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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. Thinking of you and wishing whoever sees her or has her sees your ads...
  2. Good on your neighbour!! It might be worth letting all the other neighbours know (you may have done already) so that you can all look out for one another...that is the thieves' most unfavourable conditions...people taking notice! Have to laugh at Bruno being a lover not a fighter :laugh: Tonka is similar to Maggie I think, he is very protective and feisty if he senses something diffeent around the home...so I feel incredibly safe even though he is a 4kg ankle biter :)
  3. Smart move saying she is desexed Just give it time and keep going with the publicity.Hoping for good news, so sorry you have to go through this
  4. Hoping today is the day... Are the circumstances sus or an accidental escape? When Tonka escaped from my friend's place (being a little mountain goat) he just went around to the front door to wait to get let in again (three hours later when my friend came home).
  5. I grew up with kikuya in a harsh western nsw environment with terriers. My mum was a gardener and planted kikuya because it was tough. A key may be that it really needs to get established with the network of runners forming the lawn before dogs get going.
  6. Wow...great photos and a lovely pack... Thanks for photos. The cats are very amusing :laugh:
  7. Scootie is so gorgeous...quite like Tonka in colouring and they both have lovely full flowing coats (and raincoats too :laugh: )
  8. Yes, I agree that I can't think of crating my dog during the day...he is confined in the unit. He likes to be under the doona :laugh: I also haven't done the overnight crate thing and with current dog is probably too late even if I tried... He used to be crated everynight outside in kennels before I got him but he knows I can't do it, am a soft touch in this aspect!
  9. Sorry. I thought I saw Lucy in the first item I read then when I went to bring it up again to link to this thread...it was a boy :
  10. News li nk Poor pup. And owners. Good they are getting media coverage
  11. Black pugs are also reputed to be more devilish...watch out
  12. I'm livid and very sad Now it has to stop! Police should be called, council and rspca, all! The owners should go to court for this.
  13. I would stop taking it to heart especially with the visit from the ranger a few weeks ago. Nut cases usually reveal themselves in the amount of complaining. Keep the barking diary but beyond that just let them waste their time. Have a friendly chat with the neighbours on the other side to ask them to testify to the truth if it were ever needed...but just forget about them. If they have no insight into their own dogs that just speaks volumes!
  14. They must have got the guilts big time...didn't plan on an extra passenger in their escapades!
  15. Yay! I am so pleased...and they note he was found "lying on the dashboard" :laugh:
  16. This is awful. I was looking for good news today as it happened yesterday but it looks like the dog is still missing. How terrible for the owners. Hopefully he is okay, somewhere http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/dognapped-with-the-family-car-20120617-20hns.html Queensland police are hunting for a man who stole a good Samaritan’s car and inadvertently dognapped their dachshund who was inside the vehicle, on the Gold Coast yesterday. Tau the sausage dog was riding with his owners in their champagne coloured 2001 Mitsubishi Magna sedan when they witnessed a crash at a Mermaid Water’s intersection, just after 10am. His owners stopped and ran over to the collision to see if they could help, which is when police allege a male driver involved in the crash stole their car with Tau still in the back seat. Advertisement: Story continues below A photo on Twitter of the missing dachshund, Tau. A social media campaign asking for information leading to Tau’s return was launched almost immediately. Tau is described as a brown male dachshund with a white chest. Police were unable to provide a description of the man who took him. Anyone with information on the dog or the stolen vehicle [registration 776 HMI] is asked to contact Broadbeach police or Crime Stoppers. Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/dognapped-with-the-family-car-20120617-20hns.html#ixzz1y2udegSd
  17. So I took Tonka back for the complimentary free check in and his mouth has healed well. I ended up getting prescription diet dental food, the small bites one, and he took to it with great enthusiasm when we got home. I also got Plaque Off which I sprinkled on the food and it will last me a long time as he needs such a small daily dose. So all in all feeling more positive and will pick up a kiddies soft tooth brush to do his teeth a few times a week.
  18. Someone was offended by that? Oh dear, what is the world coming to Lj was a craze? I still use my LJ more than I use my left hand :p Well. for a first time seer it is very gory and painful to look at...and bloody. You must have all got desensitized or else aren't so sensitive to such stuff. It is pushing the limits for general folks I would say...thanks for changing. Also, thanks for explaining why the big dogs have a shorter life span, I was interested in that :)
  19. What a little cutie! Even when grown should still fit nicely in the bag :)
  20. They look well cared for enough to me. A new form of "Pity busking"? Perhaps raising funds for vaccinations? Hats off for ingenuity if it is not legitimate! Well the dogs are homeless too and he has obviously trained them well. He will probably go quite well and hopefully spend some on the dogs.
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