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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. No, it is an official off-leash park for council and biggish. I saw it on the news a few nights ago. They have put lots of warning signs up and a lady who had her dogs on-leash was saying how quiet it was, no dogs nor owners risking it at the moment. It is just beyond imagining how someone can do that
  2. Looks a bit old with that grey muzzle. I hope his owners are missing him and looking for him.
  3. Ha ha, looking at your Little Legs Dog Rescue you could get a product endorsement gig I reckon
  4. Hi, I am looking to get some pet steps so Tonka can get up on the bed easily. It is a bit high and i worry about him twisting his back. Was looking at these ones which are cheap and have a washable cover: Pet steps EBay Any recommendations?
  5. Get real John McAteer. I don't care how many photos of children are posted if posting them helps catch criminals. Too often "a responsible adult" just isn't around. Or the adults use the child/include the child in these kind of crimes, which is really off. I hope that the adults get charged with theft. On the news lastnight the owner said that with the police she went to the house and confronted the people and Buckie was there. I would go to the same lengths and believe if actions like that show the dog being removed, film doesn't lie and the kid and his parents have to answer.
  6. Ha ha. I have a 4kg pap on the bed and me. In summer he gets down, but comes to visit in the morning. He starts off on the other pillow, which is like a mattress for him, sometimes he sleeps on the same pillow as my head which feels like I am wearing a fluffy hat
  7. I'm so sorry to hear Cal didn't make it. I am glad he was with you and at home. RIP Cal and I am sure he is looking over you xx Take care.
  8. Good point! Everyone has the right to not read a thread if you find it unappealing or old territory. Simple.
  9. They were amazing. You might get to watch it on iview KD. Have a look. I really enjoyed it too Pers... :)
  10. Lol read this as two Britts=Brittanys I was like why on earth would Brittanys be sent to a sheep dog trainer!!! Ha ha. Did you watch it RV? It is a bit like our own private little thread here, would make no sense if not watching the show :laugh:
  11. That was sad when they left and Em watched them go! Well, that was good. Will watch next week's show, they are going to Canada.
  12. It did look good to work outside, especially if the dog listens to you. What an interesting show! It is a it like an Aussie version of the dog whisperer!
  13. Yeah. Gosh that poor cat. The guy had no idea how to deal with that, the poor thing!
  14. The two Brits have been sent to Victoria to work with a sheep dog trainer :D I wonder if anyone n here knows the guy Matt (he's the Aussie trainer who lives in Vic)??
  15. There is a new reality tv show starting now on ABC2 called Don't Blame the Dog!
  16. That's interesting how they sit facing one another... So cute both of them :)
  17. Good on you for having your wits about you to take photos and document it and hand it to the authorities. Hope Riddick is okay and I would still use the park if you wish but be hypervigilant to remove your dogs if you see this person and maybe even phone the authorities if you see this person again. Basically, get them out of the public park as it ruins it for all other dog lovers, and in highly dense urban environs we need our parks!
  18. Gosh this thread is killing me again...seem to run out of any iota of empathy by nightfall it seems. I don't suppose you will post it on here for us :D
  19. OMG Puppy Sniffer this is serious damage! I have definitely recovered my empathy this morning and may stick with toy breeds for the rest of my life after reading this thread.
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