith five as there are many breeds I could say I would love to have for lots of different reasons.
  19. You beat me to it benshiva. Except for the Whippet. Border Collie Papillon Golden Retriever Border Terrier Japanese Spitz, 6 m/o puppy has grown on me. Originally wouldn't have thought of because of colour. First person with taste who includes Papillon :D Papillons and Border Collies are a special combo!! For me: Swedish Deerhound Maremma Golden Retriever Wire-haired Jack Russell Borzoi or Greyhound ETA: Oh, West Highland Terrier, Aussie Terror, Pomeranian, oh and rough collie
  20. Thinking of you and little Zedley. A sad situation...no matter that you know it is the right thing to do, you will miss your little pal... Take care Loraine xxx
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